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Box 17, Folder 15, Document 10
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[ix Me Atl
5 Forsyth Street, Ne We
July 17, 1968
FOR naanrare RELEASE
Dre John son, Mra. Grace Hamilton, Reve Ralph
ernathy, Mre Donald Holiowell,
and Dre Leslie\Dumbar will report on the rec series of White House conferences
on race relations\at a dinner meeting of the Greater Atlanta Council on
Human Relations, Montay, duly 22, 7% » at Stouffeur’s Resteurant, Hearth
Room (Peachtree Level s ‘ oe
Other Atlantans who attended thé Conference callec by President Kennedy have
been invited to attend the mo ting and participate in the informal discussione
The public is invited. fae ons for the dinner ($2.40) can be made by
calling the office ofthe Greater Atlanta Council om Human Relations (523«1581).
"In gpite of the progress made in Atlabta, Negvc aitizens still have far lese
chance for sugéesse" “Figures provided bythe U. 3. Census Bureau show the
following 9énditions of Atlanta Negroes as o @ with conditions of Negroes
throughout the country as reported by the Presid
vision speech!
in hie radio and tele-
“An Atlanta Negro, like other American Negroes, has about half as much
ehance as an Atlanta white oitizen, of completing high school and about one=
third as much chance of completing college. The Atlanta Negro has one-and-a
helf as much chance as his white fellow citizen of becoming unemployed (as
compared to twice as mucha chance on the national seene) but he has only one=
thirtieth, instead of ond-seventR, as much chance in Atlenta of earning $10,000
& year, and one-fourth instead of one-third as much shance as fellow white
citizens in Atlanta of becoming a professional man,”
5 Forsyth Street, Ne We
July 17, 1968
FOR naanrare RELEASE
Dre John son, Mra. Grace Hamilton, Reve Ralph
ernathy, Mre Donald Holiowell,
and Dre Leslie\Dumbar will report on the rec series of White House conferences
on race relations\at a dinner meeting of the Greater Atlanta Council on
Human Relations, Montay, duly 22, 7% » at Stouffeur’s Resteurant, Hearth
Room (Peachtree Level s ‘ oe
Other Atlantans who attended thé Conference callec by President Kennedy have
been invited to attend the mo ting and participate in the informal discussione
The public is invited. fae ons for the dinner ($2.40) can be made by
calling the office ofthe Greater Atlanta Council om Human Relations (523«1581).
"In gpite of the progress made in Atlabta, Negvc aitizens still have far lese
chance for sugéesse" “Figures provided bythe U. 3. Census Bureau show the
following 9énditions of Atlanta Negroes as o @ with conditions of Negroes
throughout the country as reported by the Presid
vision speech!
in hie radio and tele-
“An Atlanta Negro, like other American Negroes, has about half as much
ehance as an Atlanta white oitizen, of completing high school and about one=
third as much chance of completing college. The Atlanta Negro has one-and-a
helf as much chance as his white fellow citizen of becoming unemployed (as
compared to twice as mucha chance on the national seene) but he has only one=
thirtieth, instead of ond-seventR, as much chance in Atlenta of earning $10,000
& year, and one-fourth instead of one-third as much shance as fellow white
citizens in Atlanta of becoming a professional man,”