Dublin Core
Box 17, Folder 15, Document 2
Text Item Type Metadata
October 3, 1963
Hon, Arthur L. Selland, Mayor
City of Fresno
U. S. Conference of Mayors
1707 H. Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mayor Selland:
I believe your inquiry of September 30th
regarding human relations committees can
best be answered by the attached testimony
which Mayor Allen presented to the Senate
Commerce Committee.
ft is a very comprehensive synopsis of what
has been done in Atlanta.
Sincerely yours,
Ann Drummond,
Executive Secretary
Hon, Arthur L. Selland, Mayor
City of Fresno
U. S. Conference of Mayors
1707 H. Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mayor Selland:
I believe your inquiry of September 30th
regarding human relations committees can
best be answered by the attached testimony
which Mayor Allen presented to the Senate
Commerce Committee.
ft is a very comprehensive synopsis of what
has been done in Atlanta.
Sincerely yours,
Ann Drummond,
Executive Secretary