Box 17, Folder 6, Document 1

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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 1

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a3 The Atlanta Journal Thuriday, October 22, 14 | fito aed. : Y BRAGAN:

Meet The Atlanta Braves *Rt Minne

; a
In 1359, by the Sa wyatt, Proves He’s Tough Guy to Beat
‘Lemaster fanned thaw to ug
iin werow. ‘the: By JOHN LOGUE
better ‘Nineteen Thirty Five was a heckuva year for. the: Siliria,
“over fer] One-tenth of the men man-
Fried to the) aging in. the major
‘Atlanta,| today were in tha ria
The incumbent manager
of the Auanta Braves, Rob-
orl Randall "Hobby" Bra-
vi aa neers a
“infield and a John-
soo Grass outfield,
" = on And who was on the
x ‘bonus off the) mound — Wednesdays and
at Arizona Sagan aaa panes “Lim!” Laman,
senithpam Harria, that's who.
scheduled to :
pay hee 168 ered GU OAK eth Lae| Ht S620 tet op cn
zs | wile ' ¥ i te) Yur baseball genetics,
HANK AARON — Hummerin’ ‘ Blayed | ville pitched 9 rae Haris ty the new manager
Hank Aaron will go down a: one iS t seam | the Junior Series. of the Houston (alts,
of the heat hitters in National eee te 4 ‘There “ain't” but
1 history. Ia }e6t he bed record 1 managing in the major
in different categories — ron eae Eddie ba : leagues — nnd that's count-
BL, total Bases, rine scored, Solas inte this season] WARREN SPAHN—There are| lng a head, conch in Chi-
gs a MMathons ari | Lise wha cantend that Warren| cage — end no less, than
rund. flud he collected three he Braves tack upg) CRM SS the greatest letthander| Uo af them got thei ele
more hils be would have paced Nae nee ever lived. Although polar), eecsikod wa tbe
the Jeagin in that department. “Rio CAitY = th chee ih ties, big | Bat, Season was Buckwheat Milly boys of
In ‘addition he piole “31 baes ean hoi worst in his care Slluria. These were the
Bo en etter oir | Teento ond ust then 180 eames. | eek, si Ee bee
heate eee At 200 hin Iife-) moved Lee Maye oat m wasn't any ineumne,
time average it the highest of |field, He is potential By 2 Bobby: 4, bas
any active major league | the arent bithers in the National S au | land AN never: falled. this ausplelous
He has averaged better than 30 | League. e “G| time vielories beginning.
home tums for. the past seven pre ret om eae
‘years. He has been named to 10 h ven while Spabn THE = PAILADELIPHIA
‘AlL-Star games. His hobbies, | his ea & the recen Phillies him in 1037
other: than hitting, are: funting | out er Be Two and be didn’t take but three
and music ing Ha years fine into the bg
rs 5 tel Mawes o i time. He hit 285,298,
q a =i Ail at Pensacola, Fla.
‘ : LEE MAYE — Lee bs | where the lass of ‘baseball
1 | been pale the moet ‘was *D.*
i 1 ce in the ‘The next three yours he
: | ti te finally played his second base. in
‘ ' center field te #| Philadelphia where. he was
| id fabutous reakie known more for his biti
SAD Teel} MH tiittiingy Tran than his bat, hitting only
Braves: are Nesting Abeer aif times, es rh nea A th
shortal q t 8
is taied one. ef de Brooktin liked him and
re eres ibe a reed d ce yeah it all—winning bs tha
tepent IM in
: Setere cathe bee tam Tarte
efore f mary
ae minor Aes ey bas been Soon
- Warth, ywood ca Stockings, Hran-
FEUITE Alou kane until 1969. ealers, Doves, Fuathers~ and
palit phe | mntcaged. Per eh bine ;
inrier Mave kop Texan Leng tie kn 298 Jn he old Naha Asotin
ee oe In nn ae ean eehz tlre eae
: le Port Worth -fin-
ee ished second dnd fourth andl (FF, Netto. Wenge tm 196
: S edead dalle Eaves second. and. ten he min ee
poo ee We a le ram fn paat Te
: ; ne : Parific Cons) pentant tt eee see (Be L
their Jong-atneding probhem tn 4 ¥ carly yours, No team in hase
center tind, He want: Jaad-|ninger, certain jo, bocnmn me , pk aan ct it Sen paeette ie one ball hEnthEY th OKO Te
ing: hitier im the Gina’ pen-jof the fine righthanders im the tg Aired hal pene fn pr rare neni them the TM 'Miracia
nambrinniiing un of 1060. His |e a ge. Clonknger tok fur. ruinjor. 12, fhe played five a f er dent ae man Braves” who reaided In the
life! iverage tan iparkling |detie's kpot in she retatbean iaryd fren! praltiona. Mfenky has yet t = NE cle eri Juby 10, chon
2B with & barnes run | hob. | haan") given it up, When he beat . ' sn Of the: Pittabargh ri through the res. of thn
biéa are gol, flahing and skin |fie Dodger, 74, in 1803, LA i! Te a fesigue and won the pennant
diving manager Walter Alston called At hy SEH re MAN: wan willing DY. mand ool games,
5 : no tthe best icra games 7 mea beak hie Mesh Was-weeak. Th Sige heats ee Phile-
haul) ever wees, They be 24 Bi burgh where. the Pl i hletics bn
years old und hla hebby is luni i Te rater ht Se uaRTY TAICE stralihet gnetoet nthe
<TH | Clevelani, ened and Bre Sects
ae SS) gan brotgeht the Indiana into at eee a
ie = SOK TOME — Joe Torre,) mid-eeason sixth in 183%. He Plocaitip. ur pn Bigliy
wares? peat jon OLIVE! wits rent |brethior of former Atlaisia first] Girhed out the year at ene his third eae
ED BAILEY — Ed Halley) | MW for the Etraves’ Bull-(major teagaes:: fm) uddiikon tet) (irik of Gene, Oliver y ak} bnteman Prook Torre, ts ec, brought ome
adds punch from the left. side| ted ye pe Ee alg chee fne{ of power, In: eights the moyt feared the Wenn fe Heantqwn. ‘That
of plate and when he's in = ator and }ball he fos averaged wv i oe eur of tee victory
there, Jon Torre will ewitel to —— - i jereatesl| rine pee year. And kn and Sain and. two
firal base, The_ two together| . MIRE DE LA HO% — Auunts seasiy ( Deteedt Lr: N59 wduett | hue hep rain
give the Braves the mast formi-|/H8# Will remember Miko de Ln |i ere tvs, “Rly. tama | a ing. for the Dodgers and years. liter he
dable catching crew in buae-|Hoe se the third baseman for | “~ tothe Rrayow ina trade with the! Braves i 188) tg seouting Blowin wie prime, After a peak
hall. The native of Strawberry en Jac de. Sans, XK FISCHER ‘anihallh| Ghieite rhich wiv renghi iit] with Fob Sudowaldl Ele be rv team two com) Homerton eee 4 attendance af 1,455,479 jm 1548,
Plains, Teen. has been tumed nied actin eieiae er Idon't come much taster th an| Eelipe Ala, Ket Bailey, ind |at fhrat hase, but'was a catcher rs. Lenk Magazine pers sidekick Lum Har- the clit m1, 278
to five AILStar games. His tnt na has de be vl i {the ane thrown by’ Hack Fisch. Erne Bowen. He i used: pril|for ie Cardinab. Ha ie called | Y top catcher in the Th e he ae fans ity a
bien are hunting, flashing and] O88 Proved 15 Dem giv | a youtig rghthander. tn: twa | marty: im tlie taillpen sie Ml tint reap spirited play-|eagan, ti 1988, tn in61 Torre) The Braves gave the So Perint gave up lise ship und
olf en pRal pieinaondt jr roriomn trial with the Braves| ty EER yh th Me AMA [ere ree te perinem for the} was runnerup to the Cubs’ Bil- sad he ete. Hiwed the team to Milwaukee
i fit 7h the mvt commendable in the | Fehler showed algms of: bel | be me Dituyae Oeics a aan of faith —meneros)
a att of Gee | National: League. A veteran of | lance, fist did't begin Vas after the Milwaukee chsh FOR te next f
Bod stad ad capi tive major tongue inte hin gern tnt) this pear. E liane f finished fifth, only five the Bes Ooxt four seasons
ei Lua ste’ main hey Le get (it capable ot starting ie relie % & a garmee WE ihe: pace Bee a eae estes second
# it ; 2 | Hi Gites ate Ha be brilliant: finkdes: on | Fh 4 a a team won 20 of HS thee came the honamaa an the
Gh OST) GP it) feet mag a Tag ie bE jast 26 games ual seaa0n mi
Beets stem eg iis Brogun. made
a te eee qh at wi ie tory ‘at Spokane when he
a S Mi Sieve 1 5 c . HOW -SADOWSKI — Bob 5 took an: shnesite, 20-year-nlil
WADE BLASIN' ney we ok VER LEMASTER—They|ilowskl is a familiar name tr minor Jeager ahoriitag und
Biaaingame eB ied ae Lohtaster “ihe nivw| Adanians, One af ihe movt p irted him into a formid-

old when he
major. leaguer
only Qi now.

needs. js-experience.

coaparod| BbIt awitchhitter named
Real Many heathen a Maury Wills. Lifted: into the ares |
, " big time a rouponnive allied rem

He makes afl ihe) bat, Will has gone en. tn = win the Work

ime ae aren Span” Alter iwovcen-piahied piichers ia grace Pum

trpresihce etwmnna,! lt) Ce Leon Park, he waa BE when
= cimy to nee Why. Spake did't] the Braves purchaned him from |!
. Bowe dn the mapirs|t. odin. Hoy won five. gumes oh fi

DAVE EDERS=A reiiot|'
youngster | apocialict, Eilers ipeni moet of
1-1, 185, |the 190 season. performing in

the southpaw has perteet | the bullpen af the Toronts Ma-| | he Was 3. Letter. be) after jolnkiue the Braves and los | PU strong arm and ES) set. a4 banes Ht the. ese hn seven paren,

balld for a plicher, His fast ball | mle Leats. He has: snlid-back-| * oply 20 iw dened aed 4) and 11-0 to the Pirates and Cbs and | 8 gved Niter with power. som and be named the Moet year the team slipped to sec
and curve are exceptionul. He| ground of victories in the mi-} SILLY HORFT — filly Hoeft |/4 seasons r fo thie ane| 2-1 tn the Doelgera, He fashioned | Valuable Player in the Na- ood mm) hasn't won a pone
te rated one of the most deters|nors which will make iim a/ia a veteran of 19 yoors in the] Wien be compiled u TEE mari jm sparkling 282 ERA. Sala) i onal League. nat since.


It was almost aa lf the Milwaukee Graves wore destined
for Dixie when ihey tired Jhelr present conching staff
which is definitely *‘you-all” in character.

Braves Boast Three of Game’s Greatest Stars |

ee LEE WALAUEN 7 eee: He-had arly to of baseball in Ponce de Leon and holds thet Teague record §perienced by a Natlow-
Scie are cts a wm mut SL hitiers in 1840 Park, currently ranks ss the mort yi hitting 30 al League player. Ae ca
thon there mr super aiats. to broak Christy Mnthow- premier home run bitter {7,0 ‘eee tired five: tocliriduad cites,
Tie Benwew have’ three: of atnon) Loagiie mark among active major leagut comecutive years hitting 30 leading the league in RBI
the latter, Of 3.05 for a career. ae Only: ois men have or more forme runs In 1963 (139), total bases (3M), rans

| Pew team ean bosat treee ever bit mere hamers than
, ; - : it be received 124 walks t scored (121). npg t-
aoe Walker |= from Birmingham: Jo Jo White, now a | wctive allie greats lke SPANN (HAS le! the Na- the Ernves' Bomber, who jegd in thal department foe centage (S86 iia Deel her
resitent of Sacramento, Cali, is from down the rad at Warren Spakn, Eddie Ma tinal engin in eamplete fied 2 geing in the 1964 the third straight yemr and mest home rama (44), If that
Red Ouk, Gi. Whithew Wyatt, the pitching coach, fr aformer = Tee ii ae aay Bamen uine times, virtories zeaeon, the fourth time in his ca- wi nouigh, be etl 3
Cracker ininnayer and Nves at Buchanan, Tmmortality baw nirewdy: wight times; innings pitched Once considered © poor rper, basea, seound only to Maury
1 ) berm c id for Wie rome: end strikeouts four times; {lekder, Mathews worked at Wails’ 40,
Walker, the Braves’ hattitig instructor, Is ale a former of Spake, ANKough be didn't eaened: tim onvernge thren the third base position until Hank Aaron, sounger than
‘Allarita rian 2 well qualified to teach hitting, haveing win his first nrajor lem tities aed ed he became ailept enough to cliher ‘Spohn of Mae Aare hay ane ont the if
ed the: Natt 144 wilds ST mare 7 sere cet tt yes urn — pre, u Tend’ the league in putouts thewa, ntlil han uw great fue strongest throwing arms tn
hae. wots. ker 38° tring. In addition “he teen | and three ture ahead of him. The past 4
Wyatt ix in bis seventh ynar aa pitching coach ‘of the i in a years wor four World times. In 1003 Tee fod ‘all = behind him, however, ia al-

oe he

Braves. one of the lenge: hint baeemen In fielding. most cough to inure his Mt
ci e average in the

© in the majors. : ot
of histury’s great

on former » White Sex nnd Phillies among Hs
eatriser Seach, * ts. He hae been of any active major
F hoe won Tote some “the finest oll. player. Remarkably din
All ef the Braves" onaches have experience in pearly every mimes, pitehed mare ie Me wan named “PHche: r aroand player in the game, he has played in 14) games |
huratt of the parm, All hawe managed is the minor leagues, minus, atrock out more bat: ihe Dreondle.” for 10 consecutive mesons,

al won 20 gimea more Eddie = Mathews, who

have worked-2s sooty or instructors since their exit fram .
hoony Other lelthendioe played hie first fall ponson

eS ED the Jeague Tn 19) he had one of the He bas pinyed-in 10 comsecu-

ra, 4? and 46, gresiest semsont ever ex- tive all-star gumes,
ee ie


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