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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 50
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Sunday, October 18, 495¢ THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Sunday, Gotober "18, 1064 Part 1
‘County Warns Atlanta to Drop Bid for Braves rer
Quality Costs No More at
From fage 1, coleman & jmight. be @ good time te havelpoint-out that respect for con move in the-county board fo\thal they may geek tm have
jiu over to ihe Braves all co h»eptall
th tht court reexamine = decision ti/by which basehall has survived|cession reeeipta, worth abet js Tanda sone to) ath
thee Braves’ contract
sounty and not vote for a nit that a breach of the Mil-\$100,000 a-year more in income CUM lswa It the Braves, are)
oe mechiae if tha Braves r@ anid, }waukes engitrnct “will lead tolto the clu, The county now Pemttitd to move,
extended litigahen and con-jgete a percentage of the concea Representative Clament J. Ze
ie hit tah Approval) Baltimore Decision lgresatonal \tepercussions|sion ale. blocki Saturday naked the fed
Sat Mian aia etait This dec!aton, in m case\ln which they (the club Sega Grobschmidt has received etal commanicaticina comm
cetnee ee sald secret brought by the olf Baltimore) would not want to become #0 ecties fro any of the baseball|tom to determing whether. a
Monday. owners would e600 uh against the National and) broiled." ; officials, He vid receive eeenral) Oo"? by the Braves would bea
ster to Atlanta was ad/“inerican lewguee, held that noe pak me tee aes ot rss replies from ‘separate letters; "muse of fudio and tebeviston
dreoee to Mayor Ivan Alien,|major dengue baseball wan n0tli oot oveners, that Pcksioitigetos Wine lnia thdty has ef:
jr. Fulton ‘County Mariager|mubject to the federal anti] [oer ‘:
‘Alah F. anit Chatto tat ave No Replies Received Various other moves: arg tu feted the Braves a one. yoar,|
On Sept. 30, Grobachmidt sent |the works to keep the Braves $1,500,000 contract for radio
Arthur Montgomery of the Ful-|
The county will suggest to and television righla ‘or a 37,-
ton county reereation authority cher club cwaers that they nortettere to tho chib owners, PP si ae ssisoe a
Sadun the new Atlani®/iscome a party to the Braves‘ loigue officials and baseball ‘Congrosemen, Act Schiite Brewing Co. has of-
breaking. 2 contact with Mil-commissioner informing them of| Representative Henry Reuss fered the Braves m $525,000 a
Teal, In part: waukee
the county's efforts to keep the of Mitwaukes and §: ih year broadcasting contract If)
the fetter would) raves 1 here, which incloded alliim Proxmire hove indicated ihe war stays bere, E E é YER
“We have been reliably In| Fice on
formed that the city of Atlan- —_
Hen authority, for a consider-|
lod of time, have been)
actively soliciting the principall
raand majority stockhold.
eta of the Milwaukee Braves,)
Tne. .. to breach an existin,
contract with the county . .
and to effectuate a tranafer of!
‘their professional baseball fr:
chine in Milwaukee to the cit:
of Atlanta for the 1085 play.
four Eine eet fk
rhatunnds That’ Peet and MilteeT
‘Grounda for Suit
“We with to advise you that)
fe our legal judgment, mich con-|
duet and action om your part,|
either ‘individually or in con-
cert, constitutes aufficient)
grounds for a legal conse of ac:
ion against you and your
boeiies politic under the laws of
both the states of Georgia and)
“Unless yu tmmediately)
céare-and desist from this |Ile-;
gal activity and course of con-
duet, we will he obliged om be
half of the county of Milwaukee!
‘hy initiate a suit for injuncticrsal
againet each of the afore-| e a Wirmadally
ba pecan Dede paver fF) Actress Gina Lollobrigida and Indone purty: in Ron
ta vont official capaction™ FO8) President Sukarno joined in a song with Sukarno, wh
Rice quoted a clause in the !talinn singer Domenico Modugno at a Monday, the
Stadium rental contract at: SS
Tete aie oe toe sue AMC ‘Democrat Casts |MU Parents Weekend
He commended Atlanta for tts rs =
earjest endeavors to recruit s| from page 1, column 4 | Bronze Elephant ye Begin Aotay
Professional baseball team to! m
‘af ot which were) Gipen Goldwater «ty parrots’ weekend will be Supr-Tuf
your new stadium (now. under) ment, the deta
announced Saturd . held next Saturday and Sunday.
conmtruction) for the 1965 pl
ing season” but added that A cast bronze sculpture of an :
ftphant by Milwaukee = ve ERO NERA UAE ENAMEL
peoper approach is not bei 3
employed.” -|Francie Schoenfield. ‘hss hero thong, speci
Rartholomay Got Offer
Rice anid efforts by Atlanta
officiala to Induce 1
te breach thelr o
“most _reprehans/hie,”
He ex;
start a suit. without
the offer submitted to Barthats-
may Inet Wednecday
if the Atlanta officinale refure
to withdraw the offer, Rice
TUNES fer Ore Lt Tiree
estetete 08 1
Pope Paul will receive
a Mosiom, in an-audionce Wondr-Lux
can anntunted Saturday.
gam and substitutes a cash bo.
nus based an parnings by the! The pa
‘Ay uit AAOO workers in Mil mitt 1 Repub can party: to coneert
‘D0 in Kenosha and|eommemarte his visit to Mis iemin at
waukee Tuesday
6 agent Resewe) ont Eisvertenes
478: Med Sh; tO Raat
Opie Werkden
=o vocal 102 Last
Teshaalvhal Phe
. ———SSSS 1 * Z
einer altace Tees ier ApOUE AON plckete (Officials Invited
at the twa plants than]
Sins. Wises Veciaa to CD Meeting
sere for ce rat Besides the domiand that Kel) defenae che:
from your malicious comduct vinaine accept Inwer bone: So ata a eee >| Ki ch K if
and continued interference With jin the national economic pack:|erences scheduled throughout irac e itchen SHIRE)
an existing contract.” see than those agreed upon for|t@ stale in the leat | cece
Copies to Others auromative emplovyis, two oth™aoths of this year wil & EF F d:
Copies of the letter were sentitf, major national contract isin Milwaukee Wednande ufs Frozen Se :
eee ers Of all Nations} Mex remained unsolved, Government officials from the
Tape sbi teams, including), TNeY “were union demands/Milwapkee area have heen. (n-
Tabholomay, and to Ford of tnat workers be allowed to fol: vited to attend the all-day. scs-
FEE cotcintionee cf basa (iow their job with weniority if'nion in the auditornem of the
fall: “Warren, C. Giles, preai|® PIANE of operation Is moved/Milwaicker vocational schoal.|¢
depttreasurer of the Nalion]) ————————— eeetrasac WH bagi, at 10)
Ipague; Nicholas B. Katrenbach, UAW expects to sell new
acting federnl attorney gener) profit ahoring compromlee fa
“ tel William. H. Sire, union without (rouble Story
¢ Aasistant. attorney general! on page 7, part 2 :
im the justice department's an: erat
titruat division. - :
Rice would not say what oth to another city, and that wages The conference ls designed to
er action the county might take /00 skilled workers be rained to(#¢quaint officialy with national
extept that “if the Braves anthe level paid at other VAW)EDd aoe oy Sree Pry
Bounce a move, there undouht- #4 are Litnicntah
edly will baa series of suits, A local working nuree
inet that club and possibly for the Kelvinator plant was
ef clubs and the league “completed Friday.
‘The fact that he malied) Major unresoived focal tsauee
éoplex of the Atlanta letter to{for other plants included over-
Jiistice department. officials int. & seniority “bumping”,
dicated that one course of a.
ton might be to press for re-|o
Rraluation of baseball's exrimp-|P Fs =
thon froen antitrist Lawn e
Mr the Beaver depart, this| Britain's US Envoy
i ml to Stay on the Job
Episcopal Seminary Washington, D. G—f=— A}
to Hold Open House fritish embassy spokesman
Geirnal pected ‘Corrdépsodence Satorday that Lord Harlech had |
‘Nashotah, Wis.—A tour of the Deon asked to stay on at his
fampus and solemn eyensong port as ambassador to ihe
will highlight the annual open | United Staten for several
house at Nashotaht House Epit- months and had agreed to do #0,
opal seminary Sunday The request wat sald to have
The Rev. Imri W. Hiackbeirn, heen made by Britain's pew for-
professor of ecclesiastical -elgn secretary, Patrick Gordon
tory, will officiate at the even: Waller. atona were that
caremony. Tha Rev. /t. ri ean would be on hand.
Thamas J, Talley, assistant pro- In‘s. new prime mints-
frase of Hturgics, will preach, si id Wilson, meets with
The seminary is located off| President Johnsin, No definite
county trunk OC be-\date or place for the meeting
field and Nashotah, ‘has heen set
* Normal, Delicate and Wash ‘n’ Wear cycles dry all fabrics
¢5 heats plos “Air” to fluff sweaters, pillows
®* Top mounted lint screen; safety switch; flexible timer
© Interior light; Sun Freshener for towels, sheets
® Porcelain finish top; white acrylic enameled cabinet
Tha conference is sponsored
by the state bureau of civil de)
fense and the University of Wis-
Sears Does Not Fetal
‘eh Artificial “tee!
Prices to alle
“discoant™ or “trnda-la™
prices, Beare original
(prices ate low pricms
vetem, work gandands and the!
ratio of inion stewards to em
PAY, Ask Seare salesman
borer fro aringy ace up bb
3 full yeare lo pay for
Beare Hotes Appliances
In Copitol Court
F. ederal
Open Every Day at 9 amy
GIVE YOURSELF A BUILD-UP! See tun eae noes
We ha
—dimbbells, chest pulls, jump
home gym for y
Ss g A comp! OPEN Every MON., WED., THURS, and FRI. "til 9 P.M.
. a ropes, hand grips. Plus our terrific new tsometric exerciser, the easy,
avings t il scientific way to build upyourphysique :. only $7.95 complete, tis] “Salisfaction guaranteed SE A RS «
55 Gury so REACH PARK i We have special physicel-fitness equipment for women and [Arn or your money back” 1 All Scars Stores
children, too. So give yourself a bulld-up.
waemereeye Reaicreoe ee 4044 W, CAPITOL DR, UP 32000 SORTHLAS. | FORESTHOME | GLENDAL AY | SAUKESHA
iin kunert Coster cea pping Center| Open ‘ti 9 Mea, Fd.
pene eli a ren ee Mi 54500 en 27900 Misa | WY s-4000 Li 3.7791
HALES COKNERS Coustry Falr Shopping Canter GA 5-3200
‘County Warns Atlanta to Drop Bid for Braves rer
Quality Costs No More at
From fage 1, coleman & jmight. be @ good time te havelpoint-out that respect for con move in the-county board fo\thal they may geek tm have
jiu over to ihe Braves all co h»eptall
th tht court reexamine = decision ti/by which basehall has survived|cession reeeipta, worth abet js Tanda sone to) ath
thee Braves’ contract
sounty and not vote for a nit that a breach of the Mil-\$100,000 a-year more in income CUM lswa It the Braves, are)
oe mechiae if tha Braves r@ anid, }waukes engitrnct “will lead tolto the clu, The county now Pemttitd to move,
extended litigahen and con-jgete a percentage of the concea Representative Clament J. Ze
ie hit tah Approval) Baltimore Decision lgresatonal \tepercussions|sion ale. blocki Saturday naked the fed
Sat Mian aia etait This dec!aton, in m case\ln which they (the club Sega Grobschmidt has received etal commanicaticina comm
cetnee ee sald secret brought by the olf Baltimore) would not want to become #0 ecties fro any of the baseball|tom to determing whether. a
Monday. owners would e600 uh against the National and) broiled." ; officials, He vid receive eeenral) Oo"? by the Braves would bea
ster to Atlanta was ad/“inerican lewguee, held that noe pak me tee aes ot rss replies from ‘separate letters; "muse of fudio and tebeviston
dreoee to Mayor Ivan Alien,|major dengue baseball wan n0tli oot oveners, that Pcksioitigetos Wine lnia thdty has ef:
jr. Fulton ‘County Mariager|mubject to the federal anti] [oer ‘:
‘Alah F. anit Chatto tat ave No Replies Received Various other moves: arg tu feted the Braves a one. yoar,|
On Sept. 30, Grobachmidt sent |the works to keep the Braves $1,500,000 contract for radio
Arthur Montgomery of the Ful-|
The county will suggest to and television righla ‘or a 37,-
ton county reereation authority cher club cwaers that they nortettere to tho chib owners, PP si ae ssisoe a
Sadun the new Atlani®/iscome a party to the Braves‘ loigue officials and baseball ‘Congrosemen, Act Schiite Brewing Co. has of-
breaking. 2 contact with Mil-commissioner informing them of| Representative Henry Reuss fered the Braves m $525,000 a
Teal, In part: waukee
the county's efforts to keep the of Mitwaukes and §: ih year broadcasting contract If)
the fetter would) raves 1 here, which incloded alliim Proxmire hove indicated ihe war stays bere, E E é YER
“We have been reliably In| Fice on
formed that the city of Atlan- —_
Hen authority, for a consider-|
lod of time, have been)
actively soliciting the principall
raand majority stockhold.
eta of the Milwaukee Braves,)
Tne. .. to breach an existin,
contract with the county . .
and to effectuate a tranafer of!
‘their professional baseball fr:
chine in Milwaukee to the cit:
of Atlanta for the 1085 play.
four Eine eet fk
rhatunnds That’ Peet and MilteeT
‘Grounda for Suit
“We with to advise you that)
fe our legal judgment, mich con-|
duet and action om your part,|
either ‘individually or in con-
cert, constitutes aufficient)
grounds for a legal conse of ac:
ion against you and your
boeiies politic under the laws of
both the states of Georgia and)
“Unless yu tmmediately)
céare-and desist from this |Ile-;
gal activity and course of con-
duet, we will he obliged om be
half of the county of Milwaukee!
‘hy initiate a suit for injuncticrsal
againet each of the afore-| e a Wirmadally
ba pecan Dede paver fF) Actress Gina Lollobrigida and Indone purty: in Ron
ta vont official capaction™ FO8) President Sukarno joined in a song with Sukarno, wh
Rice quoted a clause in the !talinn singer Domenico Modugno at a Monday, the
Stadium rental contract at: SS
Tete aie oe toe sue AMC ‘Democrat Casts |MU Parents Weekend
He commended Atlanta for tts rs =
earjest endeavors to recruit s| from page 1, column 4 | Bronze Elephant ye Begin Aotay
Professional baseball team to! m
‘af ot which were) Gipen Goldwater «ty parrots’ weekend will be Supr-Tuf
your new stadium (now. under) ment, the deta
announced Saturd . held next Saturday and Sunday.
conmtruction) for the 1965 pl
ing season” but added that A cast bronze sculpture of an :
ftphant by Milwaukee = ve ERO NERA UAE ENAMEL
peoper approach is not bei 3
employed.” -|Francie Schoenfield. ‘hss hero thong, speci
Rartholomay Got Offer
Rice anid efforts by Atlanta
officiala to Induce 1
te breach thelr o
“most _reprehans/hie,”
He ex;
start a suit. without
the offer submitted to Barthats-
may Inet Wednecday
if the Atlanta officinale refure
to withdraw the offer, Rice
TUNES fer Ore Lt Tiree
estetete 08 1
Pope Paul will receive
a Mosiom, in an-audionce Wondr-Lux
can anntunted Saturday.
gam and substitutes a cash bo.
nus based an parnings by the! The pa
‘Ay uit AAOO workers in Mil mitt 1 Repub can party: to coneert
‘D0 in Kenosha and|eommemarte his visit to Mis iemin at
waukee Tuesday
6 agent Resewe) ont Eisvertenes
478: Med Sh; tO Raat
Opie Werkden
=o vocal 102 Last
Teshaalvhal Phe
. ———SSSS 1 * Z
einer altace Tees ier ApOUE AON plckete (Officials Invited
at the twa plants than]
Sins. Wises Veciaa to CD Meeting
sere for ce rat Besides the domiand that Kel) defenae che:
from your malicious comduct vinaine accept Inwer bone: So ata a eee >| Ki ch K if
and continued interference With jin the national economic pack:|erences scheduled throughout irac e itchen SHIRE)
an existing contract.” see than those agreed upon for|t@ stale in the leat | cece
Copies to Others auromative emplovyis, two oth™aoths of this year wil & EF F d:
Copies of the letter were sentitf, major national contract isin Milwaukee Wednande ufs Frozen Se :
eee ers Of all Nations} Mex remained unsolved, Government officials from the
Tape sbi teams, including), TNeY “were union demands/Milwapkee area have heen. (n-
Tabholomay, and to Ford of tnat workers be allowed to fol: vited to attend the all-day. scs-
FEE cotcintionee cf basa (iow their job with weniority if'nion in the auditornem of the
fall: “Warren, C. Giles, preai|® PIANE of operation Is moved/Milwaicker vocational schoal.|¢
depttreasurer of the Nalion]) ————————— eeetrasac WH bagi, at 10)
Ipague; Nicholas B. Katrenbach, UAW expects to sell new
acting federnl attorney gener) profit ahoring compromlee fa
“ tel William. H. Sire, union without (rouble Story
¢ Aasistant. attorney general! on page 7, part 2 :
im the justice department's an: erat
titruat division. - :
Rice would not say what oth to another city, and that wages The conference ls designed to
er action the county might take /00 skilled workers be rained to(#¢quaint officialy with national
extept that “if the Braves anthe level paid at other VAW)EDd aoe oy Sree Pry
Bounce a move, there undouht- #4 are Litnicntah
edly will baa series of suits, A local working nuree
inet that club and possibly for the Kelvinator plant was
ef clubs and the league “completed Friday.
‘The fact that he malied) Major unresoived focal tsauee
éoplex of the Atlanta letter to{for other plants included over-
Jiistice department. officials int. & seniority “bumping”,
dicated that one course of a.
ton might be to press for re-|o
Rraluation of baseball's exrimp-|P Fs =
thon froen antitrist Lawn e
Mr the Beaver depart, this| Britain's US Envoy
i ml to Stay on the Job
Episcopal Seminary Washington, D. G—f=— A}
to Hold Open House fritish embassy spokesman
Geirnal pected ‘Corrdépsodence Satorday that Lord Harlech had |
‘Nashotah, Wis.—A tour of the Deon asked to stay on at his
fampus and solemn eyensong port as ambassador to ihe
will highlight the annual open | United Staten for several
house at Nashotaht House Epit- months and had agreed to do #0,
opal seminary Sunday The request wat sald to have
The Rev. Imri W. Hiackbeirn, heen made by Britain's pew for-
professor of ecclesiastical -elgn secretary, Patrick Gordon
tory, will officiate at the even: Waller. atona were that
caremony. Tha Rev. /t. ri ean would be on hand.
Thamas J, Talley, assistant pro- In‘s. new prime mints-
frase of Hturgics, will preach, si id Wilson, meets with
The seminary is located off| President Johnsin, No definite
county trunk OC be-\date or place for the meeting
field and Nashotah, ‘has heen set
* Normal, Delicate and Wash ‘n’ Wear cycles dry all fabrics
¢5 heats plos “Air” to fluff sweaters, pillows
®* Top mounted lint screen; safety switch; flexible timer
© Interior light; Sun Freshener for towels, sheets
® Porcelain finish top; white acrylic enameled cabinet
Tha conference is sponsored
by the state bureau of civil de)
fense and the University of Wis-
Sears Does Not Fetal
‘eh Artificial “tee!
Prices to alle
“discoant™ or “trnda-la™
prices, Beare original
(prices ate low pricms
vetem, work gandands and the!
ratio of inion stewards to em
PAY, Ask Seare salesman
borer fro aringy ace up bb
3 full yeare lo pay for
Beare Hotes Appliances
In Copitol Court
F. ederal
Open Every Day at 9 amy
GIVE YOURSELF A BUILD-UP! See tun eae noes
We ha
—dimbbells, chest pulls, jump
home gym for y
Ss g A comp! OPEN Every MON., WED., THURS, and FRI. "til 9 P.M.
. a ropes, hand grips. Plus our terrific new tsometric exerciser, the easy,
avings t il scientific way to build upyourphysique :. only $7.95 complete, tis] “Salisfaction guaranteed SE A RS «
55 Gury so REACH PARK i We have special physicel-fitness equipment for women and [Arn or your money back” 1 All Scars Stores
children, too. So give yourself a bulld-up.
waemereeye Reaicreoe ee 4044 W, CAPITOL DR, UP 32000 SORTHLAS. | FORESTHOME | GLENDAL AY | SAUKESHA
iin kunert Coster cea pping Center| Open ‘ti 9 Mea, Fd.
pene eli a ren ee Mi 54500 en 27900 Misa | WY s-4000 Li 3.7791
HALES COKNERS Coustry Falr Shopping Canter GA 5-3200