Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 7, Document 48
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"The best major league contract ever signed between
a municipality and a team," This is the way Mayor Ivan Allen,
Yr, describes the contract signed today in City all which
will bring the former Milwaukee Braves to .a—new—tepee=
brand_new Atlanta Stadium,
The New Atlanta Braves wildy opel their 1965
Season in April in the Stadium, the Mayor assured the team
management at the eazeananes contract signing.
The contract itself, a twenty-five year agreement,
which brings the first major league team in history into the
seven=-state Southeastern region, is described by Arthur
Montgomery, Chairman of the Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation
Authority as 'a good, business contract, with no
give-aways, This is good for us and good for thenW
Present at the cont#acts igning were;
a municipality and a team," This is the way Mayor Ivan Allen,
Yr, describes the contract signed today in City all which
will bring the former Milwaukee Braves to .a—new—tepee=
brand_new Atlanta Stadium,
The New Atlanta Braves wildy opel their 1965
Season in April in the Stadium, the Mayor assured the team
management at the eazeananes contract signing.
The contract itself, a twenty-five year agreement,
which brings the first major league team in history into the
seven=-state Southeastern region, is described by Arthur
Montgomery, Chairman of the Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation
Authority as 'a good, business contract, with no
give-aways, This is good for us and good for thenW
Present at the cont#acts igning were;