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7 ot.)
(United Press International)
WASHINGTON —. (UPI() — Asst. Atty. Gen: Burke
said Tuesday the administration’s public accommodations section |
of its civil rights package would bar racial discrimination at “most lclashed with a Southern senator
hartburger stands.”
: shall, Javitsed
Gd” 4 \0 | WASHINGTON — (UPI) — Sec-
arshall | applause at a Senate hearing Wed-
5 o a A
Civil Rights
retary of State Dean Rusk won
nesday with a staunch endorse-
ment of civil rights legislation but
who said the audience was pa
with “civil . righters and Jett wing-
_ Sen: Jacob K. Javits, New York
Republican who supports the ad-
ministration prograin said the sec-
tion should even cover “Mrs. Mur-
_ phy’s” rooming house, which Atty.
| Gen. Robert F. Kennedy has al-
ready indicated willingness to ex-
Marshall and Javits testified be-
fore the Senate Commerce Com-
_mittee on the ramifications bill to
end segregation in private business-
_es which cater to the public.
_ Marshall was questioned partic-
ula,ly on whether the 14th. Bcd:
ment to the Constitution ¢oul ¢
used as the basis for a g aa
commodations law, with Iso in-
volving the federal pow regu-
late interstate commer aoe ad-
ministetiion proposes. -
The ministration Me tights
expe feplied that he@f@h both
were*méeded. He said whale based
on 14th ‘AmendmBAE “alone
might“ be declared uncon§Mllitional
and also would not “cover every-
Other congressional develop-
—A House education subcom-
mittee headed by Rep. John H.
Dent, D—Pa., cleared the way for
possible action Wednesday on a bill
which would forbid racial segrega-
tion in schools. receiving aid under
five federal programs paying out
more than $500 million a year.
—Welfare Undersecretary Ivan
A. Nestingen urged a House labor
subcommittee to approve expansion
of the manpower training pro-
gram to provide subsistence pay-
ments to unemployed illiterates
while they learn to read and write.
| He gaid many of the illiterates
were Negroes.
Marshall appeared for the second
day before the committee headed
by Sen. Warren .Magnuson, D—
| Wash., Sen. Strom Thurmond, D—
|S), who continued his sharp
questioning of administration wit-
nesg#es, cul, the hearing off at, noon
bywhvelvthe the rule against’ com-
mide meetin zs while the Senaic
is ne session.
Thurmond gharged What the
public” accommodations” «ae
“Yes, senator, ‘A Marshall yeplied,.
| Gommilitee will open hearings Tues-
| day on the omnibus civil rights
‘At one point, the senator, Strom
Thurmond, D-Sic.,. da esti tioned
whether Rusk was nol Giving s5up-
port to Communist: propigandists,
Rusk tartly rephed (1 jeourse”
he was not, and sad ta ch d no
committee of Congress oitia take
the position Thurmond had,
Rusk told the Senate Commerce
Committee that failure of the
United States to provide racial
equality “embarrasses our friends
and heartens our enemies.”
He said that if Congress fails to
enact civil rights Jevislation, “ques-
tions would inevitably arise in
many parts of the world as to the
-real convictions of the American
people.” "
Rusk was commended by b
Republicans and Democrats on t
ecmmittee for his testimony. As. he
left the witness stand, he was ap-
Plauded by approximately 35.0
Thurmond, who had | peppered
Rusk with questions cuamaeee Ses- |
sion, demanded that Ovati
be halted. Thurmond au
the audience was packed w
rizhts advocates and “lett 4 cers
trying to pressure Congress in
passing “an unconstity 1 civil
rights bul.” There were these, othe
developments on the oS ae
tion’s civil rights Proposals: '
—Chairman Emanuel Gell
¥.. of the House Judicial
tee announced a “speed gift 8
forts to eomplete comepifien. con.
sideration €f the lezislatjyEppack-
age, Fi) @pnounced that. ee
hesses wanting to testify eet sub.
mit their requests by Peiardag:
Celler also said he would hold
nizht sessions if necessary to ex-
pedite consideration of the meas-
—The House auoaton
basal ould set up a 1
fair employ iges commis~-
sion with strong powers to order
an end to rT OE) alias in
) the
subcommiitee apyr@wed. 6 WT, Llc
U. S, Civil is Conia for
another four yours. Tip now
goes to the full Sonate Judiciary
Committee headed by Sen, James
Q, Bastland, D-Miss. The Judiciary