Box 17, Folder 6, Document 119

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Box 17, Folder 6, Document 119

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3953 Green Cah Brive
November 9, 7964

lass Epona Gaobectentett

Milam Coundy Boaul of Supervisone
Milwoukee Courses

M“lumshea, Wiseonsatr.

Dean. Sinaz

I have been an avid Brave baseball fan since the team finat mowed £o

i gow: fate elty in 1953, The initial reception sun citizens cave the players
iL! always Live in my menony, I4 uns my feeling then, as i# is now, that
the move of the Braves fron Beaton £o Milwaukee wis the moat uplifting and
best thing that could have happened to the orme of baseball, This was a
new beginnings Soon thenengter the Dodpens moved 4o Los Angeles, the Giana
#o Son Franeiseo, the St, Louia Browns wert’ to Caltinone andl the Ala went to
Kansas City, Put this waa not the end as the Leagues realized zhat mone 7
fana wanted to umteh. The National Pastime in person, Then, tha onganization
of the new “ashington. Senators as the old one moved to Minnenpolia as the
Twins, The Angels, Nets and Colts followed, And row a new Light on the

I hive in the Atlonda Metnopolitan Anca, We want majon League baachell
very mith, if not in 1965, tien. in. 1906. The necent court action{which Lend
to the, National League's action), shouph, delaying, will not tap this Franchise
move. The National League wants baachell to nemoin a snort, not a business,

Gaonted, a dean must make money 4o pay player aclanies, groundskeopehs
telonics, Statism nent and have, soma laft over 40 impnove the ball club in
any woy Lt may aan fLt,

Now I eth you = How would you hava felé in. 1953 if the Boston comunity,
had filed ai 4o heap the Saaves in. Coston? Ia id wonth all dhia to heap
the Braves in Mitonuhen ona mone yearn? WL tha fana auppont tha team? Ane
another aojon League team, on amne then cl! amy J eannastly hove you
continue to have majon League baseball in youn pnemt eit,

age. Ps)

Youn county's support of the Proves 42, 1953 cave the National Iddf Poatine
triky a Nationed Inane, Ia 44 worth destnaying that Image 4o keep the Snaves
ones gees

I have alinuys had a high feclirg. for the City and County of Mibouhkee,
ideals Tetrion, Sam: thane I extend to Se (nea Ae ape, fon ani

proapenoisa 1965 season, whathen Lé be in Miboaubee on Ailanias
| F witth yor and youn county the beat of evenspihing for Ale futune,

Youna Vang Truly,

A Hopeful Atlanta Grave Fan.


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