Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 1, Document 146
Text Item Type Metadata
July 30, 1962
‘Mayor Ivan Allen
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Sir:
Would appreciate very much your influence 4n hélping us
in the Peyton Forest Community in interest of the following:
Keep -Rawe negroe realtors from seeking listings
in this area.
Zoning of property on Gordon Road = Ml, this
property is located on the southside between
Peyton and Lynhurste
zoning strip of property south of Gordon,
east of Peyton tor negroe cemetary.
Appreciate your interest in this matter,
Yours truly,
E. E. Ravren
2906 KLacs Dr ow
Atiaita s49 | orgia
wu; Aidlccven Mitten Fariis
uv; Alderman Jack cumers