Box 17, Folder 6, Document 39

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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 39

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Be, eee RN UNION


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teTrers IIT 10 a re CE

‘i «The Editor, Mableton Mail FT)
Mableton, Ga. That: 7, i (

The Editor, North Cobb News
Acworth, Ga. /f) f Y 4

56 The E@itor, Austell Enterprise

Aust Ga. 2
| Tt: Tt Bt
é The ea Lawrenceville News Herald
Lawrefceville, Ga. oD


The Editor, Buford dvertiser
Buford, Ga. , -

Send the above message, subject fo the terms on back hereof, which are herc'


1269—(R 4-55)

(Page 2)

a AW ie 54



I : ‘ty kuard aealiet tuivtekic or delaye. tit oder Of ak wemtage ehould perder Me repegted, whut te,
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