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Box 18, Folder 21, Document 22
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December 20, 1967
Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
I should like to express my warmest personal thanks for your
fine support of the legislation for the Office of Economic
Opportunity which was recently approved by the Congress.
Although the amount appropriated will not permit us to do all
we would like to do or should do in Fiscal Year 1968, the
passage of the legislation with our programs and mandate
intact constitutes a significant victory not only for the poor,
but for all Americans.
During the uncertain period of legislative debate your concern
and expression of approval for the programs were of great
value, I am convinced Congress would not have acted so favor-
ably without the strong voice of local public officials who are
most knowledgeable of the results of the war on poverty.
Your continued interest, and suggestions to us, can do much to
assure OEO's continued success.
My best personal wishes for a fine Holiday Season and a good
year ahead,
December 20, 1967
Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
I should like to express my warmest personal thanks for your
fine support of the legislation for the Office of Economic
Opportunity which was recently approved by the Congress.
Although the amount appropriated will not permit us to do all
we would like to do or should do in Fiscal Year 1968, the
passage of the legislation with our programs and mandate
intact constitutes a significant victory not only for the poor,
but for all Americans.
During the uncertain period of legislative debate your concern
and expression of approval for the programs were of great
value, I am convinced Congress would not have acted so favor-
ably without the strong voice of local public officials who are
most knowledgeable of the results of the war on poverty.
Your continued interest, and suggestions to us, can do much to
assure OEO's continued success.
My best personal wishes for a fine Holiday Season and a good
year ahead,