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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 90
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November 24, 1964
‘Mr. Whitney M. Young, Jr.
14 East 48th Street
New York, New York 100017
Dear Mr. Young:
A friend of mine forwarded me a copy of your
article "Can a Negro Play Ball in Atlanta?"’.
I think you have stated the matter very clearly
and Ilappreciate your careful consideration of
the problems with which we are confronted.
I had hoped to have an opportunity to see you
last Thursday evening, and regret that I could
be at the Urban League dinner for such a brief
period of time.
Mr. Howland briefed me on your talk and stated
that it was an excellent presentation. The next
time you are in Atlanta, I sincerely hope you will
give me a ring.
With best wishes, Iam
Ivan Allen, Jr;
‘Mr. Whitney M. Young, Jr.
14 East 48th Street
New York, New York 100017
Dear Mr. Young:
A friend of mine forwarded me a copy of your
article "Can a Negro Play Ball in Atlanta?"’.
I think you have stated the matter very clearly
and Ilappreciate your careful consideration of
the problems with which we are confronted.
I had hoped to have an opportunity to see you
last Thursday evening, and regret that I could
be at the Urban League dinner for such a brief
period of time.
Mr. Howland briefed me on your talk and stated
that it was an excellent presentation. The next
time you are in Atlanta, I sincerely hope you will
give me a ring.
With best wishes, Iam
Ivan Allen, Jr;