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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 86
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de Yuud
Jim: Re your query abot any attitudes I might have encountered about the
Tue sch y
Tn Phoenix J talked with Harry Sonneborn, the mnazing editor of the Milwaukee
Sentinel, an: Arville Schlaben, tie ME of the. Mil. Journal, about the Braves,
As a matter of fect, everybody wanted to talk to them about the situation.
J have known both men Cor a lone tirme,(pave Semneborn's brother his first jo
when he got cut oof Michigan State se T am certein thet their remarks were
sincere, |
Roth man arm really bupped about the Braves and wm ;anised baseball ar are
nameod to hurt the Breves as midi as possible, Sonneborn said, "Imagine
what feelines eneantero (His lweebal] writer whore pane T don't recall.)
must have bo be without a job after eoverin: baseball in Milwaulee for
thirty-some years, ke won't! have envy teamafler a year,"
| Schlaben says hot the law is on bleir ctte and the: intent to kee the
| Braves in iilwenkee as Lon as ponetbhe, Ve said that organized hall] is
; seared stiff of the courts and the otter owners want to let things simmers dain
(am! net mke a fight to rove te Atlanta next season,
Life said it's tours to make a wise whe wants to ret a divorce leeep on
sleepin: with her bushand for apobher year bub that fe what they intend
ia do, Fe said they don't care if nobody foes to the pames ar if they don't
sell a season ticket, He a Med thal the Sehlitz company had mde a wry
fire proposition to keen tle Preaves but new even the brewerv :ecple, Lhe
city and monty rétficials, the busitess commmnity is united in the effort
to len: on to bhe Praves thmuch the rev year,
J dien't cneounter a single editor in Pheenix --- ant the topic was well
Aismissed --- whe syrpathized with Atlanta's effert te pet a major leapur
team, steal it was the tem commonly, used, They don't blame Atlanta becuse
it anpeare that the Braves vem eine to move somerlace anisway » brit they
are critical of the gree: ly ownets, Tec Snite pointes avb that when Gal
Griffith hucri dly moved his club to Finrea elis to tate adntape of that WN
TV territory, that the ewners heeame frightened of the consequences and
stuck enobher eluh in Weshington, Ther were afraticad of governient meddlinr,
Ted adda] that the majiore in thei vecember meeting in Honston reportedly
wilL ovbline am expansien propram for several jyrars in the future, That will
assien territory am give cities a chanm to pet ready, Whether it wili
affect the Atlanta move, T don't know, Ted says that Bflo is net in a geod
positiao beeause “Y, Pot’ shur-h, and Cleveland encroach on our TV
territory, We! re in may the same situation ag Milwaukee,
At the airport in Chicago T ran into Johnny 'cHale, the Rrave GM with wren
T wert to school at ND. We told me theb he has eved his family to Florida
and that he has taken an apartment in Vhicavo whem the club has moved its
offices, He said, jokinely, thet he sneaks back to Milwaukee under cover of
sarkness bub J think he wer utterine more truth than poetry,
NcHale says the (oe Deok'!s citizens cf Milwaukee don't care whe her the
raves stay or not bul that the politicians amd eity fathers are adamant.
He said that the meyer of Atlanta (T think it was the mayor but if not the
mayor some other hich cit: offieial,) called the mayor of Milwankee to
arrange a quiet meebing in Chicago to try am talk the matter out and reach
some conclusions, The Milwaukee mayor went bo the hotel with several of fs: 1s
am was not in a compronising mood. He even summoned the press, according
wo Dee
to Johnny, and that precluded any chance of arbitration, Mcliale did not
appear very confident about completing the move for next Beason,
My pa rdonal feeling ie that the sporte fan 4a very sympathetic to
Milwaukee which haa been a great sports town, They broke attendance records,
built a mw -sfadiurm, won a pennant ani now will be Jeft holding the
roverbial bag.
As Somishorh anid, ‘when ‘Lon Perini brought tha Bravea to Milwaulee, there was
atili a baseball taanm left in Boston, I think thexe is a possibility of
governmont intervention into organised ball if the Braves go along with
a Nilwaakee-be-damred attitude,
The oie ra are scared of a court teat of the reserve clause which ke epa
the ball players jn ‘sonathing akin to peonage —- at least in the minors,
- The culprit 19 television, Smita quoted a figure which I don't recall
exactly but it waa pdmthing like the Yaniwes make more money on tele vision
than 12 o&her major Jeague clubs make selling tickets, And the Yanks, es
of course, keep it gli, If they split the loot like the pro football
leagw~a there woulgy ‘be no Milwaulwe problem. ; (Ct
Hope this answers your QUeTYeocne
Jim: Re your query abot any attitudes I might have encountered about the
Tue sch y
Tn Phoenix J talked with Harry Sonneborn, the mnazing editor of the Milwaukee
Sentinel, an: Arville Schlaben, tie ME of the. Mil. Journal, about the Braves,
As a matter of fect, everybody wanted to talk to them about the situation.
J have known both men Cor a lone tirme,(pave Semneborn's brother his first jo
when he got cut oof Michigan State se T am certein thet their remarks were
sincere, |
Roth man arm really bupped about the Braves and wm ;anised baseball ar are
nameod to hurt the Breves as midi as possible, Sonneborn said, "Imagine
what feelines eneantero (His lweebal] writer whore pane T don't recall.)
must have bo be without a job after eoverin: baseball in Milwaulee for
thirty-some years, ke won't! have envy teamafler a year,"
| Schlaben says hot the law is on bleir ctte and the: intent to kee the
| Braves in iilwenkee as Lon as ponetbhe, Ve said that organized hall] is
; seared stiff of the courts and the otter owners want to let things simmers dain
(am! net mke a fight to rove te Atlanta next season,
Life said it's tours to make a wise whe wants to ret a divorce leeep on
sleepin: with her bushand for apobher year bub that fe what they intend
ia do, Fe said they don't care if nobody foes to the pames ar if they don't
sell a season ticket, He a Med thal the Sehlitz company had mde a wry
fire proposition to keen tle Preaves but new even the brewerv :ecple, Lhe
city and monty rétficials, the busitess commmnity is united in the effort
to len: on to bhe Praves thmuch the rev year,
J dien't cneounter a single editor in Pheenix --- ant the topic was well
Aismissed --- whe syrpathized with Atlanta's effert te pet a major leapur
team, steal it was the tem commonly, used, They don't blame Atlanta becuse
it anpeare that the Braves vem eine to move somerlace anisway » brit they
are critical of the gree: ly ownets, Tec Snite pointes avb that when Gal
Griffith hucri dly moved his club to Finrea elis to tate adntape of that WN
TV territory, that the ewners heeame frightened of the consequences and
stuck enobher eluh in Weshington, Ther were afraticad of governient meddlinr,
Ted adda] that the majiore in thei vecember meeting in Honston reportedly
wilL ovbline am expansien propram for several jyrars in the future, That will
assien territory am give cities a chanm to pet ready, Whether it wili
affect the Atlanta move, T don't know, Ted says that Bflo is net in a geod
positiao beeause “Y, Pot’ shur-h, and Cleveland encroach on our TV
territory, We! re in may the same situation ag Milwaukee,
At the airport in Chicago T ran into Johnny 'cHale, the Rrave GM with wren
T wert to school at ND. We told me theb he has eved his family to Florida
and that he has taken an apartment in Vhicavo whem the club has moved its
offices, He said, jokinely, thet he sneaks back to Milwaukee under cover of
sarkness bub J think he wer utterine more truth than poetry,
NcHale says the (oe Deok'!s citizens cf Milwaukee don't care whe her the
raves stay or not bul that the politicians amd eity fathers are adamant.
He said that the meyer of Atlanta (T think it was the mayor but if not the
mayor some other hich cit: offieial,) called the mayor of Milwankee to
arrange a quiet meebing in Chicago to try am talk the matter out and reach
some conclusions, The Milwaukee mayor went bo the hotel with several of fs: 1s
am was not in a compronising mood. He even summoned the press, according
wo Dee
to Johnny, and that precluded any chance of arbitration, Mcliale did not
appear very confident about completing the move for next Beason,
My pa rdonal feeling ie that the sporte fan 4a very sympathetic to
Milwaukee which haa been a great sports town, They broke attendance records,
built a mw -sfadiurm, won a pennant ani now will be Jeft holding the
roverbial bag.
As Somishorh anid, ‘when ‘Lon Perini brought tha Bravea to Milwaulee, there was
atili a baseball taanm left in Boston, I think thexe is a possibility of
governmont intervention into organised ball if the Braves go along with
a Nilwaakee-be-damred attitude,
The oie ra are scared of a court teat of the reserve clause which ke epa
the ball players jn ‘sonathing akin to peonage —- at least in the minors,
- The culprit 19 television, Smita quoted a figure which I don't recall
exactly but it waa pdmthing like the Yaniwes make more money on tele vision
than 12 o&her major Jeague clubs make selling tickets, And the Yanks, es
of course, keep it gli, If they split the loot like the pro football
leagw~a there woulgy ‘be no Milwaulwe problem. ; (Ct
Hope this answers your QUeTYeocne