Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 11, Document 120
Text Item Type Metadata
Cooperative Comictce of Realtors and Realtist
L. To define and promote the highest ethics of the Real
Estate profession, among its members.
2. To advance at the level of statesmanship the adequate
ncusing nceds of the Atlanta Community.
5. To encourage the peaceful transition of housing between
the two dominant races with the Least amount of friction and
with mutual respect for the rights and privileges of all,
both Legal and moral.
be fo cooperate and advise with public officials in the
zoning of land, for the best use, based upon need, rather
than political expediency or preference.
5- . To discourage the indiscriminate disruption of existing
homogenious comaunities by “block busting and other unethical
precedures and techniques, both direct. and indirect.
6. To oppose eny artificial /bearers,) of whatever nature,
ccnetrued and designed as “racial buffers," which restricts
the normal and orderly growth of our City.
7. To make available through our respective organizations,
housing facts, effecting Atlanta, and its citizens.
& 9 9
8. To consult with the responsible Leadership in communities
which are in process of transition, to negate or verify
persistant rumors, :
9. To take whatever steps consistant with the ethics of the
Real Estate profession, end fair play to see that«ll citizens
regardless of race are adequately provided with housing to _
meet their needs and standards.on an equitable basis.
10. To promote through the foregoing an atmosphere of faith,
confidence and tryst between the races and those in positions
of responsibility, officially and wunofficially;: and to keep
open Lines of communication hetween all involved.