Box 17, Folder 15, Document 18

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Box 17, Folder 15, Document 18

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———ve OreIcE Ok THE Mayor SETWE AieiCoAbe
July 12, 1963
TO: Ail Department Heads
Director of Finance
City Purchasing Agent
FROM: William O,. Cowger

Mayor of Louisviite =

SUBJECT: Administrative Directive Concerning Non-Discrimination
Clause in City Contracts

_ In the ordinance establishing the Louisville Human Relations Commission,
the Beard of Aidermen and this office declared that "the practice of dis-
crimination against any Individual or group because of race, creed, color
or national origin, is contrary to gocd public policy and detrimental to the
peace, progress and welfare of the City." We also recognize that "the
lack of full participation of any individual in the privileges cf full member-
ship in the community retards the progress of the community and effects
the general well-being of all of its citizens." Furthermore, it is my sin-
cere conviction that all of the people of Louisville are entitied to benefit
equally from the expenditure of pubilc funds collected in taxes, regard~
less of their race o7 religion.

In furtherance of this policy against liscrimination, Iam issuing this ad-
roinistrative directive to all City Department Directors. Beginning August
i, 1963, all contracts and invitetions to bid which must be approved by me
under the Statutes of the Commonwwalth of Kentucky and the Ordinances of
the City of Louisville, the followiny clause is to be included:

"The contractor ayrees that in the performance
of this agreement with the City of Louisville, it
will compiy with all applicable State and local
laws and regulations and will not discriminate
against any emp ioyee because of race, creed,
eolor, religion pr national origin. The contrac-
tor further agrees that he will not discriminate

in his employment practices, which would include

"Find a way it can be done, instead of a way it cannot". ....... MAYOR COWGER
July 12, 1963
Page two

recruitment, demotion or transfer, lay-off
or termination, or in rate of compensation. "

If anyone has any questions concerning this memorandum, please con- *
tact my office. ~



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