Box 17, Folder 1, Document 60

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Box 17, Folder 1, Document 60

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December 6, 1962

Mr. DuPree Jordan, Publisher

935 Gordon Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear DuPree:

I would like to suggest that you ask two other people
concerned with the problems existing in the Peyton
Forrest area to meet with you and representatéves
asked by Mr. J. T. Bickers for the purpose of
evaluating these conditions.

I am asking the two of you to consider yourselves as
an official citizens committee to meet and report
back to me as to how you feel this problem can best
be solved.

May I hear from you as to whom you wish to appoint
and when you plan to meet. I know you are concerned
about this area and it is my feeling that through our
mutual efforts this satisfactory solution can be found.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr. e





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