Box 3, Folder 1, Document 33

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Box 3, Folder 1, Document 33

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Subnitted by
Robert M. Wood, Chairnan
John W. Cox, Executive Director
This report is a suonary review of work done by various agencies, or ganizations, individuals and branches of governoent Feder al, State and Local i n
the 1968 Youth Oppor tunity Prograra.
In late Januar y 1968 Vice Pr esident Hubert Hunphrey, Chai rman of the President's CoClfili.ttee on Youth Opportuni ty invited the city of Atlant a to a special oeeting in Washington, DnC. The overall purpose of thi s oeeting wa s to
provide activi ties for dis advantaged Youth in the areas of Ebployoent, Recreation and Education o
AtJ.anta began .i oraed~.atdy t o pJ.o..n and coord inate prograos for youth act ivi ties using a 11 ava ila ble ~·es ou1·ce.s ~ a s sistance ;,.rac gi ven to he lp Atlanta get it's prograos for yout h
underway . This assistanc e i:::1cluded a $30 , 000 planning grant froo the Depar t oent of Housing and Urban DG"vel opoento Thc::;c planning f unds were utili zed
by t he Atlanta Chi l dren and You:.:h Se:r:vi ce s Council, the of ficial coordinating agency for t ha ci ty o::2 !'. tlc.1ctan
The s t aff of th'3 Atlan~a. Ch:i.ld _·.m and Yout h Services Council was a~s igned the respons i bili ty f or br oad coordina tion of the entire Yout h Oppor t unity
Prograo. The prograo ,1as designed by ~pril 1968 and iopleoented in J une
1968 .
Meober s of the s t aff are: J ohn Wn Cox , Executive Director
L c·;·: ir. F o Di.d dns
Te:r:::y Allen
St2ve Fox
Responding t o the Vice President 1 s request the city of Atlanta, at the
request of Mayor Ivan Allen, Jrn, established the Mayor's Council on Youth
Opportunity. Out of this Council caoc sub~coooittees t o deal with the problens. These are:
Mr • Charles Stora, Lockheed Corp., Georgia
Mrc H.'.lrry Helton, YMCA
Educatir:n ~- Mrs . Betty Cantor, B'na.i B' rith
Pu~Hcity .. Mi2s Ann Cobb, Shell Oil Coopany
Spec:.2.l Events
Nro Steve Fox
The effectivenesc of th0se coooittees as well as the entire Youth Opportunity Prograo is doc,xie:cted in the proceed:;.ng pages. There were two additional coaoittees:
1. Juvenile Delinquency - Mr. Janes McGovern
Individual and Casework
Services~ Mrs. Edith Hanbrick
Mrs. Marian Ford
The 1968 Yout h Oppoi:'tun::.ty Prograo was coordinated by the Atlant<l
Children and You t-·h SE':;:vices Co:mcilo This council is Perving as staff ·
to the Met:::opolitan Youth Opportunity Council. It is cooposed of app"".
roxioately ffi agend.P.:: and organizations.
The Mayor of the city of Atlanta serves as general chairoan of the
Youth Opportunity Prograo. The Board of Directors of the Atlanta Children and Youth Se.rv:i.ce.:; Council serves as the Executive Connittee of the ..
Youth Opportunity Progrso, The representatives of the various participating ag~; nnd or gr.nir.:ations serve as the oeobers of the Youth Opp,,.
or tUi.1ity Progr an~
Early in 1968 the Ch~iman of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services
s e nt corH:spond enc~ t o e,: c,:.:::y agency in the Metropolitan Atlanta area, in~
viting thc:o to pa r ::icip<-1.1:·~ in the Youth Opportunity Prograo. Correspond'"'.
ence ·u as also seut t o i !ld:;.1,·!-:. ls and resid ents inviting then to participate. Mo:.:·e t h;:n 8.'J ~~"-:-;.c :L e.~ a nd oany individuals and businesses indi~
cated th~y would partic ipate.
Every p::,~dcip.:~:;.t or-g::-.,:1._:;~tion part in the Youth Opportunity
Pr ograo- wsre j_nvol\;,~d :!.::. t i, ~ pL:::-1nin 3 p ::: oce:s s . Several exploratory neetings
were held e :.::i:rl y i.:1 1 9S G ~t v arious coonittees and sub-coooittees were
fol."oed. Mo;~-=, t ~1a ·n "/;; p 1.:::.:..:.::!.:'..::..g r.icet:1.ngs ,;.~er e held. At these nee tings, the
following activ :i. t i e n ·,!'2. u,.1d or~'.sken~
.-:s tabli.2 hoe-:::.t
es t a b lis h r:i2:1 t
establis hoe.n-:
establisho Qnt
establ i s ho?.n t
p'.!:osrao pl."iorities
cr:-ipJ.oynent sub~coooittee

re.erention sub ~coIIDittee

e:i.uc::i.tion sub~coooittee
g eogra phical sub-cor:u:;iittce
I n 2dcit i o::1 , Eco:io~ic Opp o~ t unity Atianta, Inc., IDA Neighborh~od Service, '.;;he U:1ited A:_Jpea l l\.gencie s 0 a nd the Atlanta Youth Congress ·held
s ev t:::ra l o eet i n g2 .::nd confa~rcnc e s wi t h their participants and oeobers to
as c ":\r t a in t hoi:i:: needs and i nterests"
Th0 prinary pla n~ing r e sponsibilities for the 1968 prograo were assur;:ied
1, E. O.Ao~ Inc3 (~onounity Ser vices Departoent)
2. E. O,A., I nc, CNAc~s
3 o United Appea :!. AgenciE's
4 . 'Ihe Pa:cks .r:.nd R2creation Depart oent
5 . The .At l a nt.::i. Ch:i.ldre:1 and Yout h Serv i c es Counci l
6. ':he Atlanta Public Schools
Other agenciE'.S p articipating in p l anning wer e:
1. The G orgia .St2.te Eoployoent Services
2 ~ \ii'.O?.: Tiad j_o StQtio::1
3 , '2:he F€.1e::.·:1 l &:8C'. ttive Board
4 o -::1e City P.:-·.:::s:::,,,n'-"l Depc.rt:oe.n t
5. :r::w r ~tic::al AlJ.::.;::i_,-:c o f Bu::: inessoen
6, -::1'2! f.t:! ..::.;.,:: t ::::. PubJ.~.c: U.bYG,:::-y
7.. '::h~ P..tJ 2::, t:-::i. Art::, C-:>·.:ncil
8. '2hG;.:: t.r t :: Connir,;:i ion
9. '.;:hG Of.C.c - o f City ~r.:-v kcn Coordina tion
10. The Unit,:,.d 1\;?pE.3.l Casc.';JO?~k Ag<',n cies
11. ~he C:::,-uc,.ty Eralz.h Depnrtraent
12 0 The FuJ.ton Co ..mty l-k.2.lth Departoent
13. EJ.:10r y t.:n ~.ven i ty
14. Atlanta Univ<: ·;-:-s ity
15. C~.a:r.k CoJ.1.egc
16. Moreho~~e CollcgP.
17 .
18 .
20 ,
Spelr;ian College
Metro-Coooission for Crio e and Delinquency
Fulton County Medical Society
Grady Hospital (M&l Project)
The Christian Co~ndtl of Atlant~
The Atlanta Urban League
The Junior Chaober of Co~ erce
The Shell Oil, Co.
The Lilles, Battle and Neal Public Relations Firo
The Atlanta Police Depar toent (Crioe Prevention Bureau)
The Atlanta Youth Congress
All a gencies and individuals requesting funds for the Youth Opportunity
Prograo were asked to suboit a proposal to the Mayor's Council on Youth
Opportunity for approval under OEO and Youth Opportunity Progr ao guidelines.
A screening coDDittee was then organized to evaluate the proposed prograos.
The coornittee personnel were representative of the total coDrJunity, i.e.,
Youth Agencies, Private Agencies, Public Agencies and individuals froo the
coonqnities to be served.
The proposals subnitted for funding were presented to the Connunity Services Departoent E.o.A., Inc. by the screening cor.u:iittee. The Coanunity
Services Departoent developed, under the guidelines (OEO and Youth Oppor tunity Prograo) all prograos subo itted. The total package of proposals was
then subo itted to OEO-Washington f or approval.
Included in the planning process were the several surveys and studies
oa de to assess the needs of Atlanta's youth and the gaps in services to
oeet these needs. The followin g priorities wer e establis hed:
A. Enp loyoent
1. Youth 14-21 years of a ge
2. Poor youth
B. Recr ea t i on
1. Recreational a c tivities of older youth dur ing evening hours
2. Coweunity organized a t hletics and ac t ivities
3. Organized athletic activi ties fo r i nner city youth
c. Education
1. Reoedial prograns i n poverty schoo ls
2. Tutorial and study help prograos
3. Cultural enrichoent progr aos
4. Make-up programs f or children attending half-day clasnes
5 . Socially, acadeoically and nentally retarded youth
A. Uneoployed poor youth 16-21
B. Socially and acadeoically·retarded youth 6-13
C. Delinquent and potentially delinquent youth 14-21
D. Culturally deprived youth of all ages
E. Cot:10unity services and leadership developoent aoong youth 14-21
Each subnitted proposal dealth with t he priorities listed above. As
well as other needs in the city of Atlanta . These activities, for the
ooot part cons tituted the oajor portion of the 1968 Youth Opportunity
Prograo planning process .
The adoinistrative cost involved in the planning were borne by E.o.A.,
Inc. and the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council.
The r;iany experiences encountered in the planning of this year's Youth
Opport unity Prograo necessitates the following recoooendations;
1. That planning for the 1969 Youth Opportunity Prograo begin now at
the Neighborhood level.
2. That i oprovenents be nade on sooe coordination at the neighborhood
level aoong the various agencies concerned.
3. That the city appropriate to the council a soall fund for hiring local
coordinators froo March-June (part-tine) froo June-Septenber (fulltine).
4. That the Youth Council be strengthened and expanded and that it be
given authority and sanction by participating agencies to carry out
the necessary activities to effect i nptenentation of various prograos.
5. That the planning and adoinistrative staff of the Youth Opportunity '
Progran be nore clos.e ly related to the executive officers of the
Youth Opportunity Progran, Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council
or the agency so designated.
6. That all prograos in the Youth Cpportunity Prograo, funded or endorsed
by local resources, be reviewed and evaluated and receive a sign-off
by the Atlanta Youth Congress.
7. That the type of cooperation as existed between EOA, United Appeal
and the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council serves as a prototype for all participating in the Youth Opportunity Prograo.
8. That a part of the city's and other funds be appropriated to ahe
Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council for coordination.
9. That youth and indigenous residents participate oore fully and less
superficial in the Youth Opportunity Prograo planning .
It is oos t difficul t to oake a clear deteroination of the true oonetar y
cos t of this pr ograo. However, the yout h coordinator estioates the total
pr ogr,o cos t to be $2,127,529. A detai l ed description is as follows:
Prograo Cost (Local , Sta te , Federa l )
Arts Pr ograo
Priv~t e Bus iness
Atlanta Public Schools*
City of Atlanta
Unit~d Appeal Special Funds
$1 ,300,529
75 , 000
237, 000
205, 000
300 , 000
10 . 000
$2,127,52 9
The above figures are the esti oated ca s h cost of t he year's prograo.
As usual the cost in effort, tine, volunteers and other support can't be
expressed in nonetar y value. However, these particular facets of the pr ograo have proved to be invaluable contributions t o prograo operatio~s.


figure for the Public Schools does not include the cost of operating
60 schools in a special suooer project.
The clijor eophasis of the 1968 Youth Opportunity Prograo was youth
eoployoent. A job sub-coor:Jittee ~as created to deai with this specific
prograo. This coonittee studied and devised plans to register, orient,
counsel, develop jobs; and place youth in jobs. The oajor objective was
to provide a job for every youth seeking one.
In order to deternine the nuober of youth desiring eoploynent this
sunoer, approxioately 40,000 pre-job registration foros were sent to the
schools, neighborhood Service Centers and other agencies. 26,000 youth
indicated that they wanted soae type of suoner eoployoent. Because of
this large need for jobs, coordinated job developoent prograos were i nplea ented. The resulting job placeoents by groups and agencies in lieu of
coIJDittoents are as follows:
Na tional Alliance of Businessoen
Sumer Recreation EOA Proposals
Federal Agencies
Subsidized Jobs (NYC) Vocational
Educa tion, Title I, etc .
Cit y of Atlant a
Fulton County
Atl anta Youth Congres s
7, 730
Miscellaneous (GSES)
Tota l
The 7,730 youth eop loyed thi s s unner exceeded the conr.1ittoent by
approxioately 47% .
The approxioate aoount of ooney earned by youth this s was
$4,250,000 .
Detail ed figures based on $600 pe r capita is as f ollows :
Wage Cost
National Alliance of Businessoen
City of Atlanta
Fulton County
Youth Congress
Misc. (GSES)
Federal Agencies
Subsidized jobs
$4,250 ; 000
Butler Street YMCA - Work Incentive Der:1onstration Prograo - - - - 'Ihis project
was designed to serve 100 oen between the ages of 16-21 in a work incentive prograo with the hope of eoployoent after coopletion of the project.
The project lasted two weeks, and served 85 oen.
Butler Street YMCA - Canp Ipproveo ent Project---- This eoployment prograo
was designed to utilize 90 youth between the ages of 16-21. The youth
were involved in three weeks of caopsite ioprovenent of the Butler Str eet
YMCA's Lake Allatoona Caopsite. Activities included the winterization
of existing canp structure, landscaping, and waterfront ioproveoent.
It served 82 youth.
Young Men I s Civic League, Inc. ----- This unique work-recreation project A):, A ,
utilize 20 outh and young adults, oale and feoale, ages 16-21, in a

r~ r_y-prograo to upgrade their connunity. Activities included cleaning str eets, /

alleys, eopty lots, and rodent control.
()winnett County EOA ---- A coop rehensive eoployoent, recreational and
educational enrichoent prograo serving about 6,000 youth and children
both nale and feoale. The project enp loyed five teen leaders to be
divided aoong the four centers. Project activities included field
t~ips, personal hygiene, sewing classes, classes in water and hunting
safety, first aid, body care, draoa, and ousical groups. The project
lasted approxinately ten weeks.
West End Neighborhood EOA Center - - - - This eoployoent, recreat i onal and
cultural enrichnent prograo was designed to serve a nuober of yout h in
the area . The project eop loyed a nuober of youth to coordinate and supervise recreational a nd enrichoent prograos (a ges 17-18). Activities
i nc l uded baseba ll, basketba ll, volleyball, s occer, s t or y hour, and
trips. I t las ted for eleven weeks.
Vi ne City Founda t i on - Pr oject Recr ea t i on Pl ug-In ---- This wa s a
pilot eop l oyQent progr ao designe d t o u t ili ze indi genous teenage youth,
ages 16- 25, to s erve as coonuni ty recreat i on orga nizers. The youth
Recrea t i on Organize rs r ecruited , organi zed , pla nned, a nd s upervised
ten othe r t eenager s each to provi de planned s unoer r ecr eation on a
24-hour basis. The projec t lasted fo r e l even weeks .
WAOK Radio Station, EOA, Connuni t y Schoo ls - Junior D.J. PrograQ ---- An
employnent, cultural , and coonunications program uti l izing ten junior
D.J.'s froo high density areas trained in use of P.A. equipment to provide record hops for about 10 , 000 high s chool and young adults, ages 1625, during the evening hours (7: 30 - 10:00 P.M.). These hops were given
in all of the 14 neighborhood Service Center areas. The project lasted
four months .
~ H.
Northwest Young Men Civic Association - Operation Tighten Up---- This
progran designed to serve some ?_i..OOO teenage and young adults, ages 1325, in a oulti-purpose-progran. The progran eop loyed a nunber of indigenous youth and young adults. Activities included lectures, tours, youth
foruos, development of youth business, general sports (in-door and outdoor), and creative games.
Northwest Perry EOA Center - "Sock It to Me" --H An eoploynent project p,J
designed to serve 1,000 r.iale and feoale youth, ages ranging from 13- 25
f -,~
in an intensive prograo of training and counseling. Lead teenagers and
professionals worked with teenagers who have no work history as "peer"
Group Counselors. The project lasted approximately twelve weeks.
Pittsburg Neighborhood E0A Center---- This pilot program was designed to
utilize youth in a community beautification program, as well as provide
manpower for existing recreational facilities. The project eoployed
twenty oa les., a ge 15-20 9 in the Beautification Prograo, six fe1,;1ale
team managers, age 14-20, and three oale league planners to carry on
itc e · eague activities. The project also provided hooeoaker training for girls 9~17. The project lasted twelve weeks. Nine men eoployed and twenty volunteers discontinued because of lack of paid supervision.
Metropolitan Atlanta Boys' Club, Inc . ---- This cooprehensive eoployraent
and recreational project atteopted to oeet the needs of 10,000 boys in
severa.l Boys 'Clubs in the city, age 6-18. The project employed a nuober
of youth, ages 16 .. 21, to plan and develop prograos for areas served. Summer activities included group clubs, dancing, cooking, music appreciation,
puppetry, photography, nrt, desk help, handicrafts, drama, ceramics, and
Wood work. The project lasted approximately twelve weeks.
Wesley Coomunity Centers - Expanded and New Services---- This educational,
employoent, recreational, and cultural program designed to oeet the needs
of boys and girls 6-21. Progran activities included a six-week training
prograos for 11th and 12th grade, including craft skills, canp skills, so
as to be able to work with so~ ller children in caop situations. The project lasted for ten weeks.
-.-.., M.
-\ v ~.
5 i~u_,, r
Suo-Mec Neighborhood EOA Center---- A comp rehensive emp loynent, recreational, educational and cultural project serving 5,000 youth, oales and
females, of all ages, in the Surn··Mec area. Activities included· tutorial, typing, fi l mstrips , draoa, counseling, field trips, etc.
Dekalb YWCA - Job Preparation Prograo ---- An eoployoent program designed
to serve 25 teenage girls, 16-18 years of age, and training and counseling in going about getting a job. The program lasted for seven months.
Rent-A-Kid~--- This unique eoployoent project was designed to provide
enployQent for youth on a contratual bases. It operated in the West
End area and served a large nuober of youth.
Mobile Job Recr uiter---- This enploynent progran was designed to decent r alize emp loymen t facilities c It consisted of a bus traveling throughout the c ity t aki ng jobs to youth; and it served nany a large nunber of
youth .
The a bove to ta l does not include the nany youth hired by pr i vate c i tizens
in various job s lots.
Atlanta is es pecta lly proud of t he s uccess of thi s yea r 's job program.
However, many d i fficulti es occured wh i ch haope r ed the t ot al effort and prevented it froo being more successful. To overcone these difficulties in the
future, the following recoooendations are offered;
That the employment s ervices be designated the official and only agencies
responsible for screening, placement and job developnent for the Youth
_.,. 11 Jle
Opportunity Prograo. Such recomra~rtdation I:J.eans that ~t ieastt 94o//,, of the
eoployoent services efforts will be put into job developI:J.ent, 5% in placeQent and 1% in sc r eening .
That the Youth Opportunity Progtao's effortl be teported froo all other
adI:J.inistrative operations.
That a full tine job developoertt person be hired to wot k exclusively
and all year round on sunoe~ ahd Youth Opportunity Prograo jobs~
That the pre-registration of youth for Guoner jobo be elimnated.
That the National Alliance of Businessnen not be the official agency
for handling the Sur.rr:1er Job Prograo even though their participation
will be solicited~
That direct hires by Federal and private organizations without prior
screening by the eoployoent services be elioinated or not counted as
a recruit for the Youth Opportunity Progran. If such recoi:rrnendation
is followed the probleo of being occured of not hiring poor, inner
city and/ or o inor ity youth will be greatly oinimized .
That a job corporation be foroed in order to provide o ore jobs for
youth under 16.
That laws relating to youth eoploynent be car efully read, revised and
changed wher e neces s ary so that youth nay obtain jobs.
Tha t non-profit priva te and public a gencies increase their hi r ing of
That t he prob l eo of t rans por t a t i on to j obs in outlyi ng a r eas be r eoedied
and realistically dea lt with .
That the Youth Opp ortunity Caopaign work toward conne c ti ng t he s ituation
in which the s tate hired few if any youth during the s uooer to work i n
State Parks , Hospitals, Highways and ot her s uch Departments .
That Departoents o f City governroont other t hnn the Parks and Sanitary Departments i ncrease their hiri ng of oinori ty youth , i.e., Atlanta Housing
Authority , Hospital Authority, Public Library , e tc .
That oore effort be nade in teaching youth job s eeking, j ob getting, etc.
That t he subsidized jobn be doubled in Atlanta,
The najor ope rating educat ional prograns were suDfiler schools operated by
t he Atlanta Systeno A fee was cha rged for these schoo la; however, no needy
child was denied admission t o s uorne.r school because of noney . PTA's and other..
coonunity groups promoted attendance of suQOer school for children needing
renedial work.
To provide needed renedial and tutorial prograns for youth;
OBJECT!VES cont ' d
To provide vocatinnal informati on ~µd ~ducntional activities
needed by youth to enter into the labor fo t~e;
To allow cr eativ~ and inh~vati~e hducatioh~i prograns not
possible during the wintet' months;
To allow coupling of education, enploynont, culture and recreation;
To offP.r prograoo and couraon not generally available to poor youth
during the regular school year.
To provide curnmer r 0m~dial·prQgraor. for 2,024 stud~nta;
To pr0vide tutori~l servic~s for 1,362 otudcnts;
To providr. vocation~l, technical, dnd occupational information
for 2,185 students;
Tq provide enrichment and advance programs for 1,000 students;
To provide creative and experimental program~ conbining eq, loyment,
enrichment, recreational and occupationa l information for needy stud~nts;
To launch an int~naivc back"to-ochool effort to g~t 2,500 studont~ to
retur n t o ochool in th~ f a ll;
To ~s~iGt neody high school gr a duates t o obtain scholdrs hi p~ 4nd
tuit i~n Qid to continue thei r education , ~i ving spec i a l a tt~ntion
to "hi gh ris k" gr adua t 1C?a ;
To nssio t t he ~chool and comnunity i n mee ting the ~p~ci al neede of
s t uden ta wit h th~ apccial personal, social and oconomic probl em.,.
Publicly-Spons o~ed Educat i onal Proj ects
The pub l icly-spons ornd pr ojects cons i s t of s i x school~ which op@n 12
hours daily and 6 days each week, concen t rating on ba~ic education snd
oduca tiona l progr ans . Th~ number of youth attending the various schoel~
w~re as f ollowa :
School sxsts_e:
Number of Youth
Atl~nta Public School s
12 ,090
Fulton County School Syoteo
2·, 900
Total-- ~--~-- ~- -------~
14 , 900
Thia total does not include the children and youth that participated in the cducati0n and recreation prograrruJ opcratP.d by the Board nf Education.
Mor-n that 20,000 participatr-,d in programs and activities operated in
th~ 60 schools which were operated by the Atlanta Public School~. The City
of Atlanta Board of Education provided a t~tal of $205,677.00 for scholarships. An -additional amount was rnnde available for ~ub~idies and individuals participating in the summer school program.
Sone of the tutorial and study-help prograrJS operated in the Youth Opportunity Progran are as follows:
Cabba getown Recreation/Work Youth Center: This progran was designed to
involve 50-100 oales and feoales i n and out of school, ages 12-21, in a
progran of recreation, eop loyraent, education, and cultural enrichment
activities as field trips, caoping , tutorial, etc. The project lasted
for twelve weeks and served 100 youth per day.
Central YWCA - Job Exploration for Teen Teaos: This enployoent, educational and recreational progran utilized 40-50 youth in a six week training program to work with various children's prograos (ages 5-11), including playgrounds, tutoring, story telling, etc. A group of ten teens
(ages 15~17) and a young adult leader worked as a teao in areas . The
project lasted -f or approxioately seven weeks, and served 14 youth per
c • . Butler Street YMCA - Education and Enploytlent: A work~study setlinar con'"
ducted a t . resideht canp _for twelve high school graduates f t oo poverty
backgr ounds. The activity of the senih~~s consisted of inforoation that
was applicable to college entran~~• discussion on curtent sociai events,
etc, lhe project lasted for w e i ve weeks snd ser ved io youth per day i
&Jory University - Division of Librarianship: Story-telling Courses
This educational prograo was designed to provide efficiency for a Story
Teller used during the sur;:u:;ier in various recreation prograns. The project provided twelve courses utilizing 20 enrollees for an eight week
Sun- Mee Neighborhood EOA Center - Mechanicsville Suooer Project: This
progr ao operated out of the Pryor Str eet School. It provided recrea~
t ion and educat i on needs during the suoner nonths . A large anount of
youth of t he area were hir ed.. The project lasted for three months and
ser ved 300 youth per day.
In addition t o the above prograns other pr i vate organi zations oper ated
tutorial and study~help progr aos ~
The Anti-Defornation Lea gue o f B'nai B' r i t h ope ra ted a tutorial proj e ct
in the Perry Hones Area.
An i n ter-agency projec t working with high absenteeiso f anilies, including
130 you t h f roo these f aoilies operated in the Perry Hones Area.
Saint Vincent de Paul Church oper ated a tutorial project in the Perry
Hon es Area .
The Third Arny op erated a f ull and comp rehensive prograo i n t he Poole
Creek Area which included educa tion , recreation , tuto ring a nd special
The Arts and
were perhaps the
ting projects in
the Atlanta Arts
large variety of
Cultural activities of the At lanta Youth Opp ortunity Prograo
raost cooprehensive of any city with cooparable groups operaall sections of the city . The oeobers and associates of
Council as well as the Georgia Arts CoCll!lission offered a
prograos and activiti es to Atlanta's youth. In addition
the Atlanta public schools, the Parks and Recreation Department and EOA
offered cultural activities.
The various arts and other groups offering programs and services were as
Phyllis Wheatley YWCA ~ Project A Twilight Enricho.ent Prograo ---."".. _'l;hio
cultural, recreational, educational, group guidance and leadership developoent project was designed to help youth enrich their social and spirit•
ual lives in the Vine City, Siopson, Beckwith, Fair and Walnut Street
areas o The project attenpted to help 45 pre~teens (6-12) and 35 teenagers
(13-16). The specific activities included day camp activity. The project lasted approxioate ly eight weeks and served 155 youth per day.
Central City EOA ~ 02,eration~- ~ ··~~ .. This is an enploynent, recrc~tional,
cultural, and educational prog:rao which served 500 oales and feoalee, .ages
5-25, in and out of school , in a conprehensive prograo of recreation and
cultural activities, including diversified playground prograns, field
trips, crafts, dramatics, dance, group discussion, etc, _The project lasted
eleven weeks.
The Church of the Master, United Presbyterian USA ..... __ This progra9t was, a
recreational, educational and cultural enrichoent prograo serving youth
in arts and crafts , lectures (sports, cocial topics, current events),
field trips, tutorial prograos, dancing, games, sports, and counseling
services. The project lasted approxioutely eight weeks,
Ruth Mitchell Dance Coopany ~ Dance Instrnction in Modern Jazz Ballet-
This recreational, educational, and cultural progran was designed to utiii~
ze youth, ages 9~15, in providing classes in Modern Jazz Ballet, in pre- _
pnration for a prograo presented by t~e youth. This pro ject lasted for
ten weeks.
Acadeoy Theatre - Project Circus -·"" A recreational, educational, a11d
cultural prograo designed to utilize sooe 50 youth throughout Atlanta
who were trained in theatre and dranatic techniques, The Acadeny pro- _
duced five showo (Circus) per week for a six week period. The Theatre
handled 180 kids per perforoancee
Theatre A~~ ~"-" This project produced plays which wa-r e presented on
n nobile theatre facility to four · EOA target areas.. The. project served
nnd enployed youth and young adults, and lasted for_ eight weeks.
There were two photography pi·oj ects operated in the Youth Opportunity Prograo. One wos financed by a loca l group through Clark College and the
YMCA, and the other was financed by the Georgia Arts CorJrJission. These
proj-1':cts served 30 youth weekly.
Arthur Harris, Pretident of Sttipto, contribut~d 1,500 dollars to begin
nn art prograo, Thir. prograra was succeasfully sustained. It l asted
fron July 3 to Septeober 3.
The Briggs Gallery bponsored art contests for the under~privileged.
prize as well as a ponsible scholarship was awarded the winnero
Leroy Neinan, Playboy Magazine Art Director, cane to Atlanta on a no salary basis to conduct an art school for the poor people,

Workshops. Inc.
This project- provided nuober of plays for recreational prograos throughout the city. 500 young people have participated in
this prograr:i..
Another project working in support of the Educational and Cultural aspect
of the Youth Opportunity Prograo was the Back-to-School Project. The Atlanta
Schools, the Youth Council, EOA and Connunity Chest agencies launched an effort to get youth to return to school. This effort took place beginning in
August, 1968. Approxinately 3,000 school dropouts and potential dropouts
were contacted and urged to· renain in or return to school. Many of these contacts were on a person-to-person basis.
It is estinated that approxioateiy 30,000 children and youth were involved
in various types of reoedial, advanced, and special educational prograos, including foroal suooer school.
Upwards of 50 , 000 di sadvantaged children and youth participated in the
225 educational prograos"·
In addition to the regular sunner prograo, several special prograns were
provided under Title I and III EASA by the Atlanta and Dekalb County Boards
of Education.
The Education aspect of the Youth Opportunity Prograo generally operated
effectively. However , sane specific probleos did occur. In order to prevent
their reoccurance in the future the recorn:iendations following are offered;
That fornal and infernal aspects of the education prograr:i. be operative
up to the last week of August, thereby elio inating confusion.
That oore afternoon and evening reoedial prograos for older working teena gers be operated duri ng the sur:ner oonths.
~hat private and parochia l s chools be urged to participate in the You th
Opportunity Prograo by of f ering prograns, scholarships, personti.el, etc .
to inner city youth .
Tha t t he Board of Educa t ion exp l ore t he poss i bility of find i ng citizens
or youth groups under Ti tle I and other resources to ca rry out innovations
and creative Educationa l Prograoso
That t he Voca tiona l Educa t iona l Departnent undertake creative Work- Study
Prograr:is during t he suC10er to intr oduce to high s chool youth var ious
voca t ional occupations.
That the Board of Education and t he Fulton and Dekal b Counti es Depa rtnents of Public Welfare undertake a day and r esiden t canp Prograo f or
the educationally retarded ind i vidua l using a conb i na tion of State and
Federa l fund s.
That the Board of Education support a youth operated curriculuo developnent project operated during the SUDC1e r 1969 utilizing EA.SE Act
That the Atlanta Colleges be encouraged to identify and sponsor programs
that will enable high risk, talented and/ or poor youth and ninority
youth to attend college in the fall.
That a greater participation by private agencies in tutorial prograns
be undertaken,
That early lines of cor:inunications by area offices and citizens be esta•
blished to decide what programs could best meet cooo.unity needs.
That e ducation orientation projects be ectablished during the suoner
so that youth who are recent releaseGs froo institutions are provided
-with reorientation,
That closer coordination between educationaand recreation prograns be
There are approximately 500,000 children and youth in Greater Atlanta.
Most of these were seeking ways to spend their suoner leisure tine. Unfortunately, the lack of recreational and informal educational programs was
most acute in the poverty c0Dr.1unitiesc Realizing the great need and shortage of wholesooe recreat~onal activities yea r round, the various parks, the
public schools and libra rie~, the art groups, the EOA Heighborhood Service
Centers, the CoCJDunity Chest Agencies, and sever al youth groups planned
approxioately 6 0 pr ojects ~ The se pr ojects coobine seve:;:al recreation, and
education and eoployoen t o Many of thes e wer e youth oana ged and operated.
The City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation and School Departoents, EOA,
United Appeal, and several other a gencies carried the oajor responsibilities
for the recreationa l prograo in the target a reas o The activ ities of these
prograns varied.
The r e were several priva tely""s ponsored r ecreationa l projectD. These
included caop ing activitie s by the Boy Scouts, Canp Fire Girls, YMCA, YWCA,
and the Bethleheo Centers. The nuober of youth served in the various caoping prograos are as follows:
Day Caop
Resident Cao2
Metropoli t an YMCA
Butler Street YMCA
Me tropol itan YWCA
Boy Scouts
Sa lva tion Arny
Girl Scouts
Canp Fire Girl s
Wesley Hooe
Atlant a Parks Depart o.ent
G:1.rl s Club
Boys Club
Grady Girl's Club
4440 _.
A significant part of the recreation prosrao is the fact that it enployed
approxtoately 1,300 youth to work in various pr.ograns and activities.
The Atlanta Parks and Recreation Departoent has served approxioately
525,000 youth (tu1·nstile count) in suooer recreational opportunities. In
addition , a large nuober of youth have received recreational opportunities
thro~gh the vurious schoo l activities . In this respect, the public agencies
have far exceeded any efforts at any tine in the past in their various recreational prograos and activities.
Usually, the ultioate success of any prograo depends upon the concern and
involvement of private groups and organizations. The vari~us pr ivate org~i-~
zations and· agencies in 4tlanta have significantly contributed to the overall
suoner recreational effort.,. Many of these agencies have pr,ovided resources
over and above normal expectation3.
Dekalb YWCA - Kirkwood SWi!i]I'Jing Class---- This progran provided· swimming
activit.ies for fifty youth ages 7-12,in school. It lasted for approx~t_ely
twelve weeks.
Edgewood Neighborhood EOA Center - East Lake Youth Suomer Recreation Prograt:1~~-:."'.'.
This SUCJIJer recreation progran served about 500 youth of all ages.. Activities· included se·wing, crafts, staop collections, guitar lessons, piano lesSDns,
dancing, wood work, nnd sports • . It lasted approxi'C'.lately nine weeks~.
. .
F.dgewood Neighborhood EOA Center - Kirkwood Skating Project---- A prograra to
provide skating activities £or 200 youth and young acb lts, age 6~_25~ The ·
project employed twelve young adults froo the coonunity. The · projec.t iasted
approxioately ten weeks.
Rockdale County EOA and Recreation Conmission ---- The project provided r ec"'.".
creational, educational, and cultural activities for sooe 600 youth and young
adults. The project employed 30 argct area youth to supervise the oajor ac~
t ivities as teacher aides, ground keepors, cquipnent Mnagers, and conce_s -:
sion workers. Activities included sports, arts and crafts, dr ana, and act~
ting •. The proje c t l a~ted for t welve weeks.
West Centra l EOA Neighborhood Cen~er A recreational, educational, and cul~
tural enrichment pr ogram w.hich served app~-0xi Mtely 5,400 persons of 4~1 ages~
Activities for this program i nc1.uded i ndoor and outdoor r ecreation, arts and
crafts , headstart, t rips to interesting places , neighborhood cleanups ,_ etc .
The project lasted approxinat.e l y eieven weeks .
&lgewood Neighborhood EOA Center ~ Su0I:1er Crash Recreation Project --.-- This
unique pilot project utilized six youth from the a rea to work with men t ally
retarded children. The project served 24 mentall y r etarded children by pro~
viding daily oental and physical activities . I t l asted f or nine weeks ~
Emmaus House---- A unique program designed to take 100 boys and girls of
the Peoplestown-Suornerhill area to Jekyll Island f or one week in an attempt
to replace a sluo setting with a oemorable experience of a world they have
never known. Activities for this program included recreational activity,
and counseling. After returning these youth engaged in a seven week recedial reading prograo. The project lasted for eight weeks.
College Park Civic and Education Club, Inc. - -- ~ This project both recrea~
tional and educational served approximately 9,000 youth, both cale and fe~
oale o~ 11 ages that reside in low~incone coomunities. the project ut~~i~
zed ~'p, or youth as youth assis~ance and nine young adults, Activities
for this program included recreation, spo-rbs, arts &nd crafts, daily.person•
al hygiene, trips and excursions, ceramics and diversified playground programs. It lasted for twelve weeks~
East Point Recreation Departoent 12:54, 29 December 2017 (EST) This .project covered the four target
areas in the city. It was designed to oeet the recreational needs of 5,000
persons of all ages
The. project employed eight young adult$ and youth £roe
each of the area blockso Activities included sports, playground activities,
arts ·and crafts, ceraoics, sewing, personal hygiene and, trip:s and
eK?Jrsions, teen progrataS, senior citizen's prograc, swicr.dng and pre-school

The project lasted fo r eight weeks~
North Fulton EOA Center---- A twelve week program designed to provide recreational activities for sone 500-600 youth of both sexes, ages 8-18. The
project consisted of hiring one youth worker in each local conounity to work
under the local supervisor. Activities for the project consisted of softball,
horseshoes, basketball, badointon, baseball, volleyball, and croquet.
In addition to the various recreation projects, special activities hav.e
been offered by some agencies and, organizations.
The WAOK Dance Mobile has entertained and provided recreation for 14,000
youth in the Youth Opportunity Prograo.
· The Book Mobile has served lD,000 youth this sur:iner.
200 youth participated in the Junior Olynpics Program.
The overall efforts of the recreation program has been generally more ext enesive and oeaningful as opposed to last year's prograo. Several businesses
and cf tizens have nade significant contributions to this prograc.
The Atlanta Rotary Club nade available many canperships for several yout~.
In addition the Atlanta Rotary Club assisted in the establishment of a
Boy's Club in one of Atlanta's Poverty Areas. The cost of both of these
contri butions was $14,000.
In addition to regu1&r Parks facilities, sone of the additional operating facilities provided by the Parks and Recreation Departnent are as
Tot Lots
The total ·c ost of the recreation progra.n for the 1963 Youth Opportunity
Cciopaign was approxina.tely $1,260,300 . A description of approximately how
rauch noney wa:, : spent in this coaponent is listed as follows:
City of Atlanta
F,.OA , (Including OEO grant)
Private Donations
United Appeal Agencies (unfunded)
s.;,oo •
. $1~260,300.
." Many other 'd onations were mde to this aspect of the Youth Opportunity
Progr8c for which cash value is difficult to deterninate. These donations are
listed in another part of this report.
The recreational aspect of the Youth Opportunity Progran has far exceeded
any previous ef£<1rts. The Parks and Recreation Departoent, EOA and United
A~peal agencies have provided outstanding participation and eupport~ Scee
probleos did arise, however, and the following reconmendations aiced at
preventing thera in the future;
That an increase in the quality and quantity of recreational activities
for teenagers be provided.
That swinoing pools be open during sorae evenings until 10 o'clock. ·
That churches and private agencies provide substantially nore caoperships for inner city youth.
That the locatins of recreational services and facilities be re•exaoined
and gaps and duplication be elininated.
That private agencies nake better and wider use of their staff and facilities throughout the sur:iner nonths·~
That closer coordination between EOA and the Parks Departoent be undertaken.
That funds be made available to the Recreation Departoent at the first
of the Year'.
The fact that the regular projects and prograas in the 1960 Youth Opportunity Prograo have operated so effectively nay be due to the various dona~
tions and contributions oade for the sunoer effort by private citizens, bus~
inesses and civic organizations and groups and federal agencies.
The Federal Executive Board donated 3,000 envelopes and postage for use
in the Back-to-School Project.
$15,000 was donated by the Coca Cola Company, the Coca Cola Bo~t ling Coo•
pany, and a private citizen for the purchase of the Show Mobile.
Davison's, an Atlanta · Departoent Store, donated the printing of 40,000
resources inventories.
The Montag Corporation donated raore than 300 reaos of paper and art sup•
plies as a special contribution to the Youth Opportunity Program;
'feu!>r,rta-Pools (portable swinning pools) were donated to the sunr;ier
Youth Opportunity Prograr.i by private businesses and organizations. 'Ihey
1 Porta Pool
1. Ivan Allen Conpany -
2~ C & S Bank
1 Porta Pool
3. Trust Company of
1 Porta Pool
4. Rich Foundation
5 Porta Pools
5o Coca Cola Conpany
1 Porta Pool
6. Georgia Power Co.
1 Porta Pool
Southern Concrete Company donated a $50 caopership to the Youth Opportunity Program for under-privileged youth.
Miss Rachel Bailey, private citizen donated $10.00 worth of Art supplies
to the Youth Opportunity Program.
4,000 free passes to Six Flags over Georgia plus $4,000 in spending money
was donated to the Youth Opportunity Prograo ·by a donor.
The Atlanta Braves donated 70,000 free passes to Braves Baseball gaoes.
The Atlanta Braves - Chiefs donated 180,000 passes to the Atlanta Chiefs
soccer gaoes.
The Coca Cola Company donated 1,000 special passes to the Atlanta Braves
Baseball Clinics and gaoes. This donation included free hotdogs and c kes.
Arthur Harris, President of Scripto Coopany donated $1 , 500 to begin a
special Art Prograo.
Frank Barracliff, a private citizen donated $100.00 worth of plywood and
other lumber for use in the Youth Opportunity Program.
The Atlanta Braves donated 400 free passes to the College All Star Footbal l gane as a special contr i buti on to the Youth Opportunity Prograo.
The Atlanta Braves dona ted 400 f ree passes to the Atlanta Jazz Festiva l
as a special contribution to the Youth Opportunity Prograo.
Theatre Under t he Stars dona t ed 3,100 free passes to poor youth as a
special contribut ion to the Youth Opport unity Program.
Festival Cineoa donated 3,100 free passes f or youth over a s ix week peri od as a special contribution t o the Youth Opportunity Progr am.
The various donations and contributions by private citizens and businesses
were in part irameasurably responsibl e f or the success of t he 1963 Youth Opportunity Caopaign .
s. Chandler, a private citizen donated a variety of sport and
athletic equipment to the Youth Opportunity Prograt!l. Mr. Chandler's
donation was utilized by the Vine City Foundation.
Mr. Henry
In addition to the above donations in the fora of talent and skills have
been by entertainers and athletes of national faoe.
Camen McRae, a national recording star, donated a concert to the Youth
Opportunity Prosran. Miss McRae entertained several hundred youth for
two hours.
The Tans, a top recording group, donated several perforoances to the Youth
Opportunity Progran.
Miss Pat Lundy, a national recording star, donated several concerts to the
Youth Opportunity Progran.
In addition to the various donations, another crucial aspect of the Youth
Opportunity Program was the volunteer program. The key to the success of the
entire Youth Opportunity Program was the nuober of volunteers recruited. The
oanpower needed to carry out the many activities in this program was too nuoerous to be obtained from the liraited funds available. Therefore, a rigorous
effort was nade to recruit the necessary volunteers for the 1968 Youth Opportunity Progran.
One thousand and one hundred Federal eoployees volunteered to perform certain activities such as, recreation, tutorial, educational, and Arts and
cultural programs. More than 300 of these volunteers agreed to use their
cars for transpor_ting youth to and from various locations as one-shot assignnents.
Aluoinum Corporation of Ar:ierica volunteered the use of one coopany station
wagon once a week.
Mr. Tone Harris of Higgens, Harris and Coopany volunteered to work on Satnrdays in the Youth Opportunity Program.
Mr. H. L. Selsch of Chaoblee, Georgia volunteered to coach or tutor in the
Dekalb County section of Atlanta.
Two hundred volunteers contacted and encouraged sane 2,500 youth drop-outs
to return to school.
~olunteers from Morehouse College and geveral Federal Agencies worked in
the absenteeisD pro j ect.
Thirty volunteers worked in the Voluntary Probation Officers Program which
operated through the Fulton and Dekalb County Juvenile Courts.
The Fulton County Medica l Society (nenber physicians) volunteered free
physical examinat i ons for 795 youth. An additional 340 boys received free
phys i cal examinati ons at the Kirkwood Health C~nter .
Eastern Air lines Stewardesses v i sited several centers i n August and gave
discuss i ons and exhi biti ons on poi se, make-up and etc.
An unwed oo t hers projec t spons ored by the Enory Medi cal School, Uni•ad
Appeal Cas ework ~gencies , EOA ; Ful ton County Wel fa re Depar t nent , Community
Chest of Atlanta , and the Atlant a Youth Counc il operated i n the Northwe st
section of the city. Plans are now underway t o expand this prograo to
include the entire Metropolitan Area .
Many special prograns were provided in addition to regular surnner prograns
and activities. These special prograos and activities were as follows:
Delta Airlines - free rides for 334 poor youth
5,000 free passes to the Cycloroma
Delta Airlines donated free rides to Jekyll Island for 120 youth.
The Air Force Association held a special event for youth at the Stadium.
Juan Marchal, the top Giant pitching ace, spoke to 200 youth at Suomec FDA Center.
In conjunction with WSB, an art exhibition was held at Lenox Square Shaping Center in July and early August.
Willian Curry, a professional football player and forner Georgia Tech
All Anerican, gave filo lecture denonstrations at three FDA centers.
The Women Chanber of Cor.u:1erce gave 2 watermelon cuttings serving a total
of 335 people.
400 poor youth attended the Atlanta Jazz Festival free.
400 poor youth attended the All Star Football gaoe free.
Chattalanta Games
325 youth conpeted with the youth of Chattanooga in 3 athletic events.
The activities took place in Chattanooga.
5,000 youth attended free the July Jubilee.


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