Box 17, Folder 14, Document 34

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Box 17, Folder 14, Document 34

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Los Angeles Herald-Examiner |
Sunday, uy 14,1968 |

| &

I CAMBRIDGE, Md., July. 13)
| | @®—Negto leaders, defying!
the National Guard’s ban on!
demonstrations, have served
| notice they will resume street)
‘Marches Monday in an effort}
to break down racial barriers. .
“Our people are restless. |
They want their Pe
and they are determined to
acquire those legitimate |
rights which have been too |
long denied them,” said a |
statement by the Cam-
bridge Non-Violent Action
a ittee.

The committee is headed)
by Mrs. Gloria Richardson,|
militant integrationist leader. |
_ What will happen when the} |
National Guard confronts the!
demonstrators remains to be}
seen. Last night about 250

lard Te
Tic me cations praised |
the guard for its “ampartial” |

a accused Gov.’ =
0 of ‘inaction and lack of posi- |
tive leadership.” A
rmed down de-|

NAACP began picketing
amusement parks, so did

—Astociated Press Wirephoto


A SOCIETY OF HIS OWN — As members of the

privately-owned St. Louis
Ernest Meixner. Astride a

white mule, he called for a National Association for

the Advancement of White People, and picketed
the pickets. However, there-were no serious incidents.

‘played an uneasy semblance) —
of normalcy: today. There| ;
was no immediate sign of of a

further outbreak of rail

The day wore on without |

trouble. Gelston said he was |
a g of relaxing some
2 rasta curbs clamped |
on the town under militia

‘For example, he ‘might
hange the off-the-streets cur-
few from 9 p.m. to10 p.m.

“We are also investigating)
the possibility of allowing|
package goods liquor stores ing arranged.
to reopen... we know people, Meanwhile, Torrance police
are bringing ‘liquor ‘nto Gam:-! |breathed a sigh of relief.
bridge and we feel it's noti ‘Their vacation schedule,
fair for the package goods siwhich had been suspended
stores to, be penalized,” he! during the recent Southwood
said, [picketing and demonstra

jtions, was restored according

ito Lt. Swayne Johnson.

Even the “token” picket
line; which leaders of fhe
Congress of Racial Equality

,|had indicated would eon-
tinue outside the Southwood
Sales office until the Jack-
isons actually move in, failed
fo appear Saturday morning.

- Continued from Page 1)

“pponiise it is a good home
and a good buy.” He denied
that any integration group
| was financing the purchase,
but declined to say where
the necessary loan was be-

Bans Bias
In City Jobs |

LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 13 |
{#—Mayor William Cowger
_— - executive order AGREEMENT

ay banning discrimina- | wijson’s acceptance of the
tion by contractors: op jdeposit—and his agreement
business with the city, ef- to meet other demands of
fective Aug 1. ithe integrationist group —

In an administrative di- | were disclosed Friday at a
fective to city department ‘press conference in Wilson's

- Heads, the mayor said te- general offices at Gardena.

day a clause will be in-| In his own statement, Wil-
-serted in contracts and bid |son seid he had met with
invitations requiring con- jheads of the NAACP and the
tractors to bar diserimina- |United Civil Rights Commit:

The Pickets Vanish
‘In Torrance Peace

had arrested for trespassing
in Southwood. ;

were present at the DEeSS con:
ference. and said they were}
“very happy” about Wilson’s|
agreement to sell them a


Asked if they expected any
trouble from their new neigh-
bors or others; Mrs. Jackson

“No. don't, really, How-
ever, if anything should
happen, I hope that 1 shall
be able te face it intelli-

The Jacksons have a five-
year-old son, Eric, who would
be the only Negro child en-
rolied in a Torrance school.
But Jackson said no trouble
is expected there since the
boy already attends a private

be enrolled Jocally.


The Negro salesman, Wil-
son explained, is already
employed by him at another
of his tracts — but will be
shifted in the future to sell
houses at Various tracts

tion because of race, creed, tee Friday morning, after he
color, ‘Teligion or national \dismissed charges against 40
members of CORE Wesey he

without regard to predomi-
nant racial character of the

school and will probably not

At present, the couple live!
in a rented home in West Los

{From UPI and AP)
sen. Russell B. Long, D-La.,|
yowed today to oppose one

rights proposals “until hell}
freezes over. Then I propo:
to start fighting on the |
Sen. George Smather
DFla., also came out
position to features of
President’s program and
nounced he would ib)
against the overall |

dent’s request,

isuit were

| oe

| The

ithe Hinds '

jto close regi.

)3 and an order was

issued closing all r

in the county un! after he
Nov. 5 election. ej
Ashford said his small ; ||
was overburdened in prepar- |
ing for the Aug: 6 Democratic
primary. in which 138 names)
will be on the ballot:

clared Ashford sought ti
order hee regist

ing the qrabalan pebwect

white persons registered .
the county.”

lt’s Her First
100 Years

LONDON, July 13 (7—Dr
Margaret; Murray, noted
Egyptologist and specialist
on witchcraft, is celebrat-
ing her 100th birthday here.

Her 90,000-word atitobi-

Years,” was published :yes- |

of President Kennedy's civil] |

Long, Smathers Assail Rights Bill

The South Rises—to Fight |

mission erovorii ened it, |public or a provision to au-
but he flip-flops and |thorize the attorney general|}|
‘comes with. a complete |to bring school integration
rsurrender to minority pres- | suits, |
| Smathers said he doesn’t)
think Southern opponents
can conduct a successful fili-
the! | buster some Repub-

the percentage of Negro and

ography, “My First Hundred | j


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