Box 18, Folder 21, Document 29

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Box 18, Folder 21, Document 29

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THIS SAME LETTER SENT TO: Representative Fletcher Thompson
Senator Richard B. Russell
Senator Herman E. Talmadge

September 21, 1967

Honorable Ben B. Blackburn, III
1019 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

Dear Ben:

It is my understanding that hearings begin shortly in the
Senate on the budget request of the Office of Eeonomic Opportunity.
The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce urges you to consider favorably this
appropriation when it comes before you.

We have an opportunity to view at close vange the results
obtained from programs of Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Ine., the
Atlanta area agency carrying out the poverty program, and we be-
lieve there have been invaluable gains made through these numerous
programs, The many activities of EOA and its delegate agencies in
the poverty areas here have been a major factor in creating and
maintaining a climate under which we could all work toward solu-
tions of mutual community problems.

It is our hope and belief that the education and training
made available through poverty programs here and throughout the
country, will enable many of those presently dependent on welfare
to become self-sustaining, taxpaying citizens. Under all of the
circumstances, we believe that the amounts being expended by O5O
throughout the country, together with the local matching funds,
represent investments that will pay rich dividends in years to
come. .

I am attaching a brief summary of the programs which have
been funded through EOA since January, 1965 and I hope you will find
time to review this record of accomplishment.

Sincerely yours,


Ae HB. St 5 Jf.


bee: Mayor Ivan Allen”
Mr. Opie L. Sheiton
Mr. Boisfeuvillet Jones


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