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Box 18, Folder 18, Document 11
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A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, January 30,
1967, at 2:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jre
Mr. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Jack E. Growder, Vice Chairman
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. J. H. Cone, Jre,
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.; and Captain John T. Marler and Sergeant Michael
Edwards, Atlanta Police Department.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and the following business was
AND NORTH AVENUE. Life Insurance Company of Georgia; Central Parking,
Ince, Mr. Garland Follis. An off-street parking garage with a total of
550 parking spaces; self-parking or attendant parking; 27 inbound reser-
voir spaces and 30 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance from North
Avenue, one entrance from Linden Avenue, and one entrance from Spring
Street; one exit on North Avenue, two exits on Linden Avenue, and one
THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1964, was made by Mr. Follis,
who stated that no changes whatsoever had been made in the plans since
their approval. He pointed out that the only change necessary in the
resolution would be the inclusion of his name as the person submitting
the application.
The City Traffic Engineer said that, in his opinion, the request was
"completely in order" and recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION,
the application was APPROVED.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 2
B. 196 MITCHELL STREET, S.W. A AA Parking, Ince, 75 Houston Street, NoEo;
Mr. Ralph Ro Carroll. An off-street parking lot with a total of 55
parking spaces; self«parking; 6 inbound and 6 outbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance and one exit on Mitchell Street.
Mr. Carroll presented the plans for the proposed parking lot.
The City Traffic Engineer said that the plans were in order and in
accordance with the standards being followed. The City Traffic Engineer
recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, the application was APPROVED.
C. 1532-34-36-38 BEECHER STREET, S.W. Mr. J. Re Johnson, 965 Cascade Avenue,
SW. An off-street parking lot with a total of 25 parking spaces; self-
parking; 10 inbound and 10 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance and one
exit on Beecher Street.
In the absence of Mr. Johnson, the City Traffic Engineer presented the
plans for the proposed parking lot and recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE
SESSION, the application was APPROVED.
REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. L. Moseley.
In the absence of Superintendent Moseley, Captain John T. Marler and
Sergeant Michael Edwards represented the Police Department.
Captain Marler mentioned that, while fatal accidents have decreased, there
has been a substantial increase in accidents resulting in injuries. He
reported the following traffic accidents through January 29, 1967, as
compared with the same period in 1966.
1967 1966
Fatal ACCLIGONES 6 cc's WORMS S06 WEN Cale Rew 0 08 ale 0 bse 7 %
Injured RO CTASUE BG e%.05 6655. 6206-058. 69019816 2b ebb Bree eee 244 182
Property Damage AccidentScocssecvsccevssceeceels 409 1,720
1,720 1,909
Mr. Bevins said that the primary function of the Traffic Engineering Depart-
ment is to "exact the maximum use from our existing street system." He
summarized the 1966 activities of the Department as follows:
1, The Board of Aldermen adopted a system of "Arterial Streets" and
"Collector Streets" as recommended jointly by the Departments of
Planning, Construction, and Traffic Engineering.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 3
2. Of the 147 "Arterial Streets," 45 have had the traffic signing upgraded
to permit them to be designated as "through streets." Suitable
ordinances are now being prepared for these 45 streets and additional
streets are being readied for "through street!" designation.
3. Peachtree Road from Fourteenth Street to Wesley Road where travel time
in the peak hours was reduced 50% while the volume of traffic handled
increased 23%.
4. Piedmont Avenue from North Avenue to Cheshire Bridge Road where travel
time was cut 34% in the P.M. rush and 12% in the A.M. rush.
5e Northside Drive from the Northwest Freeway to Northside Parkway where
travel time was cut 19% in the P.M. rush and 15% in the A.M. rush.
6. Northside Drive from Bishop Street to Fourteenth Street where an extra
lane southbound cut A.M. rush delays substantially.
7. Northside Drive at Bishop Street where NO LEFT TURN regulations reduced
travel time from Fourteenth Street to Bishop Street 35% while the num-
ber of vehicles through the intersection increased 14% in the peak hour.
8. Bankhead Avenue from Northside Drive to Hollywood Road where parking
removal added a lane and revisions at critical intersections increased
capacity and reduced travel time.
9, Atlanta Stadium traffic operations system which has consistantly cleared
even capacity crowds in 30 minutes or less after the end of games.
10. A summary of other activities for the year 1966 shows:
Intersections channelizedssscoccsceceacccenenvccnssscenenccse 34
Parking meters repaired in Servic€sceesccecsccesnvesscececese 20,304
Traffic signs POP LACE Ce erence aie wee ele eee 2:8 ewe 88 wwe we eee ee eee 5,493
New traffic signs instailledswessceese sear werner eee ence eww wwe 3.5237
Traffic signs in service (total )scsvessecvecsecesscsevessceee43 4 733
Crosswalks and stop lines remarkedeccescccccessccecccecosoeve 1,551
New crosswalks-+stop lines installedaccsocscecsceccccerveeocece 114
Total crosswalkse-stop Lines in Serviceecceccoccescocceecevcces 3,021
Miles of center line and lane line remarkedscccoccceccsaccece 1,037
Miles of center line and lane line installed neWeeesoescvcces 54
Total miles of center line and lane line in serviceeescooeces 755
Traffic signals IT, SOT VICES oo cieW 6s Sa NSS SEES He Wee Se ae elee eek 618
Traffic signals: installed: (new) s senses. cesses de cee 08 Ss oo ee eee 17
Tratfiie signals: revisedeies 10.60.65. 06G.0'4.00s o:0:050 38 e-6e 0i6-b:6-010,0:0:050 117
Damaged signals repairedseccoccorcccceccnseesvevvosercoeseerece 122
Period school speed limit signs installed.sccceeccocccecescece 22
Period school speed limit signs in servicescoceccccevcceecces 57
"City owned" street Lights installed (new) oscascceecececceane 47
Damaged street lights repaired sssscdsaccdieies seve oes Genes e dices 81
Total "City owned" street lights in servicecssosecececsccocee Ig 330
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 4
li, A total of 14,425 requests and/or complaints were received, investigated,
and appropriate action was taken on each items
12. Under contract with the Georgia Power Company, 1,985 new street lights
were installed, and 1,931 street lights were converted to modern mercury
lights. Street lighting on 29 thoroughfares was upgraded to modern
13. In addition, a new rate schedule was negotiated with the Georgia Power
Company which reduced energy cost equivalent to saving $1,900 per month
or approximately 3.5%. In addition, the "installation" charge of $57.50
per street light has been eliminated. This charge alone formerly amounted
to $25,000 per year.
14, The City of Atlanta retained the firm of Wilbur Smith and Associates to
make a complete parking survey of Downtown Atlanta. The field work is
complete and the report is now being prepared.
15.2 Some progress was made in the improvement of maintenance of traffic
signals and street lights.
Mr. Bevins also discussed the Traffic Engineering Department's program for
1967. He explained that he had presented the program to the Traffic, Parking
and Transit Committee at its meeting on January 18, 1967, and that the Committee
members had been receptive to the suggestions and more or less gave him the
goeahead for making specific recommendations at their next meeting.
Mr. Bevins submitted the following general outline:
1. Continue to implement the "through street" program begun during 1966.
2. Continue with an intensified use of traffic engineering techniques to
exact the maximum use from existing streets.
The list of "typical" projects No. 1 through 12 completed during 1966 are
examples of the use of "traffic engineering techniques” to improve conditions.
Among the projects of this type now being considered for 1967 are:
1. NO LEFT TURNS; from 14th Street onto the Freeway ramps; from 10th Street
onto the Freeway ramps; from North Avenue onto the Freeway ramps.
2o A "simple™ traffic signal metering device to regulate the use of the
Freeway ramps with the objective of substantially reducing the number of
"rear end™ collisions.
3. CGhannelization and traffic signals at Armour Drive and Monroe Drive.
4, Minor widening, channelization, and "left turn" signals at Cheshire
Bridge Road and Lindbergh Drive--LaVista Road.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 5
Channelization, left turn restrictions, and special traffic signal
sequences to reduce accidents and congestion at Lindbergh Drive and
Piedmont Road.
A three-lane (middle lane reversible) system for Simpson Road from
Ashby Street to West Lake Avenues
A three-lane (middle lane reversible) system for Memorial Drive from
Second Avenue to Candler Road.
NO LEFT TURN restrictions and special traffic signal equipment at Gordon
Street, Langhorn Street, and White Street.
Channelization to reduce hazards at Campbellton Road, Lakewood Freeway,
and Country Club Drive.
Minor widening and channelization of Hightower Road and Simpson Road to
provide for three-lane operations and designations of "Left Turn Only"
Channelization and provision of special “right turn" lanes at Northside
Drive and Bishop Street.
Widening of all four legs of Cleveland Avenue and Stewart Avenue to
provide at least 5 lanes on each leg with sufficient right-of-way for a
future grade separation.
Channelization to add "left turn only" lanes at Marietta Boulevard, Bolton
Road and Adams Drive.
Minor widening and channelization of "key" intersections on Campbellton
Road to provide for three-lane operation and designation of "left turn
only" lanes.
Channelization at Cheshire Bridge Road and Chantilly Drive.
The further use of One Way streets to simplify and increase the safety
and efficiency of intersections, such as:
Forsyth Street--Peachtree Street--Carnegie Way
Peachtree Street=-West Peachtree Street--Baker Street
Peachtree Street--West Peachtree Street--19th Street
Peachtree Street+-Spring Street
Euclid Avenue--Austin Avenue
Lee Street--West Whitehall Street (McCall's Crossing)
Refinements in the Atlanta Stadium traffic operating plan and the
development and purchase of "automatic’ control equipment to designate
reversible one-way streets, reversible lanes and other changes in
operating procedure.
Minutes of the Traffic, Parking and Transit Committee Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 6
18. Increased use of NO PARKING ANY TIME regulations on arterial and collector
19. Additional upgrading, interconnection and re-timing of traffic signals.
Aggressively follow up the gains made in generating interest in Freeway
improvements and press for accelerated support from the State Highway Depart~-
Cooperate with the State Highway Department and the Federal agencies to take
full advantage of benefits from the 1966 Highway Safety Legislation and
related Federal Aid traffic improvement programs.
Utilize the information developed in the 1966 Parking Study.
Develop and implement a realistic program for the maintenance of traffic
signs, markings, street lights, and traffic signals.
The refurbishing of the existing 40,000 traffic signs must be increased
from 6,000 per year to 8,000 per year (a 34% increase). Five years is the
maximum life of a signe
The existing 390 miles of street with marked center lines need to be better
maintained and increased to 475 miles (24% increase).
The existing 1,200 intersections with marked crosswalks should be increased
to 1,800 (50% increase).
Almost no painting of poles or cleaning of glassware has been done since
1960 on the 5,311 "City owned" street lights. This maintenance program
must be started with the goal of cleaning every two years and painting every
four years.
Traffic signal lens and reflectors need to be cleaned twice as often as is
now being done. Additional 'preventive”™ maintenance is needed on traffic
signal controllers and additional “emergency” service is needed. There is
an urgent need for approximately 80 new traffic signal installations. In
addition, another 70 to 80 (making a total of 150-160) new signal installa-
tions would be helpful and are desired by the public.
Continue to upgrade street lights on major thoroughfares and add and/or
upgrade street lights on other streets as requested or needed.
Improve the "in-service" training program to provide a means of bringing
new employees in our service shops to the necessary level of knowledge and
skill in a shorter period of time.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 7 :
9. Long range goals include:
a.» Keeping informed on new developments in the use of computers for
traffic signal control, traffic counting, and the keeping and use
of maintenance records.
b. Install a microfilm system for the storage of traffic survey data
which needs to be retained but is only used occasionally.
These two "long range’! items are ways in which labor costs can be
The proposed metering device to regulate the use of Freeway ramps was
discussed. Mr. Bevins explained that it would be a simple traffic signal
metering device similar to those used in Chicago and Houston, but that it
would not have the expensive computer connected to it to choose a gap in
the Freeway traffic. He stressed that its purpose would be to reduce the
large number of rear end collisions on Freeway ramps.
There was also considerable discussion of proposed ONE WAY street systems.
Mr. Bevins said that the one serious problem encountered thus far is the
change in bus routes. He reported that the Traffic Engineering Department
will continue +> work closely with the Atlanta Transit System to facilitate
chese changes.
ROUTINE ORDINANCES. The City Traffic Engineer presented the routine
ordinances, which were approved by the Traffic and Transportation Commission.
(For a complete list of the routine ordinances, see the Minutes of the Traffic,
Parking and Transit Committee Meeting for February 8, 1967.)
NEXT MEETING: Monday, February 27, 1967.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission of the City of
Atlanta was held in Committee Room No. 1 of the City Hall on Monday, January 30,
1967, at 2:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Mr. George Goodwin, Chairman
Mr. John R. Wilson, Jre
Mr. Robert F. Adamson
Mr. Jack E. Growder, Vice Chairman
Mr. Grady A. Lee
Mr. Charles C. Mathias
Mr. Peter J. Stelling
Also present were City Traffic Engineer Karl A. Bevins; Mr. P. Andrew Springer,
Safety Engineer, The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. J. H. Cone, Jre,
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.; and Captain John T. Marler and Sergeant Michael
Edwards, Atlanta Police Department.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and the following business was
AND NORTH AVENUE. Life Insurance Company of Georgia; Central Parking,
Ince, Mr. Garland Follis. An off-street parking garage with a total of
550 parking spaces; self-parking or attendant parking; 27 inbound reser-
voir spaces and 30 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance from North
Avenue, one entrance from Linden Avenue, and one entrance from Spring
Street; one exit on North Avenue, two exits on Linden Avenue, and one
THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1964, was made by Mr. Follis,
who stated that no changes whatsoever had been made in the plans since
their approval. He pointed out that the only change necessary in the
resolution would be the inclusion of his name as the person submitting
the application.
The City Traffic Engineer said that, in his opinion, the request was
"completely in order" and recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION,
the application was APPROVED.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 2
B. 196 MITCHELL STREET, S.W. A AA Parking, Ince, 75 Houston Street, NoEo;
Mr. Ralph Ro Carroll. An off-street parking lot with a total of 55
parking spaces; self«parking; 6 inbound and 6 outbound reservoir spaces;
one entrance and one exit on Mitchell Street.
Mr. Carroll presented the plans for the proposed parking lot.
The City Traffic Engineer said that the plans were in order and in
accordance with the standards being followed. The City Traffic Engineer
recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, the application was APPROVED.
C. 1532-34-36-38 BEECHER STREET, S.W. Mr. J. Re Johnson, 965 Cascade Avenue,
SW. An off-street parking lot with a total of 25 parking spaces; self-
parking; 10 inbound and 10 outbound reservoir spaces; one entrance and one
exit on Beecher Street.
In the absence of Mr. Johnson, the City Traffic Engineer presented the
plans for the proposed parking lot and recommended approval. IN EXECUTIVE
SESSION, the application was APPROVED.
REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J. L. Moseley.
In the absence of Superintendent Moseley, Captain John T. Marler and
Sergeant Michael Edwards represented the Police Department.
Captain Marler mentioned that, while fatal accidents have decreased, there
has been a substantial increase in accidents resulting in injuries. He
reported the following traffic accidents through January 29, 1967, as
compared with the same period in 1966.
1967 1966
Fatal ACCLIGONES 6 cc's WORMS S06 WEN Cale Rew 0 08 ale 0 bse 7 %
Injured RO CTASUE BG e%.05 6655. 6206-058. 69019816 2b ebb Bree eee 244 182
Property Damage AccidentScocssecvsccevssceeceels 409 1,720
1,720 1,909
Mr. Bevins said that the primary function of the Traffic Engineering Depart-
ment is to "exact the maximum use from our existing street system." He
summarized the 1966 activities of the Department as follows:
1, The Board of Aldermen adopted a system of "Arterial Streets" and
"Collector Streets" as recommended jointly by the Departments of
Planning, Construction, and Traffic Engineering.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 3
2. Of the 147 "Arterial Streets," 45 have had the traffic signing upgraded
to permit them to be designated as "through streets." Suitable
ordinances are now being prepared for these 45 streets and additional
streets are being readied for "through street!" designation.
3. Peachtree Road from Fourteenth Street to Wesley Road where travel time
in the peak hours was reduced 50% while the volume of traffic handled
increased 23%.
4. Piedmont Avenue from North Avenue to Cheshire Bridge Road where travel
time was cut 34% in the P.M. rush and 12% in the A.M. rush.
5e Northside Drive from the Northwest Freeway to Northside Parkway where
travel time was cut 19% in the P.M. rush and 15% in the A.M. rush.
6. Northside Drive from Bishop Street to Fourteenth Street where an extra
lane southbound cut A.M. rush delays substantially.
7. Northside Drive at Bishop Street where NO LEFT TURN regulations reduced
travel time from Fourteenth Street to Bishop Street 35% while the num-
ber of vehicles through the intersection increased 14% in the peak hour.
8. Bankhead Avenue from Northside Drive to Hollywood Road where parking
removal added a lane and revisions at critical intersections increased
capacity and reduced travel time.
9, Atlanta Stadium traffic operations system which has consistantly cleared
even capacity crowds in 30 minutes or less after the end of games.
10. A summary of other activities for the year 1966 shows:
Intersections channelizedssscoccsceceacccenenvccnssscenenccse 34
Parking meters repaired in Servic€sceesccecsccesnvesscececese 20,304
Traffic signs POP LACE Ce erence aie wee ele eee 2:8 ewe 88 wwe we eee ee eee 5,493
New traffic signs instailledswessceese sear werner eee ence eww wwe 3.5237
Traffic signs in service (total )scsvessecvecsecesscsevessceee43 4 733
Crosswalks and stop lines remarkedeccescccccessccecccecosoeve 1,551
New crosswalks-+stop lines installedaccsocscecsceccccerveeocece 114
Total crosswalkse-stop Lines in Serviceecceccoccescocceecevcces 3,021
Miles of center line and lane line remarkedscccoccceccsaccece 1,037
Miles of center line and lane line installed neWeeesoescvcces 54
Total miles of center line and lane line in serviceeescooeces 755
Traffic signals IT, SOT VICES oo cieW 6s Sa NSS SEES He Wee Se ae elee eek 618
Traffic signals: installed: (new) s senses. cesses de cee 08 Ss oo ee eee 17
Tratfiie signals: revisedeies 10.60.65. 06G.0'4.00s o:0:050 38 e-6e 0i6-b:6-010,0:0:050 117
Damaged signals repairedseccoccorcccceccnseesvevvosercoeseerece 122
Period school speed limit signs installed.sccceeccocccecescece 22
Period school speed limit signs in servicescoceccccevcceecces 57
"City owned" street Lights installed (new) oscascceecececceane 47
Damaged street lights repaired sssscdsaccdieies seve oes Genes e dices 81
Total "City owned" street lights in servicecssosecececsccocee Ig 330
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 4
li, A total of 14,425 requests and/or complaints were received, investigated,
and appropriate action was taken on each items
12. Under contract with the Georgia Power Company, 1,985 new street lights
were installed, and 1,931 street lights were converted to modern mercury
lights. Street lighting on 29 thoroughfares was upgraded to modern
13. In addition, a new rate schedule was negotiated with the Georgia Power
Company which reduced energy cost equivalent to saving $1,900 per month
or approximately 3.5%. In addition, the "installation" charge of $57.50
per street light has been eliminated. This charge alone formerly amounted
to $25,000 per year.
14, The City of Atlanta retained the firm of Wilbur Smith and Associates to
make a complete parking survey of Downtown Atlanta. The field work is
complete and the report is now being prepared.
15.2 Some progress was made in the improvement of maintenance of traffic
signals and street lights.
Mr. Bevins also discussed the Traffic Engineering Department's program for
1967. He explained that he had presented the program to the Traffic, Parking
and Transit Committee at its meeting on January 18, 1967, and that the Committee
members had been receptive to the suggestions and more or less gave him the
goeahead for making specific recommendations at their next meeting.
Mr. Bevins submitted the following general outline:
1. Continue to implement the "through street" program begun during 1966.
2. Continue with an intensified use of traffic engineering techniques to
exact the maximum use from existing streets.
The list of "typical" projects No. 1 through 12 completed during 1966 are
examples of the use of "traffic engineering techniques” to improve conditions.
Among the projects of this type now being considered for 1967 are:
1. NO LEFT TURNS; from 14th Street onto the Freeway ramps; from 10th Street
onto the Freeway ramps; from North Avenue onto the Freeway ramps.
2o A "simple™ traffic signal metering device to regulate the use of the
Freeway ramps with the objective of substantially reducing the number of
"rear end™ collisions.
3. CGhannelization and traffic signals at Armour Drive and Monroe Drive.
4, Minor widening, channelization, and "left turn" signals at Cheshire
Bridge Road and Lindbergh Drive--LaVista Road.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 5
Channelization, left turn restrictions, and special traffic signal
sequences to reduce accidents and congestion at Lindbergh Drive and
Piedmont Road.
A three-lane (middle lane reversible) system for Simpson Road from
Ashby Street to West Lake Avenues
A three-lane (middle lane reversible) system for Memorial Drive from
Second Avenue to Candler Road.
NO LEFT TURN restrictions and special traffic signal equipment at Gordon
Street, Langhorn Street, and White Street.
Channelization to reduce hazards at Campbellton Road, Lakewood Freeway,
and Country Club Drive.
Minor widening and channelization of Hightower Road and Simpson Road to
provide for three-lane operations and designations of "Left Turn Only"
Channelization and provision of special “right turn" lanes at Northside
Drive and Bishop Street.
Widening of all four legs of Cleveland Avenue and Stewart Avenue to
provide at least 5 lanes on each leg with sufficient right-of-way for a
future grade separation.
Channelization to add "left turn only" lanes at Marietta Boulevard, Bolton
Road and Adams Drive.
Minor widening and channelization of "key" intersections on Campbellton
Road to provide for three-lane operation and designation of "left turn
only" lanes.
Channelization at Cheshire Bridge Road and Chantilly Drive.
The further use of One Way streets to simplify and increase the safety
and efficiency of intersections, such as:
Forsyth Street--Peachtree Street--Carnegie Way
Peachtree Street=-West Peachtree Street--Baker Street
Peachtree Street--West Peachtree Street--19th Street
Peachtree Street+-Spring Street
Euclid Avenue--Austin Avenue
Lee Street--West Whitehall Street (McCall's Crossing)
Refinements in the Atlanta Stadium traffic operating plan and the
development and purchase of "automatic’ control equipment to designate
reversible one-way streets, reversible lanes and other changes in
operating procedure.
Minutes of the Traffic, Parking and Transit Committee Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 6
18. Increased use of NO PARKING ANY TIME regulations on arterial and collector
19. Additional upgrading, interconnection and re-timing of traffic signals.
Aggressively follow up the gains made in generating interest in Freeway
improvements and press for accelerated support from the State Highway Depart~-
Cooperate with the State Highway Department and the Federal agencies to take
full advantage of benefits from the 1966 Highway Safety Legislation and
related Federal Aid traffic improvement programs.
Utilize the information developed in the 1966 Parking Study.
Develop and implement a realistic program for the maintenance of traffic
signs, markings, street lights, and traffic signals.
The refurbishing of the existing 40,000 traffic signs must be increased
from 6,000 per year to 8,000 per year (a 34% increase). Five years is the
maximum life of a signe
The existing 390 miles of street with marked center lines need to be better
maintained and increased to 475 miles (24% increase).
The existing 1,200 intersections with marked crosswalks should be increased
to 1,800 (50% increase).
Almost no painting of poles or cleaning of glassware has been done since
1960 on the 5,311 "City owned" street lights. This maintenance program
must be started with the goal of cleaning every two years and painting every
four years.
Traffic signal lens and reflectors need to be cleaned twice as often as is
now being done. Additional 'preventive”™ maintenance is needed on traffic
signal controllers and additional “emergency” service is needed. There is
an urgent need for approximately 80 new traffic signal installations. In
addition, another 70 to 80 (making a total of 150-160) new signal installa-
tions would be helpful and are desired by the public.
Continue to upgrade street lights on major thoroughfares and add and/or
upgrade street lights on other streets as requested or needed.
Improve the "in-service" training program to provide a means of bringing
new employees in our service shops to the necessary level of knowledge and
skill in a shorter period of time.
Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; January 30, 1967;
page 7 :
9. Long range goals include:
a.» Keeping informed on new developments in the use of computers for
traffic signal control, traffic counting, and the keeping and use
of maintenance records.
b. Install a microfilm system for the storage of traffic survey data
which needs to be retained but is only used occasionally.
These two "long range’! items are ways in which labor costs can be
The proposed metering device to regulate the use of Freeway ramps was
discussed. Mr. Bevins explained that it would be a simple traffic signal
metering device similar to those used in Chicago and Houston, but that it
would not have the expensive computer connected to it to choose a gap in
the Freeway traffic. He stressed that its purpose would be to reduce the
large number of rear end collisions on Freeway ramps.
There was also considerable discussion of proposed ONE WAY street systems.
Mr. Bevins said that the one serious problem encountered thus far is the
change in bus routes. He reported that the Traffic Engineering Department
will continue +> work closely with the Atlanta Transit System to facilitate
chese changes.
ROUTINE ORDINANCES. The City Traffic Engineer presented the routine
ordinances, which were approved by the Traffic and Transportation Commission.
(For a complete list of the routine ordinances, see the Minutes of the Traffic,
Parking and Transit Committee Meeting for February 8, 1967.)
NEXT MEETING: Monday, February 27, 1967.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.