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Box 18, Folder 11, Document 4
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William W. Gates a Ji
3407 Roswell Rd. N. E. ‘\:
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
(oh) 23 March 2h, 1967
Urban America Inc.
1717 Massachusetts Ave., N. We
Washington, D. C. 20036
Attention: Mr. James P. Twomey
Dear Tir, Twomey:
A conference was held with Messrs. Cecil Alexander
and Maleolm Jones in the City Hell foday.
Me. Alexander stated that he discussed your letter
‘to him dated March 10, 1967 with Mayor Ivan Allen.
The Mayor indicated that he is in agreement with
your terms providing that no fees are to be col-
lected either by Urban America inc. or me for my
services in connection with projects submitted to
the Housing Resources Committee for guidance or
I was instructed to advise you accordingly.
The Housing Resources Committee at present confines
it's activities to low and medium cost housing within
the Atlanta City Limits and therefore in my opinion,
in which Messrs Alexander and Jones concur, proposed
projects in the five county metropolitan area outside
of the City Limits would be considered in the same
category as Savannah, Macon and other Georgia cities.
Very sincerely yours,
ee: Mayor Allen W.W. Gates
Mr,. Alexander
lr, Jones.
3407 Roswell Rd. N. E. ‘\:
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
(oh) 23 March 2h, 1967
Urban America Inc.
1717 Massachusetts Ave., N. We
Washington, D. C. 20036
Attention: Mr. James P. Twomey
Dear Tir, Twomey:
A conference was held with Messrs. Cecil Alexander
and Maleolm Jones in the City Hell foday.
Me. Alexander stated that he discussed your letter
‘to him dated March 10, 1967 with Mayor Ivan Allen.
The Mayor indicated that he is in agreement with
your terms providing that no fees are to be col-
lected either by Urban America inc. or me for my
services in connection with projects submitted to
the Housing Resources Committee for guidance or
I was instructed to advise you accordingly.
The Housing Resources Committee at present confines
it's activities to low and medium cost housing within
the Atlanta City Limits and therefore in my opinion,
in which Messrs Alexander and Jones concur, proposed
projects in the five county metropolitan area outside
of the City Limits would be considered in the same
category as Savannah, Macon and other Georgia cities.
Very sincerely yours,
ee: Mayor Allen W.W. Gates
Mr,. Alexander
lr, Jones.