Box 17, Folder 14, Document 53

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Box 17, Folder 14, Document 53

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KCP Calls F


; had Stevens and Charle es Somner, ghosts
t to frighten those on down generations
pinceded to block praiae,

ly consu
al fealty, :
the Presidenis°Cre iI Ri
“Fight these outrageous ese eale. with all of the p
being.” He referred to the document as “the most ir
sadistic” legislation in U.S. history!
_ Senator Russell “gave ‘em the works” on the p
modation portion of the bill. The main argument th
makes against this portion of the bill is that it woul
croachment on the property and individual rights of cer
prietors of businesses. This is true, but it is also true that
affect one or both of these rights.
However, the main point we would like to mak
cities and states have already on their books laws
a@ proprietor from accommodating or serving mem
racial groups. Have not the individual rights of those
who might have desired to serve members of both ra vi
discrimination been encroached upon? We have never nown our
ays senator to ever oppose a law requiring eee) at the
city, sta ieee, ‘national levels. So it seems that segreg
have already encroached upon the individual _ prope
Kv hile Ww we are on this subject of e chment, we
d. of the eer filibusters: in: the Senate in which our

n by other Bee ers of that

F al rights?
Rights bills, are now pending before the
uld be given due study and considera
body. In our opinion, they are needed to put our nation
th the true meaning of the Declaration of Independence.

ir individu

| —police questioned four white boys _

about a

in St. Augustine, Fila.,
shooting incident in which

Negro youths were struck by shot-
gun pellets in ftvont of the home
uf a civil xlgnts figure. Police said

Negr 0 Geritiaks

Ent of” Colored People (NAACP
sweeping additions to President Kennedy's eu iohte eae
peech which the NAACP labeled inadequate.

| annual NAACP cont

‘gram is)

ed unanimously a
tion that Sant the

the oa neat

e resolution also cd
mass civil’ rights | io ale,
Ne 3h ee


of this mi
Ti other an


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