Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 1, Document 142
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435 Peyton Rd., S. W.
Atlanta 11, Georgia
August 6, 1962
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor's Office
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Sir:
I am a registered votor, an active member in the Atlanta
Junior Chamber of Commerce, an Elder in my church and am
active in local community affairs.
As you know, we in the Utoy-Peyton Forest area are now
under pressure from colored realators who are using “block
busting" techniques in an effort to integrate or convert this
all white residential area. We of this commmity have made
it quite clear that we are not interested in selling our
property, yet several people have been visited by colored
realators, others have been telephoned and still others have
received mail encouraging the listing of this property with
these realators.
I write to you with the hope that you will use your office
as Mayor to assist us in our efforts to keep this area free
from unwanted interference.
I respectfully submit this letter for your consideration
and thank you for your cooperation.
Yours very truly,
y Anderson, IIT
LE oso ok
cc: Mr. Jack Summers
Mr. Milton G. Farris
Atlanta 11, Georgia
August 6, 1962
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor's Office
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Sir:
I am a registered votor, an active member in the Atlanta
Junior Chamber of Commerce, an Elder in my church and am
active in local community affairs.
As you know, we in the Utoy-Peyton Forest area are now
under pressure from colored realators who are using “block
busting" techniques in an effort to integrate or convert this
all white residential area. We of this commmity have made
it quite clear that we are not interested in selling our
property, yet several people have been visited by colored
realators, others have been telephoned and still others have
received mail encouraging the listing of this property with
these realators.
I write to you with the hope that you will use your office
as Mayor to assist us in our efforts to keep this area free
from unwanted interference.
I respectfully submit this letter for your consideration
and thank you for your cooperation.
Yours very truly,
y Anderson, IIT
LE oso ok
cc: Mr. Jack Summers
Mr. Milton G. Farris