Box 18, Folder 21, Document 46

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Box 18, Folder 21, Document 46

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Tel, 522-4463 Aroa Coda 404


May 18, 1967


TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Alderman Rodney M. Cook
Mr. Collier B. Gladin, Planning Director
Mr. Isadore Candeub, Candeub, ous & Associates
Mr. John Brown, Candeub, Fleissig Veo


qual a in Housing Report

FROM: Mr. George L. Aldridge, Jr.
SUBJECT: Meeting on May 12, 1967 o

On Friday May 12, 1967, the Equal Opportunity in Housing report,
dated December, 1966, prepared by Candeub, Fleissig & Associates in
connection with the Community Improvement Program was discussed. The
following persons were in attendance: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Alderman
Rodney M. Cook, Mr. Isadore Candeubd, President, Candeub, Fleissig &
Associates, Mr. John Brown, Candeub, Fleissig & Associates, Mr. Collier
B. Gladin, Planning Director, and Mr. George L. Aldridge, Jr., Community
Improvement Program Director. The following represents those areas on
which agreement was reached and which the consultant was advised to

1. The City requested and the consultant agreed to rewrite
certain portions of the report provided the integrity of the
report is not destroyed. To assist the consultant the City
agreed to provide them with the Planning Staff comments
used at the meeting by Alderman Cook.

2. The City requested and the consultant agreed to incorporate
obvious changes and/or trends that have been made or have
taken place in public facilities and services in the City
within approximately the last 5 years. The City is to
provide the consultant with this information.

3. Interview results and material contained in the report

were discussed, Two alternative approaches evolved, neither
of which achieved complete agreement. Consequently, the
consultant is advised to follow (a) or (b) or a combination
of (a) and (b) below: a)



#2 : May 18, 19

(a) Delete the interview material from the report, but
provide the City with a separate and complete supple-
ment on the interviews and/or

(b) Retain the interview material in the report but
provide a blanket statement with heavy emphasis
to the fact that the interview results do noc
necessarily agree with the facts. The text should
stress that the interview results represent opinions
and discuss the dangers inherent in public opinion
surveys. Additionally where the opinion and the
facts do not agree, the consultant might refer the
veader to an appropriate factual section or illus-
trate this with facts.
4. Program Recommendations
The City requested and the consultant agreed to the following:

(a) Tie in the finding of facts or factual determinations
with the program recommendations and the approach
toward solutions.

{(b) In addition to making the recommendations the report
should spell out the levels or degrees within each
' program recommendation which the City should attain
within a practical or feasible period of time.


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