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Box 18, Folder 18, Document 4
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A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, August
28, 1967, at 2:00 pem. The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. Jack E. Crowder, Vice Chairman
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jr.
Mr.. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. Edmund W. Hughes,
Managing Director, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. John Gerson,
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.; Superintendent J. L. Moseley and Sergeant
Michael Edwards, Atlanta Police Department.
230 GARNETT STREET, S-W. Mr. Raymond Le. Johnson, O.K. Parking Service,
1224 Cumberland Road, N.E. An open lot with 47 spaces; attendant
parking; 5 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance on Garnett Street;
one exit on Garnett Street and one exit at the Alley.
The Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the application with
the restriction of NO LEFT TURNS into or out of Garnett Street. The
Commission approved this recommendation.
623-31 WEST PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. Mr. Lewis Gross, 3124 Buford
Highway, Atlanta, Georgia, for Quick 'n Tasty Snack Shops, Inc. An
open lot with 60 spaces, self and attendant parking; 6 inbound
reservoir spaces; one entrance and one exit on West Peachtree Street.
This application was tabled awaiting additional detailed information
about the proposed lay out of the parking stalls and isles.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 2
C. 185 MARIETTA STREET. Mr. George C. Morris.
No application had been filed prior to the meeting, therefore no
action was taken.
D. AIR RIGHTS PARKING DECK. Review of previously approved permit.
The Traffic Engineer recommended approval of proposed revisions
in design which are in accordance with existing permit. The
Commission concurred with the Traffic Engineer's recommendation.
E. 1200 PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. Mr. Frank Hazel, Atlantic Realty
Company, 1048 Hurt Building. An open lot with 66 spaces; self
parking; 5 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance on Peachtree
Street and one entrance at Rear Alley; one exit on Peachtree
Street and one exit at Rear Aldey.
It was recommended that the possibility of making both of the
Peachtree Street driveway entrances with exits from the parking
lot to the 20 foot Alley at the rear of the parking lot.
The Traffic Engineer was instructed to confer with the applicant
and if this point could be resolved satisfactorily that the
facility be approved with NO LEFT TURNS at the Peachtree Street
III. REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. L. Moseley.
Sergeant Michael Edwards reported that the Fatal Accidents were down
9.5%, Injured Accidents down 34%, Property Damage Accidents down 6%%,
and the Enforcement Violations Booked (including drunk driving,
speeding and other moving violations) were up 5.7%.
Sergeant Edwards reported the following traffic accidents through
August 27, 1967, as compared with the same period in 1966.
1967 1966
Fatal Accidents 57 63
Injured Accidents 1,774 1,841
Property Damage Accidents _ 13,535 _ 14,454
15,366 16,358
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the problem which had resulted on
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 3
Kingswood Lane due to the Board of Education's elimination of all
of the off-street parking for students and some of the off-street
parking for the faculty at Northside High School.
The Board of Education has taken this step in connection with the
expansion of Northside High School. They requested that Kingswood
Lane be made One-Way and that parking be permitted on both sides
of Kingswood Lane during the 1967-68 school year. This request
was made to the Traffic Engineering Department approximately two
weeks before the cpening of school. The Traffic Engineer
advised the Board of Education representatives to try to contact
the residents of the neighborhood and work out an acceptable
agreement, As of Friday, August 25, 1967, no satisfactory
agreement had beer worked out between the school people and the
residents. Lieutenant Forrester of the Atlanta Police Department
and the Traffic Engineer together agreed that the One-Way
arrangement would be the only practical way to minimize
inconvenience and hazard to the general public and that this
would be done as an emergency measure beginning Monday morning,
August 28, 1967. The Traffic Engineer further emphasized that,
in his opinion, this One-Way arrangemenit with parking on both
sides of the street was a very unsatisfactory arrangement and
that the school officials should make some other arrangements
regarding student and faculty parking and permit the street to
be used as a Two-Way street.
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the various discussions and progress
which had been made by The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, The Georgia
State Highway Department, and other agencies in considering the use
of staggered working hours as a means of improving traffic conditions
during peak traffic hours- The Tratfic Engineer recommends this
technique as a practical and useful traffic improvement tool and
urges that it be explored fully.
The Traffic Engineer reported progress to date on the city and state
conforming and cooperating with this National Highway Safety Program.
The first step which involved certain enabling legislation and the
appointment of a Coordinator of Highway Safety for the State of
Georgia has been taken by the State Legislature and by the Governor.
Mr. Ben Jordan is the Coordinator of Highway Safety for The State of
Georgia. Mr. Jordan's office. at his request. is being furnished a
forecast for a ten year period of the expenditures anticipated by
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 4
the City of Atlanta in conforming with the various standards set
forth in the Highway Safety Act and in the administration of the
Highway Safety Act by The National Highway Safety Bureau. Thais
cost estimate was delivered by the Traffic Engineering Department
to the City Comptroller's office on Monday morning, August 28,
1967. Although, at the present time there are no funds available
in this program for traffic engineering activities, it is
desirable that every effort be made to cooperate and that certain
planning activities be undertaken at the earliest possible date.
D. TOPICS PROGRAM + (Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity
and Safety.)
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the situation as it stands today and
brought the Commission up-to-date on possibie courses of action
open to the City of Atlanta in order to cooperate with and
participate in this particular program. All moneys available
under this TOPICS Program come only through The Georgia State
Highway Department, the present policy of the Highway Department
must be changed in order to permit money of this sort to be
spent for this purpose. Also, the Federal Agencies are requiring
that an Area-Wide Plan on traffic operating improvements be
developed prior to any submission of specific projects. The
Traffic Engineer reported that he was going to undertake to
obtain an estimate of the cost of this Area-Wide Plan and that
he was guessing that the cost would range between $50,000 and
$200,000. He also stated that he believed that a consulting
firm could prepare the plan with the necessary back-up studies
and have it ready for submission in approximately six months
from the date of starting.
Mr. J. Re Wilson and the Traffic Engineer brought the Commission
up-toedate on plans to improve traffic operations at this
intersection through the use of Left Turn storage lanes on
Ashby Street approaching Hunter Street.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Ve NEXT MEETING: Monday, September 25, 1967.
A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, August
28, 1967, at 2:00 pem. The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. Jack E. Crowder, Vice Chairman
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jr.
Mr.. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. Edmund W. Hughes,
Managing Director, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. John Gerson,
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.; Superintendent J. L. Moseley and Sergeant
Michael Edwards, Atlanta Police Department.
230 GARNETT STREET, S-W. Mr. Raymond Le. Johnson, O.K. Parking Service,
1224 Cumberland Road, N.E. An open lot with 47 spaces; attendant
parking; 5 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance on Garnett Street;
one exit on Garnett Street and one exit at the Alley.
The Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the application with
the restriction of NO LEFT TURNS into or out of Garnett Street. The
Commission approved this recommendation.
623-31 WEST PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. Mr. Lewis Gross, 3124 Buford
Highway, Atlanta, Georgia, for Quick 'n Tasty Snack Shops, Inc. An
open lot with 60 spaces, self and attendant parking; 6 inbound
reservoir spaces; one entrance and one exit on West Peachtree Street.
This application was tabled awaiting additional detailed information
about the proposed lay out of the parking stalls and isles.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 2
C. 185 MARIETTA STREET. Mr. George C. Morris.
No application had been filed prior to the meeting, therefore no
action was taken.
D. AIR RIGHTS PARKING DECK. Review of previously approved permit.
The Traffic Engineer recommended approval of proposed revisions
in design which are in accordance with existing permit. The
Commission concurred with the Traffic Engineer's recommendation.
E. 1200 PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. Mr. Frank Hazel, Atlantic Realty
Company, 1048 Hurt Building. An open lot with 66 spaces; self
parking; 5 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance on Peachtree
Street and one entrance at Rear Alley; one exit on Peachtree
Street and one exit at Rear Aldey.
It was recommended that the possibility of making both of the
Peachtree Street driveway entrances with exits from the parking
lot to the 20 foot Alley at the rear of the parking lot.
The Traffic Engineer was instructed to confer with the applicant
and if this point could be resolved satisfactorily that the
facility be approved with NO LEFT TURNS at the Peachtree Street
III. REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. L. Moseley.
Sergeant Michael Edwards reported that the Fatal Accidents were down
9.5%, Injured Accidents down 34%, Property Damage Accidents down 6%%,
and the Enforcement Violations Booked (including drunk driving,
speeding and other moving violations) were up 5.7%.
Sergeant Edwards reported the following traffic accidents through
August 27, 1967, as compared with the same period in 1966.
1967 1966
Fatal Accidents 57 63
Injured Accidents 1,774 1,841
Property Damage Accidents _ 13,535 _ 14,454
15,366 16,358
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the problem which had resulted on
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 3
Kingswood Lane due to the Board of Education's elimination of all
of the off-street parking for students and some of the off-street
parking for the faculty at Northside High School.
The Board of Education has taken this step in connection with the
expansion of Northside High School. They requested that Kingswood
Lane be made One-Way and that parking be permitted on both sides
of Kingswood Lane during the 1967-68 school year. This request
was made to the Traffic Engineering Department approximately two
weeks before the cpening of school. The Traffic Engineer
advised the Board of Education representatives to try to contact
the residents of the neighborhood and work out an acceptable
agreement, As of Friday, August 25, 1967, no satisfactory
agreement had beer worked out between the school people and the
residents. Lieutenant Forrester of the Atlanta Police Department
and the Traffic Engineer together agreed that the One-Way
arrangement would be the only practical way to minimize
inconvenience and hazard to the general public and that this
would be done as an emergency measure beginning Monday morning,
August 28, 1967. The Traffic Engineer further emphasized that,
in his opinion, this One-Way arrangemenit with parking on both
sides of the street was a very unsatisfactory arrangement and
that the school officials should make some other arrangements
regarding student and faculty parking and permit the street to
be used as a Two-Way street.
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the various discussions and progress
which had been made by The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, The Georgia
State Highway Department, and other agencies in considering the use
of staggered working hours as a means of improving traffic conditions
during peak traffic hours- The Tratfic Engineer recommends this
technique as a practical and useful traffic improvement tool and
urges that it be explored fully.
The Traffic Engineer reported progress to date on the city and state
conforming and cooperating with this National Highway Safety Program.
The first step which involved certain enabling legislation and the
appointment of a Coordinator of Highway Safety for the State of
Georgia has been taken by the State Legislature and by the Governor.
Mr. Ben Jordan is the Coordinator of Highway Safety for The State of
Georgia. Mr. Jordan's office. at his request. is being furnished a
forecast for a ten year period of the expenditures anticipated by
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; August 28, 1967;
page 4
the City of Atlanta in conforming with the various standards set
forth in the Highway Safety Act and in the administration of the
Highway Safety Act by The National Highway Safety Bureau. Thais
cost estimate was delivered by the Traffic Engineering Department
to the City Comptroller's office on Monday morning, August 28,
1967. Although, at the present time there are no funds available
in this program for traffic engineering activities, it is
desirable that every effort be made to cooperate and that certain
planning activities be undertaken at the earliest possible date.
D. TOPICS PROGRAM + (Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity
and Safety.)
The Traffic Engineer reviewed the situation as it stands today and
brought the Commission up-to-date on possibie courses of action
open to the City of Atlanta in order to cooperate with and
participate in this particular program. All moneys available
under this TOPICS Program come only through The Georgia State
Highway Department, the present policy of the Highway Department
must be changed in order to permit money of this sort to be
spent for this purpose. Also, the Federal Agencies are requiring
that an Area-Wide Plan on traffic operating improvements be
developed prior to any submission of specific projects. The
Traffic Engineer reported that he was going to undertake to
obtain an estimate of the cost of this Area-Wide Plan and that
he was guessing that the cost would range between $50,000 and
$200,000. He also stated that he believed that a consulting
firm could prepare the plan with the necessary back-up studies
and have it ready for submission in approximately six months
from the date of starting.
Mr. J. Re Wilson and the Traffic Engineer brought the Commission
up-toedate on plans to improve traffic operations at this
intersection through the use of Left Turn storage lanes on
Ashby Street approaching Hunter Street.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Ve NEXT MEETING: Monday, September 25, 1967.