Box 3, Folder 2, Document 3

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Box 3, Folder 2, Document 3

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ROBERT M, WOOD, Chairman
JOHN W, COX, Executive Director


Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison


The Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council, in its second
year as the city's official agency for the prevention of juvenile
delinquency, has begun a difficult task,

During the coming year, its functions are to be greatly
expanded in line with the aim of building sound programs
for the youth of today who are our citizens of tomorrow,

As Mayor of Atlanta, I congratulate the Youth Council's Board
and staff for its accomplishments in the past, Iam equally
confident that the future work of the Council will result in even
greater success, as will be reflected in the decrease of youth
crimes and delinquency in our city,



Ivan Allen, Jr. a

Since its inception, February 1966, the Youth Council, though in
its infancy, has made significant progress in fulfilling its mission

and function.

The changes in the patterns, incidents, and prevalence of delin-
quency are but a snall part of the kind of work effort and / or impact
which the Youth Council has had on the services which Atlanta provides
for its children and youth.

As a coordinating agency, most of the Council's work has been
through and in cooperation with other agencies in terms of coordi-
nation, developing, planning, implementing, and funding programs.

A list of the agencies cooperating with the Council may be found in
the Appendix.

The activities of the Council have ranged from providing assiste-
ance to individual children and their families to assisting connuni-
ty groups; to working with planning and funding agencies like Model
Cities, £,0.A., United Appeal, Christian Council, as well as ed
other federal, state, and local agencies.

Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr.

Chairman Vice Chairman

Robert Wood Franklin M, Thomas
Secretary Treasurer

lichacl H, Trotter Fletcher Coombs

Executive Director
John W. Cox


liys. Rhodes Perdue, Member at Large

Frank Carnine Ocie J. Irons
Dejonah Franklin Jerry Luxenburrer
Mrs. Vivian Henderson Frank A, Player

G, Arthur Howell lirs. Mary A, Saniord

Mrs, Clayton Yates

Ex, Officio Members
Hon. Herbert T. Jenkins. cscssocensesecsccnvecsecesOOler o£ Police
ie. John W,. LeEtSONs coseccccaveccvcccceccescocccoss superintendent of Schools

Mr. Jack C, Delius, cavecesiscatenceséeseregetevee ss General lianager of Parks

The Youth Council is an official municipal agency created in 1966
by the Mayor and Board of Alderman, This agency is designed for the
prevention and control of juvenile delinquency and the development of
children and youth. In this capacity it has a multi-faceted respon=
sibility for city wide planning, coordination, formulation and ine
plementation of community programs for deliquency prevention and con-
trol and youth services,


The Council is expected to: (1) Obtain cooperation and coordination
of existing programs, effects and agencies; (2) collect, interpret,
and disseminate information about programs and projects related to
youth; (3) assist agencies in finding and obtaining financial and pro-
grammatic resources; (4) provide technical assistance and consultation
on youth programs; (5) assist agencies in the training of staff; (6)
support and initiate necessary icgislation and public policies to fac-
ilitate services to youth; (7) and to stinulate and work for the es-
tablishment of new and inovative programs that will alleviate problems
affecting children and youths with priority on deliquency and deviant


While the Youth Council is primarily concerned with deviant behavior
and more specifically juvenile deliquency, the Board of Council recog=-
nizes that delinquency is only one form of deviant behavior and is in
no way inclusive of the total garut of problens facing our children
and youth. Therefore, the Board of the Council has broadened its func-
tions in such a way as to assist agencies with any problems related to
children, youth, and young adults in the area of health, education, wel-
fare, delinquency, recreation and other areas of children and youth proe


1. As speaker, discussant or participant in meetings, conferences, etc.,
your agency may be conducting;

2. to provide technical assistance and consultation;

3-e to gather and provide statistical information or source of infor-
mation about youth prograns;

4, to serve as a convener and give staff assistance to groups and agene
cies where program services are overlapping, duplicated, lacking or



to assist agency Boards and staff in interpreting, clarifying,
and changing programs effecting youth services;

to establish contact with the proper public and private agency
that may help in meeting a need or concern of the agency;

to assist agencies, and organizations jn setting priorities and
meeting unmet and new needs which nayexist in t'.c coicunity.

to assist agencies and organizations in publicizing and distri-
puting information about their services and special programs which
they may be undertaking;

to conduct and assist agencies in conducting staff developuent and
training program in the areas of youth services;

to distribute funds to operating agencies that may become avail-
able to or through the Council for their use in operating and
carrying out prograns related to the purposes and objectives of
the Council,
Training and Eployrent

The young worker age 16-21] will account for 45% of the increase in
the nations labor force,

The youth employment role for non-high school graduates is 14%; for
high school graduates is 64; for college graduates is 3h.

1 out of every 4 youth seeking 4 jot in Atlanta has not completed
high school. 3 out of 10 entering the labor force will not have finishe
ed high school.

Unemployment rates for Negro Youth continues to increase, It is
doubled that of the White Youth. The quploynent rate for the black
ghetto in some areas run as high as 50-00%.

4s many as 75,000 high school and college youth were looking for
jobs during the surmer of 1967.

Urban liigration of rural youth, many of these negroes; the poorly
educated, the unskilled, and unprepared for complete urban life, and its
frustrations, is posing a serious problem of employment and training for
the City of Atlanta,

There were a total of 2,032 youth served through the Atlanta NYC,
in and out of school programs,

Juvenile Deliquency and Youth Criue
In 1967, more than 10,000 juvenile cases involving auto theft, lar=
eeny, robbery, and burgulary, glue sniffing, gambling, lottery and
malicious mischiers were handled in the courts in the Atlanta area,

There were itore than 1,000 juveniles on probation in Fulton County.

lore than 50% of all persons arrested for iajor crime in Atlanta
are below 17 years of age.

Recidivisia among deliquents and crininals ryng about 50%.

The crine and juvenile deliquency rate in Atlanta has increased
almost 10 tines faster than during the 11 year period from 1955-65,

22% of total crimes and delinquency cormitted in the city is comi=
tted in the Model Cities Comunity,

Approximately 50% of the state's arrests are related to the socios-
economic level. The juvenile delinquency rates in Atlanta is 6, L5,
23, 37 per 1,000 releases compared to 50 for the United States and 25
for Georgia.
Abandonment of minor children cases resulted into 475 sentences,

Excessive use of alcohol is a contributing factor in 70% of thie
criminal cases in criminal court in Fulton County.

The number of serious crimes in Atlanta during the first quarter
of 1965 rose 20% over the saire period in 1967.

There were 164 civil disorders reported during the first 9 months
of 1967, 5% were major, 25% were serious, but not major, and 70% were


There were 253,435€ youth in the Metropolitan Atlanta school sys-
tems in 1967. There are 115,000 in Atlanta proper. The figures for
the letropolitan area includes 165,535 students in elementary school;
64,503 in high school and 35,330 in special and night classes. There
are 6,415 students actively enrolled in Vocational Education programs.

The dropout rate for Atlanta is about 7%.

Less than 50% of the children who enter school in the first grade
ever reach the 12th grade in the Atlanta Public Schools.

The absenteeism rate among students in high dclinguent creas is cri-
tical, The nedian percent of all high school swewents attending At-
lanta Public Schools was 90% in 1967. The median rate for those high
schools serving low income areas was O5%.

4 cross-the-country report cites the following reasons for persons
dropping out of school; disinterest, home responsibilities, unfavorable
parental attitudes, peer influence, unhappy home situations.

The savie report characterized the typical potential dropout as:
underachievers, irregular attendances, frequently tardy, non-partici-
pants, a discipline problem. urposelessness, and male sex.

Approxinately 90% of the youth in Atlanta's schools terminate their.
education after high school.

The city's schools are seriously overcrowded and predominately Negro.
At the same time, the surburban school systems remain predoninately white,

The reading achievenent Levels of children living in the inner-city
are & to 7 grades below that of the average Sth grade student.

Physical and iMental Health

There are approxinately 120,000 mentally ill persons in Atlanta, about
16,000 of these are children,

The infant mortality rate in Atlanta runs as high as 42 per 1,C0C
population in the lowest socio-economic areas, This is 3 times that
for the city. The infant mortality rate for Negroes is twice that of

Half of Atlanta children under 15 have never visited a dentist, The
Health Departments in the Atlanta area are able to serve only lo&é of
the children needing dental carc,

At least one out of every 250 teenage boys and girls contact V.D.

Reereation and Leisure

The areas most lacking and in anced of recreational services have
the highest population densities and levels of peverty, so that per-
sons cannot provide their otm recreational outlets.

Host o£ the £ine arts and cultural programs are not available to
children and youth in the inner city except through the schools.

Fine arts programs offered by the various art and cultural organ-
izations provide little or no service to minorities and for inner city

One of the major sources of recreation and leisure in Atlanta is
the public library. Tiere is a definite shortage of funds available
to the Library for branch expansion, audio-visual and outreach pro-

Children and Youth Welfare

There are some 30C boys and girls returning to the Atlanta Co-
munity from the Youth Developuent Centers, many of these have no
place to go and no meaningful way of re-cntering the cormunity.

There is a real need to assist adoption and foster placement agencies
in finding suitable placements for hard to place children,

any fatherless boys are in need of positive father images of big
brother types with whom they can relate or identify.

The problen of illegitinacy in the country and in Atlanta is very
serious, There were 300,000 illegitinate births in the United States
There was more than 2,090 illegitimate births in Atlanta,

The specific activities undertaken by the Council to fulfill its
objectives were as follows:

A, Foxtmulation of Cotmunity Programs of Deliquency Prevention to be
carried out by Public or Private Agencies,

+ Participated and advised the Atlanta Board of Education in deve=
loping prograiis which would train teachers to identify and deal
with rooa mental health problens,

+ Participated with the schools and Community Chest Agencies and other
public agencies in developing programs for children attending half-
day classes in the northwest schools.

+- Assisted and worked with the Atlanta Arts Council in developing
Art and Cultural programs for inner-city children and youth.

+ Advised and worked with the Mory University - Grady Hospital
in developing an adolescent pregnancy project for the Howard
High School area,

+ Developed a health examination progran for participants in the
Youth Opportunity Program through the services of the Fulton
Medical Association and the Red Cross.

+ Advised ard worked with the Atlanta Board of Education, Vocatio=-
nal, Educational Division in developing a high school work-study

+ Assisted the Georgia Arts Comission in developing and funding a
photography progran for arts in the inner-city.

+ Developed along with the Atlanta Arts Council, Georgia Arts Co-
mmission a painting arts program funded by the Arthur Harris Foune-

+ Developed and cooperated with EOA in a special inner-city Arts
progratu with Leroy Neiman. This project is funded by BOA,

+ Worked with the Board of Education, federal volunteers, and the
Criue Prevention Bureau in developing a massive Back-To-School

+ Worked for changing the city's child labor laws to make it possi-
ble for nore kids to get jobs.

+ Wet with the Community Chest Metropolitan Boys Clubs, Officials
of the Coan School and the Board of Education in developing
plans and programs for newly created East Side Boys Club in

the Kirkwood-Edgewood Area,

Issplementation of Action Progrars, carried out by the Council's
owm staff.

Developed a tutorial program for persons participating in the

Absentee Project utilizing federal volunteers and vacationing


Developed with assistance fron the Regional Office of HEN, Higher
Education and several college in the region an "Off-Campus work-
study program" which provided student staff for agencies in the

Providing Technical Assistance and Consultative Services to Agencies

Provided technical assistance to the House of USE in developing
an employment program for hard to reach youth through the Pro=
gram (EQOA).

Provided technical assistance and cooperated with EOA, Greater
Atlanta Arts Commission and the Atlanta Arts Council in develop-
ing a proposal to the National Foundation of Arts and Humanities
for an inner-city art prograr.

Provided assistance to the Atlanta Parks and Recreation Center
in developing 2 special music instrument program by the Elliot

Advised and assisted in the development of a cooperative educa=
tional ~ecreational program with the 3rd Army in the Harper-
Plunket-town areas.

Advised and worked with the Corrmunity Chest agencies, EQOA, and
other agencies in developing a progran for Unwed Mothers in the
Nash-Washington areca,

Provided technical assistance to the Georgia Depatment of Labor
in developing a proposal to improve the quality of service pro=
vided for participants in the Youth Opportunity Campaign.

Provided technical assistance to the Westend Neighborhood Sere
vice Center and the St. Anthony's Church in devcloping their
Rent-A-Kid project.

Provide technical assisting to hundreds of youth and youth groups
throughout the city in establishing a city wide Youth Congress,

whose primary objective is to bring together vroups and discuss problens
facing teenage youth in the city.

Planning Activities


Served on the Subcommittee on Day Care Programs with the staff

of the Community Council of Atlanta in developing a day care
project in the Westend area.

Advised and participated with the Commmnity Council of Atlanta,
The Comunity Chest, Parks and Recreation Department in develop-
ing the city's comprehensive recreation plan.

Assisted several community groups in developing ad-hoc recreation=
al projects for children in the inner city, These include the
Third Arvy, The Playboy Club, Federal Euployees, B'nai B'rth
Lodge and several churches,

Attended several meetings dealing with expansion and finding so=
lutions to probicns.

Approached the Christian Council of Atlanta to get them to de-
velop surmer activities in the churches.

Approached the Cormuunity Relations Cormission about:
1. Problems related to children and youth.
2. Police and youth relations

Coordination of Activities


Developed and coordinated efforts with E,0.4,, City Public Works
Department, Fulton and Dekalb Health Departnuents and other agene
cies in developing a Rodent Control Program to reduce the problen
of rats in the city as well as to increase youth ernploynent.

Coordinated and worked with Health, Education and Welfare agencies
serving the Edgewood-Kirlaood area in helping them to more effecte-
ively cope with the problems of juvenile delinquency.

Coordinated with St, Vincent de Paul and the Atlanta Youth Devee
lopment Center prograns in the Bedford’ Pines Cormunity.

Coordinated the work for the Mayor's Council on Youth Opportue

Provided a coordinated approach of work in the Capitol Homes area
with the Board of Education, Park and cereational Departrent.

Information, Clearinghouse Services

Handled over 2,000 calls and inquiries involving youth services,

Distributed information to the National Association of Theater
Qymers, National Photography Owners, National intertainnent
Association about the providing several programs for the inner
city communities,

Developed and distributed and inventory to children throughout


the city on summer opportunities.

Developed and distributed an inventory to children of the cormu-
nity on fall opportunities.

Held several discussion sessions with agencies around developing
and planning prograns for youth in the areas of deliquency.

Public Affairs and Public Policy


Contacted the Board of Education about increasing the number of
surmer school scholarships to poorer kids.

Held an Annual Mecting.

Prepared a number of correspondence to Congressmen supporting
needed legislation in reference to youth.

Supported legislation to begin kindergarten prograns in Georgia.
Supported the Juvenile and Safe Streets and Crime Bill.
Supported the Juvenile Court Reforn Bill.

Supported the Special Education Program for exceptional children.

Supported the ncrease Budget Appropriations for Medical Service
for Retarded Children.

Supported the ending of extended classes in the public schools,

Supported the extension of hours that city swimming pools are

Supported the 0.0.0. Aimendnent.
Worked against c rtain portions of the Social Security Armende
ment, and supported the moratorium of the implementation of

these armendments.

Gave wore than 100 speeches in the commity and made approxie
mately 10 radio and television appearances,

Held the 1967 Mayor's Fall Conference on Children and Youth,

Coesponsored an all day Conference on Adolescent Unwed Motherhood,

Inter-Agency Relationship and Participation in Community Activities


Contacted and assisted the Chamber of Commerce and the United
Appeal in developing a massive job and fund raising drive for the
Youth Opportunity Campaign.
Developed and participated in an Interagency Task Force in the
Edgewood-Kirkwood area,

Developed an Interagency Task Foree in Dekalb County,

Developed a close working relationship with the Cormunity Chest
in meeting needs in wany of their service areas.

Tor the third consecutive year, and at the request of the Presi-
dent of the United States, the city of Atlanta in ~wly spring set
in wotion its Youth Opportunity Campairfn coordinated by the Atlanta
Youth Council.

Discussion gave early indication that the 1967 catspaign should
not be limited to employment only, but rather should broaden its
scope to include other areas of tremendous importance to Atlanta's
youth. Thus, a four-point program was adopted covering paying jobs,
volunteer services, surmier school, and recreation.

Exployment and Volunteer Services

The campaign provided an opportunity for students to complete a
summer job application while still in school. This early recruitment
was planned to help eliminate the end-of-school lag jai of applications
which might occur at the Youth Opportunity Center operated by the Geor=
gia Department of Labor, This plan would also provide guidance by the
counselors for the less motivated youngster needing help in taking this
important first step,-and in addition would give the counselors the
opportunity to put volunteers services into the right perspective with
other types of surmer activities.

The total Youth Opportunity effort received 9,660 applications.
495 orders and 1,463 job openings.

745 youth were hired, 467 male and 278 female, through the cooperation
of the Georgia State Department of Labor, Atlanta Public Schools, Georgia
Retail Association; and the Atlanta Chamber of Cormerce.

Lack of time and established machinery for recruiting and assigning
youth volunteers did not pernit a really strong effort in this area
by the 1967 Campaign. An examination of Public and Private agencies
in the recreation area indicated that thousands of volunteer hours
were given by youth,

Summer School

The campaign encouraged Summer School enrollment for students who
needed to catch up or who wished to get ahead acadenically. Courses
and proprans in the summer school offered a broad choice to students
needing renedial work or desiring advance courses, and enrichment pro-
grans, These provided a combination of learning and fun that appeal-
ed to many youth and young adults. Remedial and enrichuent programs
on the elementary level served 7,043 children at 31 schools and 7,637
at 10 high schools.


Finally the campaign focused attention on the nany worthwhile re-
creation, athletic and enrichnent programs available at parks and ree
ereation centers, community schools and private agency facilities, This
phase of the caipaign included a directory of such programs, compiled
for each quadrant of the city and distributed to school children of
all ages, encouraging them to participate in some form of recreation
to round out their summer. In addition and more closely related to
che employment phase of the campaign, 15,000 tickets were made avail-
able for Youth Opportunity Night at the Atlanta Stadium sponsored by
firms and agencies participating in the Youth Opportunity Program,

In late January 1960 Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Chairman of
the President's Comittee on Youth Opportunity invited the city of
Atlanta to a special meeting in Washington, D.C. The overail pur-
pose of this meeting was to provide activities for disadvantaged youth
in the areas of Employnent, Recreation and Education,

Atlanta began immediately to plan and coordinate programs for youth
activities using all available resources.

Federal assistance was given to help Atlanta get its program under-
way. This assistance included a $30,000 planning grant from the Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development. These planning funds were ut-
ilized by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council, the official
coordinating agency for the City of Atlanta,

The staff of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council was
assigned the responsibility for broad coordination of the entire Youth
Opportunity Program, The program was designed by April 1966 and in-
plemented in June 1963.

Members of the staff are: John W, Cox, Executive Director

Lewis F. Dinkins
Terry Allen
Steve Fox


Responding to the Vice President's request the city of Atlanta; at
the request of Nayor Ivan Allen, Jr., established the Mayor's Council
on Youth Opportunity. Out of this Council came subcormittees to deal
with the problems, These are:

1. Exploynent - it. Charles Storm, Lockheed Corp., Georgia
2. Recreation - ir. Harry Helton, YICA

3. Education - lirs, Betty Cantor, B'nai B'rith

4, Publicity = Miss Ann Cobb, Shell Oil Company

5. Special Events - ix. Steve Fox

The effectiveness of these cormittees as well as the entire Youth
Opportunity Program way be found under separate cover, 1968 Youth Oppor=-
tunity Report to the City of Atlanta.


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