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Box 17, Folder 13, Document 20
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ve PEC! 50n S$ PHONE TWIN OAKS 7-4675
August 16, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
Many months ago I wanted to sit down and write a letter of congratu-
lations to you for having been elected Mayor of Atlanta, but one
puts things off. Then as the months went by problems have been
brought to mind by the integration movements and I have wanted to
write a letter of congratulation because of the gracious accept-
ance evidently accorded all peoples in the city of Atlanta. Then
I thought that this could only be due te good leadership. I knew
it must be this because that is what you gave to the N.S.0.E.A.
and the office supply industry in the vears past, but again I
failed to write this congratulatory letter.
But today I find myself in a somewhat similar position to yours,
with the problems of integration thrust upon Me and others as
members of the Aurora Area Bi-Racial Committee. I was also an
elected official in 1941, having been City Clerk until the out-
break of World War II when I enlisted and went into the Infantry.
I had Negro soldiers at Annistan, Alabama, before going overseas
with the Seventh Armored Division. Also, prior to World War II,
I had worked with Negro gang groups through the public school
system and the Y.M.C.A. here in Aurora, With this bit of back-
ground I was chosen to become a member of the Bi-Racial Committee,
an appointment which I felt no one should turn down if he felt
capable of dealing with this.most current emergency,
Ivan, if you should have any materials which you feel would ke
advantageous for me to use I would appreciate your forwarding
them to me, Any suggestions that you have I likewise would be
thankful for, We have had meetings with the Civil Service
Commission here, the retail division of the Chamber of Commerce
and the personnel officers of our local area manufacturing.
Meetings are scheduled with the school boards, the banks and
building and loan associations for next week, and the realtors
week after next, There are four Whites and four Negroes on the
Commission, all of whom are level-headed.
‘iayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
August 16, 1963
Page +2-
I have just moved into a new location and had my Grand Opening
two weeks ago. I am enclosing one of my ads for your interest,
ly wife and I have been very fortunate to have become eligible
for a trip to Italy from Olivetti. We leave around September
15 for sixteen days and should return in time for the National
Show, If you are to be there I probably will be seeing you.
If you find time to drop me a line I would appreciate it.
gf ae
Quintus E. Fredrickson
QEF in
ve PEC! 50n S$ PHONE TWIN OAKS 7-4675
August 16, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
Many months ago I wanted to sit down and write a letter of congratu-
lations to you for having been elected Mayor of Atlanta, but one
puts things off. Then as the months went by problems have been
brought to mind by the integration movements and I have wanted to
write a letter of congratulation because of the gracious accept-
ance evidently accorded all peoples in the city of Atlanta. Then
I thought that this could only be due te good leadership. I knew
it must be this because that is what you gave to the N.S.0.E.A.
and the office supply industry in the vears past, but again I
failed to write this congratulatory letter.
But today I find myself in a somewhat similar position to yours,
with the problems of integration thrust upon Me and others as
members of the Aurora Area Bi-Racial Committee. I was also an
elected official in 1941, having been City Clerk until the out-
break of World War II when I enlisted and went into the Infantry.
I had Negro soldiers at Annistan, Alabama, before going overseas
with the Seventh Armored Division. Also, prior to World War II,
I had worked with Negro gang groups through the public school
system and the Y.M.C.A. here in Aurora, With this bit of back-
ground I was chosen to become a member of the Bi-Racial Committee,
an appointment which I felt no one should turn down if he felt
capable of dealing with this.most current emergency,
Ivan, if you should have any materials which you feel would ke
advantageous for me to use I would appreciate your forwarding
them to me, Any suggestions that you have I likewise would be
thankful for, We have had meetings with the Civil Service
Commission here, the retail division of the Chamber of Commerce
and the personnel officers of our local area manufacturing.
Meetings are scheduled with the school boards, the banks and
building and loan associations for next week, and the realtors
week after next, There are four Whites and four Negroes on the
Commission, all of whom are level-headed.
‘iayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
August 16, 1963
Page +2-
I have just moved into a new location and had my Grand Opening
two weeks ago. I am enclosing one of my ads for your interest,
ly wife and I have been very fortunate to have become eligible
for a trip to Italy from Olivetti. We leave around September
15 for sixteen days and should return in time for the National
Show, If you are to be there I probably will be seeing you.
If you find time to drop me a line I would appreciate it.
gf ae
Quintus E. Fredrickson
QEF in