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Box 17, Folder 13, Document 2
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the federal government, espe-
cially the judiciary, has allowed
—even encouraged—rowdy as-
saults on private property by
mobs from the streets,
Racial agitators have been |
given the go-ahead by recent
court rulings, ee.
and state and
city law en-
forcement offi-
cers haye had
their hands
tied. Hence, :
these trouble- |
makers have
gone unpun-
ished for their
private property.
‘Supposedly, they are demon-
strating against what they al-
lege to be unjust treatment. In
thought to be unjust, federal
‘troops armed with bayonets have |
been called out.
| There are lawful and orderly
‘avenues open for redress of
grievances of those who claim
civil rights
to have had their
invasions of
businessmen in practically every |
area of free enterprise how to
run their altairs. Furthermore,
the Attorney General would be
vested with vast and potentially
| abusive power in tne enforce-
ment of the statute.
This would take the federal
government into areas which
eventually could lead to a police
state and ultimately destroy
everyone's liberties.
Individual liberties, which
every citizen of tnis country 1s
| guaranteed by the Constitution,
would be sacrificed in the name
of equality. lt would mean the
end of our free society.
* * 3
1883 made itself clear on the
right of the Congress to legis-
late against the rignts of pri-
vate business, and its ruling is
still in foree. Referring to the
Fourteenth Amendment, the
Court said:
“It does not invest Congress
| with power to legislate upon
subjects which are within the
‘domain of State legislation...
It does not authorize Congress
Violated. There are plenty of | to create a code of municipal
protective Jaws now
hooks, and no new
‘igs on—not just for so
equality, but for equality-plus.
it seems to me that what we Gown J é
4 revolution, with the | individuals in society towards
side of the | each other,” the Court held. ‘It
have is
government on the
yevolutionaries, which I believe is
is unprecedented in the annals
of history.
Wis A *
However, the pressure | : Y
-enlled | law “steps into the domain of
on the | law for the regulation of private
ones are | Tights.”
Such a public accommodations
: local jurisprudence and lays
down rules for the conduct of
the Tenth
repugnant to
Amendment of the
tion,” it added,
It has been a long time since
NOW AN ATTEMPT is being | the Supreme Court held some--
the books
of the Adminis-
Seivil rights package,
would try to tell privute
haat prepiiredt ne peti
ite its unconstitution-| thing to be against the Tenth
ing to “the law of | Amendment, whichwp
‘since States rights. It
‘this Amend
“fy Mie
Hedoank gorerinnciad cep nse)
Cta ee
“Never in the hi ory of fr
men and free women has a
blueprint for a federal dictator-
ship more cunningly been con-
Thus declared U. S. Sen.
Herman E, Talmadge inarecent
television-radio report to the
people of Georgia in which he
discussed President Kennedy’s
proposed civil rights legisla-
tion. Said the Senator:
“Congressman Adam Clayton
Powell of New York contends
that he rewrote more than half
of the President's civil rights
message. Certainly certain
provisions in this message to
the Congress and in the act that
is now pending before Congress
indicates that someone as ex-
treme as Congressman Powell
idid write the message.
“I favor the full enjoyment
of every American citizen of
all rights guaranteed him by the
Constitution of the United
States. 1 know of no citizen who
contends @¢ leprivation of rights
that has arate the very fav-
orable courts of our country and
ati Mis rights granted
n recent years there
has developed a tendency or
philosophy of some of the more
extreme groups in our country
that all other citizens ought to
be denied their rights for the
particular and special benefits
of a certain privileged group.’’
Sen, Talmadge then read Title
VI, Section 601 of the pending
Civil Rights Bill, It states:
“Notwithstanding any pro-
vision to the contrary in any
law of the United States provid-
ing or authorizing direct or in-
direct financial assistance for
or in connection with any pro-=
gram or activity by way of
grant, contract, loan, insuran-
ce, guaranty or otherwise. No
such law shall be interpreted
benefiting f
activity are
gainst on the ¢
color, religion 6
gin or are denied |
or benefits therein on the ground
extreme, and I shall discuss
them in the future,’’
tional origin.’’
“*Nothing in the history of our
country that extreme has ever
been proposed,’’ declared the
Georgia junior Senator. ‘The
Constitution of the United Stat-
es vests the power to levy
taxes in the Congress. The
Constitution of the United Stat-
es vests the power to expend
federal funds in the Congress.
“Yet that provision of the
law, if adopted by the Congress
and signed by the President,
would enable some little bur-
eaucrat in some federal agency
that has never.been elected to
any political office, and never
could be, the right to withhold
a grant from any state, the
right to cazcel a contract on
any bank or savings and loan
association, the right to cancel
a contract or loan on any house
or any other program, the right
to cancel any insurance policies
that was relating to the federal
government, any guaranty or
otherwise, that any individual
may complain that he had been
discriminated against.
"It would be so broad that if
some citizen of California
thought he had been discrimi-
nated against in welfare bene-
fits, some bureaucrat could
deny to the State of California
all their welfare beneifts. It
would enable them, by thesame
token, to withhold highway funds
to Arizona or any other state
if some individual complained
that he did not receive a job of
cutting weeds on the highways of
the State of Arizona.
“It would enable the bureau-
crat, if he saw fit, to withhold
funds from any state because
they voted wrol
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