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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 19
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© 1964, hy The Journal Compang
Eighty-second Year— 288 Pages
US Feels Discord
in USSR Will Last
New Chiefs Believed’ fbdaed hire iF ackel far, Meek way Hen woe
malities are
Facing Oppositio
Nikolal V. Podomy, the 61
Not Expected to Be), ssi © gory, the 2
Long in Control Ukrainian party machine who:
‘has lurked just behind Brezh-
Circulation Last Sunday , 587,505
‘F amily of Man’
Shere a dovite further chal-|-9)
Society Selects
Award Winners
New York, N.'¥.—?—Adial
|Stevenson, Edward R. Murrow,
\Nobel peace prize winner Al-
lelevision station WNDT will re
we $5,000 each from the Se
cinty for the Family of Man for
setting “examples of excel
fence" in their respective fields.
The awards, announced Satur- AMC, Union
By MAX FRANKEL Sev in (he Moscow party ap-
‘@ New York Times News fervine [paratus, wos mentioned. by
‘Washington, D.C. — ‘The ad./fome high officials here an a
ministration tw convinced that) el
there fs. discord tn Moscow and|
throughout the Communist fon tee tee: Bp ex
world and that the drama of|pressions of deference to thel,
Premier -Khrusbchev's fall ae forces and to tradition-|
from power has only begun,
a OF Communist el
The new leaders of the Sol
iter was no way of know)
consistent themes! eat Family of Man)
the award.
net on Oct, 28'at which former)
President Dwight 0, Eisenhower)
jmili receive, as previously an-
inced, the society's highest
day, will be presented at a din Near Accord
The society was founded ‘by
lthe Protestant council of
jy of New York.
Stevenson is United Stance
imbarsador to the United No
Bane Murrow is former head
Strive to Agree in
Time for Full Day
on New Pact
Negotiators in Detroit
Sunday, October 18, 1964
Sunday, 25 centa
Latest Edition tf
County Threatens Atlanta
With Suit to Keep Braves
Drop Offer,
It Warns, or
Go to Court
Wiet Union are thongbt to Trave|ing, ‘however, whether Khru-lor the United Stutes information, Of Work letter ‘Asserts 4
pat together only an fnterim | thchev's SUCCESSOR Were Apt: apeac: E sere Monday Te at
coalition of contending forces, |! on hehalf of these strong) “Luthult was designated “for fy LEON SEMEN By AVERT he,
leenters uf power or simply ap-lteading the fight against the Of Tee Journal Staff ‘Of The Inurna) Gtate i
jpealing for their support at 8 tapartheid’ (white supremacy)
ek Darca tient Detrolt, Mich. — Negotiators
for the American Motors Corp.
express lenicial moment
at paacatiad "esd and doubt from|
pally of the South African gov-
The new Soviet leadera are! prament." to keep the Braves,
Communiat parties around the speaking respectfully of the wor ix am. educational tele 2% the United Auto Workers) ‘A. focal snow ‘aa mitski ha |
— jmilitary budget, which Hho | sision station owned by Fduce,|bore down on a nonstop bar-) officials of Atinnta that Milwan-
‘These. views were given to) Turn te bane 2, col. 2 |Honal Broadcasting Corp |gaining session early Sunday ‘kee county would ma thim un +
President Johnson by hin prin-| ee —tiet trenching © strike sed-) leu thay immediately stopped |
‘elpal national security divin [erent ‘before golng to bed. ‘trying to entice the Braves, ‘
ernina Nhl aad ( Id t F [ IS | tt ‘was spparent. that “both Atlanta hea offered the |
Bi noon Sw 0. wa ©F ease bert met it was urgent to re Braves « 25 year legeq for the |
Analysts here = mid they st ed the remaining ixeded in! 18 million dollar sports atadisim |
ten ‘no reliable explanation tor U d 1 M Th b| tts: to get some workers beck!
sudden overthrow of oo on the job Sunday to. prepare} 5; ‘
shchev and to clear indiention| nder an’ $ UMD | plants for full opecailoa! seein ae eee
= ie re oh et as men and) Lon Angtion Tne tire Serviow jthat feelx all the people should] MORAY, Bap en eee Laed
msec . Senator Barry Goldwater|bave their thumbs on the gov- BOW etnies. (eae aeeated Scannell
emment" as
Hegged acres Induetrial Oto eee id he nipported © the/tMtt progress had been made on belng: rushed, to
most of the issues thet led on
‘But there was general skep- Saturday, warning against 1
ygitho strike “which atarted: at
ticiem here about the official “many thumbs" concept
"We Challenge J to Debate Us!’
“ong man, ont thumb" federal) “We don't want one ans would throw In. Tucratinn |
tee he ihn government which might strip|thumh on our country Hai am, Friday, H TV radio. on i
ces Tha Vite ee its collective bargain: ober) es fe Tad “oer agreement has been J h ar ae for five year
: ing rights on economic items in Hac
tems aes ea At gn om mo nee ney a oct aeeeeeee SONNSON LV Talk to Assess rite < mom
tn Pravds, the office! Cone{ (Tock ot 32 preskenilal canna derroper of freedom anya at the ‘Tevinnton ap eeu ecm the DR
ign to nn cod, the Republi-iplace is government.” i e offer would
Sa oereney si sidered by the ball club's direc
Noting that Democrats
Russian Shift, Peking Bomb
jean nominee also declared thal
read as broad imuggeated that Goldwater's fi tors this week. He haw mot an
esigned to please the larpeat|< Omani Chins woulf Bat Pe gcc should not be on the muclear| eer nounced th date but last week
wumber of party mem: cone Tum tn page Fd, cold . eee eee eee [State and other sero af the/free to accept a standing affer|mporiedly spociaweek _
and subject to a variety of WOr4 for at least 25 years. eee ay ‘contanda that Washington, D. C—Presidenat| west, fearranged his schedule|from Johnson for secret inteltl ly, Sporting News, to expect an
Interpretations, ft will take that Jong. Gold- fe necessary tolJohneon, canceling Immediate {ter 0 meries of lengthy white Bence briefings. im anni
The absence of & clear In-lwoter told his nudiences, before’ Killed as Plane! lmrks " Welvieatse competitivelcampnign plans, will report tq Hous! conferences. Din ae ts ate Gene His sletsilhngtineign io
muahchey Waal pekine can develop m laurie jwith other appliance manfet-iiie nation Sunday night on Conferred at Length Roy anid Jobneon was can-/night that ad mentioned
taken ome eof Seating vehicle for tx new atomic! CTASNES IN [LinOiS!" 5... ssoxaymin aad vame|Communit China's fiom mus, He met fr an hour with the
Heer that he bad had resigned | warhend ‘Antiogh, IL — UPI — Three! progerss hind beets mundo ¢m thia| Clear test and the power shake| it eT peivately and at
tor reawone ae ago and health) The Arizonan, hoarse andipersons were killed Suturday|'7u¢ Saturday, bit reported) up in the Soviet Unien length with Secretary of Stata]
‘was another, 6 muttering: trom a week tondtin the crash of = arvall pelvare) ‘mat (he parties sul were far) Johnson will go before tele. etre sit eaeaner ot .
- Poilyorny ‘bold, toured plume ciel auites) vision Cameras and radia micre. mara: There pe el
Ochs hr lay doadadanbsee Sarat aoe xgtcl ane et ee An Agreement dy 4 Sraadcaly hones at 6:30 pin iCST). ALS? Oller conferences, “sltoe|
i aro
presidential tomb
the oon ‘bri Gold.
water does ‘oa cat ee leaders
dilate s
ssamitee Baey Goiatee, the) OF
ns, tobe tel
ship position ar
- . bot White House
iP i anid Bo ee source anid Goldwater still was Tarn to page 2. col 2
s ment would enforce compulsory rather
fora 1964 State — [erhitration. r Ww tee ever Ghemualveny
i He repeatedly accused John Record Tying Heat ave In its announcement Sntur- Badgers Beat lowa 31-2]
Blight Award san = grasping for ee el Gi W. t C | F t day, the White House said the| - ,
power” “which to) natinaal security council recom- * * *
nso shee was errant le eeetny) SHEVES WV AY 10 00! ont wet tat wean) for First Big Ten Victory
mu pown of big) Sa aed fem here mince Sept. 10 when ft |make the “report and ossess :
forrmed is Calltocela & S70UP jecsiness or big government, | for Mears. Boned TOY oe VE Pa vens Ber fel oem bee eae ecay i ene WVSCONSIES Hoothall — eMachine yun alley” ts the
G commit: |, 1M seater pledged thet W) Itwas a perfect day ta put It didn’t last Tong, howev: jeaid, “there is no present team scored itm first Big er the
tee" lis function is to make (teste! Me would defend inbor’s| storm windows on, but itwar er. By 3 pam, the mercury [cause for national wlurm and) Ten victory Saturday, defeat- ocnan off the Cuban sore
Sail hae teen right. to strike, bargain collec} _ better day to leave them had fallen 15 degrees after )no immediate ne ing Iowa, 31-21, before a nec- peat tintetivie red alla
ia Grider any cha lection TF hs'aecrperahig cliniiod to Mearinee her attr kek ||, Ante t rome, | ots of: Bost): Mit tie wea
tthe city.” contest wna between one philor| $1 at 2 pm. at Gen Mitchell rea said, wil be partly | The abrupt shift of presiden.| son. Details in. Sports See. «aie
A similar approwch might jophy which “leeld that one| field. That tod the record cloudy and eomewhat enolar, (tial plans, which also included) HOD. | She'd mther smoke a good
‘be taken In Wisconsin, which | man’s thumb should bo on your! ‘high for Oct. 17 set in 156. but no rain wae forecast for |the scheduling of a Monday) sais stitutes Journal en lear than be a dedicated ac-
has a few eyesores of its own ‘country and another philoanphy| It was the warmest reading the Milwaukea ares. briefing for Jead-) tress, says Sarah Miles, 21
worth hailing. Why not call | rt of both partion, seemed to] Seance hte a rane] Yet old British noneonfoem:
it the “Wisconsin Uglies com- Se ee oe piiaeest ison: getl chair Es an A int. Page 6, TV Screen
mittee” ond turn it loose to the official mood. | ore ee et ate =
acclaim those things which Johnson has downgraded the) The lost art of political The accent js on politics In |,
Pollote the bandscive scenery military significanice of the Chi-| heckling is recalled by Wal: Tye Picture J Robert
‘of our state? Candidates for nese noclonr test. He alao waa} (et Monfried. Page 2, Editori- Wells ener eee the art
See BHA Sars me assured Friday by Ambustador| #! Stetion at
Billboard interests, which Anutoly Dobrynin that Soviet) pritish Labor party Ieader Sena oe ator
mar the public view, particu- foreign policy remained wn) Harold Wilson is credited per- nn dosertscapes; Albert, Eng:
ily those that created the changed. sonally with winning last Ind or Wauketha shows his
super bil occasionally The president, who had been| week's close election, In an political button eollection,
geen from interstate routes. to fly to te Texna) article Edwin Roth, Jour- and- photographers take ‘you
‘The resort, tavern, restan- See ee ne oka a fie ce Neng garry on the trail with the
dent and other people #1 dertaking a y campaign} London. Page 3, Editorial dential candidates of this cen-
blot out the very scenery they swing: roca ee tas Star. Section. tury.
extol with roadside jungles
Kyard operatom
whole mountains
‘ing metal and shat-
glass in the midst of
scenes of tranquil beauty.
the shores of once lovely
lakes, « tribute to bad local
‘noning or no zoning at all.
The défacers of parks, the
carvers of initiats on benches, |
the target shooters at highs |
way sipnsond the daubers of
paint on scenic attractions.
With such a roster of eligi-|
tile candidates, the award
ceremony might take longer
than an academy awards
girls with bunches of balloons when he
Senator Barry Goldwater was greeted by spoke at a campalgn mally at the’ Akron-
Canton (Ohio) alrport Saturday.
New Look at China
This is the first of a 10 part sories
on Communiat Ching. The writer is a
‘specialist in for eastern ujfairs for the
Paria newspaper onde, He re
cently completed a lengthy tour of Red
‘Ching, his first visit there since 1955,
Lee Angeles Timaa/Waehtngion Past
‘News Service
Peking, Ching — Well, let's say it
Fight away, at the end of a long-jour-
ney of seven weeks in Communist
China: When Peking's nijera eny that
they have “on the whole” succeeded, 1
unk they ane telling the truth.
‘The Communist rogime is now firm-
Jy on the tracks, alihough errirs andl
obetacles brought it cloee 9 ‘disaster.
‘There has been great general progress,
although there still exist areas—some-
umes ¢ difficultion and
euffering, as tbe Chinesm concede im-
plicitly and as any objective viritor
eee by the progress; friends
communion would be appalled by
i problems that. remait,
‘Communism has wor two victories
in Ching,
vei eae conquered all na
ig standing evils—corruption, dis-
orderliness, disease. The advances T
noted in my Inst visit in the autumn of
1955 have been consolidated. And if
ft is true that the Chinese have suf-
fered a famine, they are mot hungry
But communism has also scored a
second victory. It has decidedly “suc-
ceeded” iF that is the word—in mati
fiecturing obedience by pushing ita 700
million poople through the rollers of
Mao: Marxian.
it waa in the thoes day, 2,000 mile
(rain trip from Hong Rong to Peking
that [witnessed my first surprise.
Th ved on the technicolor ae
acape. was the immense effort of
whole people to feed its malities.
Not aguas yard fad buec left unculs
Peking’s Progress Visible, Solid
eas ight tip to the rails, on the
embankments, in the ditches, -
along the the shoulders of the roada, on
eee temporarily lett dry. by
After the yeant of the great orisix,
from: 1959 to 1961, the
Peking had transferred
tien of Chi .
ie Tosa A ol ima cane
‘be like in: the summer of
making the sac movements wi
tere tole a the same tie i cho
over the Tike platooms
oe tle on tnancuver,
could see that
a wan =n the tn tod oda cee se
Tai kt See
© 1964, hy The Journal Compang
Eighty-second Year— 288 Pages
US Feels Discord
in USSR Will Last
New Chiefs Believed’ fbdaed hire iF ackel far, Meek way Hen woe
malities are
Facing Oppositio
Nikolal V. Podomy, the 61
Not Expected to Be), ssi © gory, the 2
Long in Control Ukrainian party machine who:
‘has lurked just behind Brezh-
Circulation Last Sunday , 587,505
‘F amily of Man’
Shere a dovite further chal-|-9)
Society Selects
Award Winners
New York, N.'¥.—?—Adial
|Stevenson, Edward R. Murrow,
\Nobel peace prize winner Al-
lelevision station WNDT will re
we $5,000 each from the Se
cinty for the Family of Man for
setting “examples of excel
fence" in their respective fields.
The awards, announced Satur- AMC, Union
By MAX FRANKEL Sev in (he Moscow party ap-
‘@ New York Times News fervine [paratus, wos mentioned. by
‘Washington, D.C. — ‘The ad./fome high officials here an a
ministration tw convinced that) el
there fs. discord tn Moscow and|
throughout the Communist fon tee tee: Bp ex
world and that the drama of|pressions of deference to thel,
Premier -Khrusbchev's fall ae forces and to tradition-|
from power has only begun,
a OF Communist el
The new leaders of the Sol
iter was no way of know)
consistent themes! eat Family of Man)
the award.
net on Oct, 28'at which former)
President Dwight 0, Eisenhower)
jmili receive, as previously an-
inced, the society's highest
day, will be presented at a din Near Accord
The society was founded ‘by
lthe Protestant council of
jy of New York.
Stevenson is United Stance
imbarsador to the United No
Bane Murrow is former head
Strive to Agree in
Time for Full Day
on New Pact
Negotiators in Detroit
Sunday, October 18, 1964
Sunday, 25 centa
Latest Edition tf
County Threatens Atlanta
With Suit to Keep Braves
Drop Offer,
It Warns, or
Go to Court
Wiet Union are thongbt to Trave|ing, ‘however, whether Khru-lor the United Stutes information, Of Work letter ‘Asserts 4
pat together only an fnterim | thchev's SUCCESSOR Were Apt: apeac: E sere Monday Te at
coalition of contending forces, |! on hehalf of these strong) “Luthult was designated “for fy LEON SEMEN By AVERT he,
leenters uf power or simply ap-lteading the fight against the Of Tee Journal Staff ‘Of The Inurna) Gtate i
jpealing for their support at 8 tapartheid’ (white supremacy)
ek Darca tient Detrolt, Mich. — Negotiators
for the American Motors Corp.
express lenicial moment
at paacatiad "esd and doubt from|
pally of the South African gov-
The new Soviet leadera are! prament." to keep the Braves,
Communiat parties around the speaking respectfully of the wor ix am. educational tele 2% the United Auto Workers) ‘A. focal snow ‘aa mitski ha |
— jmilitary budget, which Hho | sision station owned by Fduce,|bore down on a nonstop bar-) officials of Atinnta that Milwan-
‘These. views were given to) Turn te bane 2, col. 2 |Honal Broadcasting Corp |gaining session early Sunday ‘kee county would ma thim un +
President Johnson by hin prin-| ee —tiet trenching © strike sed-) leu thay immediately stopped |
‘elpal national security divin [erent ‘before golng to bed. ‘trying to entice the Braves, ‘
ernina Nhl aad ( Id t F [ IS | tt ‘was spparent. that “both Atlanta hea offered the |
Bi noon Sw 0. wa ©F ease bert met it was urgent to re Braves « 25 year legeq for the |
Analysts here = mid they st ed the remaining ixeded in! 18 million dollar sports atadisim |
ten ‘no reliable explanation tor U d 1 M Th b| tts: to get some workers beck!
sudden overthrow of oo on the job Sunday to. prepare} 5; ‘
shchev and to clear indiention| nder an’ $ UMD | plants for full opecailoa! seein ae eee
= ie re oh et as men and) Lon Angtion Tne tire Serviow jthat feelx all the people should] MORAY, Bap en eee Laed
msec . Senator Barry Goldwater|bave their thumbs on the gov- BOW etnies. (eae aeeated Scannell
emment" as
Hegged acres Induetrial Oto eee id he nipported © the/tMtt progress had been made on belng: rushed, to
most of the issues thet led on
‘But there was general skep- Saturday, warning against 1
ygitho strike “which atarted: at
ticiem here about the official “many thumbs" concept
"We Challenge J to Debate Us!’
“ong man, ont thumb" federal) “We don't want one ans would throw In. Tucratinn |
tee he ihn government which might strip|thumh on our country Hai am, Friday, H TV radio. on i
ces Tha Vite ee its collective bargain: ober) es fe Tad “oer agreement has been J h ar ae for five year
: ing rights on economic items in Hac
tems aes ea At gn om mo nee ney a oct aeeeeeee SONNSON LV Talk to Assess rite < mom
tn Pravds, the office! Cone{ (Tock ot 32 preskenilal canna derroper of freedom anya at the ‘Tevinnton ap eeu ecm the DR
ign to nn cod, the Republi-iplace is government.” i e offer would
Sa oereney si sidered by the ball club's direc
Noting that Democrats
Russian Shift, Peking Bomb
jean nominee also declared thal
read as broad imuggeated that Goldwater's fi tors this week. He haw mot an
esigned to please the larpeat|< Omani Chins woulf Bat Pe gcc should not be on the muclear| eer nounced th date but last week
wumber of party mem: cone Tum tn page Fd, cold . eee eee eee [State and other sero af the/free to accept a standing affer|mporiedly spociaweek _
and subject to a variety of WOr4 for at least 25 years. eee ay ‘contanda that Washington, D. C—Presidenat| west, fearranged his schedule|from Johnson for secret inteltl ly, Sporting News, to expect an
Interpretations, ft will take that Jong. Gold- fe necessary tolJohneon, canceling Immediate {ter 0 meries of lengthy white Bence briefings. im anni
The absence of & clear In-lwoter told his nudiences, before’ Killed as Plane! lmrks " Welvieatse competitivelcampnign plans, will report tq Hous! conferences. Din ae ts ate Gene His sletsilhngtineign io
muahchey Waal pekine can develop m laurie jwith other appliance manfet-iiie nation Sunday night on Conferred at Length Roy anid Jobneon was can-/night that ad mentioned
taken ome eof Seating vehicle for tx new atomic! CTASNES IN [LinOiS!" 5... ssoxaymin aad vame|Communit China's fiom mus, He met fr an hour with the
Heer that he bad had resigned | warhend ‘Antiogh, IL — UPI — Three! progerss hind beets mundo ¢m thia| Clear test and the power shake| it eT peivately and at
tor reawone ae ago and health) The Arizonan, hoarse andipersons were killed Suturday|'7u¢ Saturday, bit reported) up in the Soviet Unien length with Secretary of Stata]
‘was another, 6 muttering: trom a week tondtin the crash of = arvall pelvare) ‘mat (he parties sul were far) Johnson will go before tele. etre sit eaeaner ot .
- Poilyorny ‘bold, toured plume ciel auites) vision Cameras and radia micre. mara: There pe el
Ochs hr lay doadadanbsee Sarat aoe xgtcl ane et ee An Agreement dy 4 Sraadcaly hones at 6:30 pin iCST). ALS? Oller conferences, “sltoe|
i aro
presidential tomb
the oon ‘bri Gold.
water does ‘oa cat ee leaders
dilate s
ssamitee Baey Goiatee, the) OF
ns, tobe tel
ship position ar
- . bot White House
iP i anid Bo ee source anid Goldwater still was Tarn to page 2. col 2
s ment would enforce compulsory rather
fora 1964 State — [erhitration. r Ww tee ever Ghemualveny
i He repeatedly accused John Record Tying Heat ave In its announcement Sntur- Badgers Beat lowa 31-2]
Blight Award san = grasping for ee el Gi W. t C | F t day, the White House said the| - ,
power” “which to) natinaal security council recom- * * *
nso shee was errant le eeetny) SHEVES WV AY 10 00! ont wet tat wean) for First Big Ten Victory
mu pown of big) Sa aed fem here mince Sept. 10 when ft |make the “report and ossess :
forrmed is Calltocela & S70UP jecsiness or big government, | for Mears. Boned TOY oe VE Pa vens Ber fel oem bee eae ecay i ene WVSCONSIES Hoothall — eMachine yun alley” ts the
G commit: |, 1M seater pledged thet W) Itwas a perfect day ta put It didn’t last Tong, howev: jeaid, “there is no present team scored itm first Big er the
tee" lis function is to make (teste! Me would defend inbor’s| storm windows on, but itwar er. By 3 pam, the mercury [cause for national wlurm and) Ten victory Saturday, defeat- ocnan off the Cuban sore
Sail hae teen right. to strike, bargain collec} _ better day to leave them had fallen 15 degrees after )no immediate ne ing Iowa, 31-21, before a nec- peat tintetivie red alla
ia Grider any cha lection TF hs'aecrperahig cliniiod to Mearinee her attr kek ||, Ante t rome, | ots of: Bost): Mit tie wea
tthe city.” contest wna between one philor| $1 at 2 pm. at Gen Mitchell rea said, wil be partly | The abrupt shift of presiden.| son. Details in. Sports See. «aie
A similar approwch might jophy which “leeld that one| field. That tod the record cloudy and eomewhat enolar, (tial plans, which also included) HOD. | She'd mther smoke a good
‘be taken In Wisconsin, which | man’s thumb should bo on your! ‘high for Oct. 17 set in 156. but no rain wae forecast for |the scheduling of a Monday) sais stitutes Journal en lear than be a dedicated ac-
has a few eyesores of its own ‘country and another philoanphy| It was the warmest reading the Milwaukea ares. briefing for Jead-) tress, says Sarah Miles, 21
worth hailing. Why not call | rt of both partion, seemed to] Seance hte a rane] Yet old British noneonfoem:
it the “Wisconsin Uglies com- Se ee oe piiaeest ison: getl chair Es an A int. Page 6, TV Screen
mittee” ond turn it loose to the official mood. | ore ee et ate =
acclaim those things which Johnson has downgraded the) The lost art of political The accent js on politics In |,
Pollote the bandscive scenery military significanice of the Chi-| heckling is recalled by Wal: Tye Picture J Robert
‘of our state? Candidates for nese noclonr test. He alao waa} (et Monfried. Page 2, Editori- Wells ener eee the art
See BHA Sars me assured Friday by Ambustador| #! Stetion at
Billboard interests, which Anutoly Dobrynin that Soviet) pritish Labor party Ieader Sena oe ator
mar the public view, particu- foreign policy remained wn) Harold Wilson is credited per- nn dosertscapes; Albert, Eng:
ily those that created the changed. sonally with winning last Ind or Wauketha shows his
super bil occasionally The president, who had been| week's close election, In an political button eollection,
geen from interstate routes. to fly to te Texna) article Edwin Roth, Jour- and- photographers take ‘you
‘The resort, tavern, restan- See ee ne oka a fie ce Neng garry on the trail with the
dent and other people #1 dertaking a y campaign} London. Page 3, Editorial dential candidates of this cen-
blot out the very scenery they swing: roca ee tas Star. Section. tury.
extol with roadside jungles
Kyard operatom
whole mountains
‘ing metal and shat-
glass in the midst of
scenes of tranquil beauty.
the shores of once lovely
lakes, « tribute to bad local
‘noning or no zoning at all.
The défacers of parks, the
carvers of initiats on benches, |
the target shooters at highs |
way sipnsond the daubers of
paint on scenic attractions.
With such a roster of eligi-|
tile candidates, the award
ceremony might take longer
than an academy awards
girls with bunches of balloons when he
Senator Barry Goldwater was greeted by spoke at a campalgn mally at the’ Akron-
Canton (Ohio) alrport Saturday.
New Look at China
This is the first of a 10 part sories
on Communiat Ching. The writer is a
‘specialist in for eastern ujfairs for the
Paria newspaper onde, He re
cently completed a lengthy tour of Red
‘Ching, his first visit there since 1955,
Lee Angeles Timaa/Waehtngion Past
‘News Service
Peking, Ching — Well, let's say it
Fight away, at the end of a long-jour-
ney of seven weeks in Communist
China: When Peking's nijera eny that
they have “on the whole” succeeded, 1
unk they ane telling the truth.
‘The Communist rogime is now firm-
Jy on the tracks, alihough errirs andl
obetacles brought it cloee 9 ‘disaster.
‘There has been great general progress,
although there still exist areas—some-
umes ¢ difficultion and
euffering, as tbe Chinesm concede im-
plicitly and as any objective viritor
eee by the progress; friends
communion would be appalled by
i problems that. remait,
‘Communism has wor two victories
in Ching,
vei eae conquered all na
ig standing evils—corruption, dis-
orderliness, disease. The advances T
noted in my Inst visit in the autumn of
1955 have been consolidated. And if
ft is true that the Chinese have suf-
fered a famine, they are mot hungry
But communism has also scored a
second victory. It has decidedly “suc-
ceeded” iF that is the word—in mati
fiecturing obedience by pushing ita 700
million poople through the rollers of
Mao: Marxian.
it waa in the thoes day, 2,000 mile
(rain trip from Hong Rong to Peking
that [witnessed my first surprise.
Th ved on the technicolor ae
acape. was the immense effort of
whole people to feed its malities.
Not aguas yard fad buec left unculs
Peking’s Progress Visible, Solid
eas ight tip to the rails, on the
embankments, in the ditches, -
along the the shoulders of the roada, on
eee temporarily lett dry. by
After the yeant of the great orisix,
from: 1959 to 1961, the
Peking had transferred
tien of Chi .
ie Tosa A ol ima cane
‘be like in: the summer of
making the sac movements wi
tere tole a the same tie i cho
over the Tike platooms
oe tle on tnancuver,
could see that
a wan =n the tn tod oda cee se
Tai kt See