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Box 18, Folder 21, Document 17
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165 Central Ave., S. W.
Administrative Office
Deputy Adminstrator
Mr. Charles 0. Emmerich
Executive Administrator
Beonomic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Ummeriche
This is to advise that our Department will be glad te cooperate in the proposed
implementation of a coordinated program directed toward placement of unemployed
persons and/or the necessary training who are residing in the defined Model
Neighborhood Project in the following manner and under conditions as indicateds
1. Refer applicants/recipients of Public Assistance to those organiza-
tions who would accept responsibility for their placement in job oppor-
2. Refer applicants/recipients of “ublic Assistance either directly or
indirectly through joint referrais of Vocational Rehabilitation staff
in our office to the Atlanta Dlagnestie and Evaluation Center to deter-
mine their work potential and/or necessary subsequent training.
3. Kefer applicants/recipients of Public Assistance to those agencies
who will be administering and operating desirable training or retrain-
ing programs before accepting those determined to have necessary quali-
fications for use in connection fer such jobs and duties as may be
applicable to our existing programs, providing that in doing so it does
not obligate us to spend additional County, State, or Federal tax funds
without prior approval from the Fulton County Board of Family and Child-
ren Services, Fulton County Commissioners, State Department of Family
and Children Services, and/or the Welfare Administration of the Depart-
of Health, Sducation, and Welfare.
In making this statement which I understand you desire for use in connection with
filing the required application for Federal funds, I would like for it te be explic-
itly understood that in the event our participation eas outlined above resulta in
increased expenditures for staff, office space, furniture, equipment, or other operat-
ing expenses would have to be approved and assurance of continuity ef funds made te oy
such governing authorities az I or our Department are responsible to,
Mr. Charles 0. Emmerich =2- February 20, 1967
Also, while I personally am in accord with what I understand the purposes and
goals of the proposed project are, I have considerable doubt as to the wisdom
of implementing and making effective the program envisioned if same is planned
for implementation during only a comparatively short period of time without defi-
nite conmit@ment from required Federal authorities for continuing required finan-
cial support over a period of several years. Based on my past experience and
observation, I frankly am becoming "leery and doubtful" as to the advisibility
of either planning or operating “quickie” programs that seldom get pass the
planning and initial implementation stage before they are discontinued or funds
Very truly yours,
Wellborn R. Eliis
WRE seal
bee: James H. Aldredge, Chairman
Fulton County Commissioners
Ivan Allen, Jdr., Mayor »~
City of Atlanta
Alan F. Kiepper, County Manager
Fulton County
Dr. John W, Letson, Superintendent
Atlanta School System
Mrs. Bruce Schaeffer, Director
State Department of Family and Children Services
Duane Beck, Director
Community Council Atlanta Area
cee ci
165 Central Ave., S. W.
Administrative Office
Deputy Adminstrator
Mr. Charles 0. Emmerich
Executive Administrator
Beonomic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Ummeriche
This is to advise that our Department will be glad te cooperate in the proposed
implementation of a coordinated program directed toward placement of unemployed
persons and/or the necessary training who are residing in the defined Model
Neighborhood Project in the following manner and under conditions as indicateds
1. Refer applicants/recipients of Public Assistance to those organiza-
tions who would accept responsibility for their placement in job oppor-
2. Refer applicants/recipients of “ublic Assistance either directly or
indirectly through joint referrais of Vocational Rehabilitation staff
in our office to the Atlanta Dlagnestie and Evaluation Center to deter-
mine their work potential and/or necessary subsequent training.
3. Kefer applicants/recipients of Public Assistance to those agencies
who will be administering and operating desirable training or retrain-
ing programs before accepting those determined to have necessary quali-
fications for use in connection fer such jobs and duties as may be
applicable to our existing programs, providing that in doing so it does
not obligate us to spend additional County, State, or Federal tax funds
without prior approval from the Fulton County Board of Family and Child-
ren Services, Fulton County Commissioners, State Department of Family
and Children Services, and/or the Welfare Administration of the Depart-
of Health, Sducation, and Welfare.
In making this statement which I understand you desire for use in connection with
filing the required application for Federal funds, I would like for it te be explic-
itly understood that in the event our participation eas outlined above resulta in
increased expenditures for staff, office space, furniture, equipment, or other operat-
ing expenses would have to be approved and assurance of continuity ef funds made te oy
such governing authorities az I or our Department are responsible to,
Mr. Charles 0. Emmerich =2- February 20, 1967
Also, while I personally am in accord with what I understand the purposes and
goals of the proposed project are, I have considerable doubt as to the wisdom
of implementing and making effective the program envisioned if same is planned
for implementation during only a comparatively short period of time without defi-
nite conmit@ment from required Federal authorities for continuing required finan-
cial support over a period of several years. Based on my past experience and
observation, I frankly am becoming "leery and doubtful" as to the advisibility
of either planning or operating “quickie” programs that seldom get pass the
planning and initial implementation stage before they are discontinued or funds
Very truly yours,
Wellborn R. Eliis
WRE seal
bee: James H. Aldredge, Chairman
Fulton County Commissioners
Ivan Allen, Jdr., Mayor »~
City of Atlanta
Alan F. Kiepper, County Manager
Fulton County
Dr. John W, Letson, Superintendent
Atlanta School System
Mrs. Bruce Schaeffer, Director
State Department of Family and Children Services
Duane Beck, Director
Community Council Atlanta Area
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