Box 18, Folder 12, Document 26

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Box 18, Folder 12, Document 26

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—— ree a

April 18, 1967

Mrs. H, Eugene Williams
3378 Knollwood Drive, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mrs. Williams:

May I acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding
the dome for the Atlanta Stadium.

This was merely a proppsal by the architects as

to the technical manner whereby the stadium could
be domes; and there are n§ definite plans to proceed
with it.

The money for the Atlanta Stadium did not come from
the City of Atlanta, nor would additional funds come
from the City. Such funds come feom the sale of the
Stadium Atthority bonds, which is not a city project,

lappreciate your views and agree with you that there
are many other things that need to be done first in the



Ivan Allen, Jr.



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