Box 18, Folder 11, Document 60

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Box 18, Folder 11, Document 60

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February 7, 1967

Mr. Francis Gilmere, President
Sportsmen's Country Club

P. 0. Box 715

Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Dear Mr. Gilmere:

Mayor Allen, who is currently out of town, has asked me to
reply to your recent letter to him, Re: Crash Program and Urban

I wish to thank you on behalf of the Mayor for your very
interesting letter and offer to assist in eliminating slums and
providing multi-family housing and Urban development in the City
of Atlanta.

Also your efforts to bring the VI Pan-American Games to
Atlanta is timely and of much interest,

As you know, Mayor Allen has recently established the Housing
Resources Comaittee and appointed Cecil A, Alexander as Chairman.
I am now devoting full time, in a staff capacity, to the Committee.

We appreciate your interest in the housing development program
and hope that you will keep us advised as to your future plans and
activities in this field.

Very truly yours,

Malcolm D, Jones
Supervisor of Inspection Services

cet “Mayor Allen
@ecil A, Alexander


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