Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 1, Document 69
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jor22e le ee
Congratulations and many thanks for the splendid reports coming
in on the new plegdges to the Friendship Club. Already some
departments have reported 100% participation on the schedules
suggested. This shows a fine attitude and fine executive ability
by the heads of these successful departments and their employees.
In every instance where the department head has set the example
and personally presented the program to his employees, the
results have been outstanding. This is a challenge that cannot be
Reports of successful departments indicate that the department
heads and their top salaried employees first met and got behind
the program, After that, it was not difficult to get other employees
to follow the good example set,
Special recognition is due the following departments:
Comptroller Personnel
Fire Police
General Court Purchasing
Municipal Auditorium Traffic Engineering
I feel certain that all of the other departments will make equally
fine reports when they have completed their solicitations. Every-
body wants to carry his share, so let's get the job done by
November lst if possible. If more time is needed, however,
delay your report. It is more important to achieve success in
this effort than it is to meet a deadline,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
5. 5s
Le es a a ay tk a es a i dl i gel ‘Miia aaabhar ae Be enh ARB. ll
— — ~
jor22e le ee
Congratulations and many thanks for the splendid reports coming
in on the new plegdges to the Friendship Club. Already some
departments have reported 100% participation on the schedules
suggested. This shows a fine attitude and fine executive ability
by the heads of these successful departments and their employees.
In every instance where the department head has set the example
and personally presented the program to his employees, the
results have been outstanding. This is a challenge that cannot be
Reports of successful departments indicate that the department
heads and their top salaried employees first met and got behind
the program, After that, it was not difficult to get other employees
to follow the good example set,
Special recognition is due the following departments:
Comptroller Personnel
Fire Police
General Court Purchasing
Municipal Auditorium Traffic Engineering
I feel certain that all of the other departments will make equally
fine reports when they have completed their solicitations. Every-
body wants to carry his share, so let's get the job done by
November lst if possible. If more time is needed, however,
delay your report. It is more important to achieve success in
this effort than it is to meet a deadline,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
5. 5s
Le es a a ay tk a es a i dl i gel ‘Miia aaabhar ae Be enh ARB. ll