Box 17, Folder 15, Document 26

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Box 17, Folder 15, Document 26

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Mr. Ralph McGill,
Ths Atlanta Coustitution,
Atlanta, Georgia.

Bear Ralph:

JT was delighted with your handling of the Glover case
In your Mouday (January 2ist) column entitled "The Folly of
Barriers." It was splendid.

lhere was {nudeed an earlier Georgia case than the :
Glover Gass decided by ore puEeees | Court of poperets in 1915,

namely Carey v, G: _Ga Pe

While the Glover case was simply 4a "per curiam beadnote
decision," with no written opinion, in the Cerey case Judge Sam
Atkinson for the court wrote a magnificent opinion declaring a
1913 Atlanta City Ordinance prohibiting white and colored persons
from residing in the same block unconstitutional. This was also
& ulanimeus decision and was later cited by the Su Court of
the United States tn bY,
epinion of the court ane luded A Tong excerpt from
opinion in the Carey case.

When a similar ordinance came before the court, dudes
eee eeu alge pen dutanee. 6! but a sich noid the ord

January 22, 1963

This perhaps is a shining example of one of Chief

Justice Bleckley's terse sayings: “That court is the best
which relies as little as possible on its own opinions."

Best wishes.

P.S. Judge Atkinson's decision in the Carey case was
also cited with approval by Judge Tuttle in writing for the Fifth
Circuit Court of Appeals an opinion affirming ote of Skelly
Wright's decisions striking down the pe shan eee seers to

mainvatn sectegated fea schools.


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