Box 18, Folder 12, Document 17

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Box 18, Folder 12, Document 17

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490 Poachireo Streoi, N. &,

JA 4-2666

June 28, 1967

Chief Herbert Jenkins
Atlanta Police Department
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Chief Jenkins:

I have a problem with which I hope you can help. Because of the nature of
my work, Iam unable to attend major league sporting events as often as I
would like, I have several children, two of whom are avid baseball and
soccer fans. It has been my habit to carry them to the games when I can-
not also attend and then pick them up after the games, In the past this has
been no problem because I simply entered the taxi lane, drove to the front

of the stadium as any other taxi might do, picked them up and left. I have
never before been stopped or even questioned in my use of this lane after

the games, However, on the afternoon of June 25th, when I attempted to en-
ter this lane I was stopped by one of your officers,I explained the situation,
but he laughed and said he couldn't help it, If his orders were as he said, to
prevent anyone using the taxi lane, then I think his orders should be changed,
If these were not his orders, then I think he should be punished, In any event
I feel that he should be counseled in how to meet the public even when refus-
ing a citizen's request,

Except for the use of the bus and taxi lane, I have been unable to find any
other route to the stadium after a stadium event, Las year I called the At-
lanta Police Department and asked for advice in this matter and was told

that there was nothing they knew of or any way to get to the stadium, It was
that night that I began using the taxi lane.and I had used it on Saturday, June
24th, in this manner, On Sunday afternoon, as I stated earlier, when I at-
tempted to turn from Memorial Drive onto Capitol Avenue into the taxi lane,
I was stopped by a police officer, badge number 1319, At that time, for a
period of approximately a minute and a half, there was not one vehicle in
sight up over the Expressway ramp in the taxilane, This is a distance, as
you well know, of approximately a block and a half to two blocks, My pre-
sence in this lane would not have crowded it in the least and would not have
inconvenienced anyone in the stadium area. It would, however, have spared
me a great deal of distress in that it required me approximately 20-25 minutes
to get close enough to the stadium to allow one of my other children to go and
search for the ones who were waiting to be picked up,


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