Box 18, Folder 24, Document 36

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Box 18, Folder 24, Document 36

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Vol. 5 No. 1 Atlanta, Georgia Jamary 1967

MUST NOT BEQUEATH OUR HOUSING PROBLEM Atlanta's housing situation is
TO NEXT GENERATION, MAYOR ALLEN DECLARES no more serious than that in
any large city, but we must
do all possible not to leave it as an unsolved legacy to the next generation,

That was the challenge laid down by Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., at the beginning of
his address to our first 1967 full committee meeting, January 19, Said Mayor Allen:
"In American cities in years past, no consideration was given to where people lived
and the ''do or die" attitude prevailed. Until the middle of the present century, there
was no positive planning about where people should live and the growth of cities was
haphazard. In the past nobody cared what happened to the unfortumte. Now there is
a greater public conscience. Now we have the awareness of the federal government
about the problems of people, The planning techniques which first brought raised eye
brows and tongue in cheek attitudes are accepted, It is realized that out of planning,
comes the only hope of solving our urban problems."'

Mr. Allen then focused his remarks on Atlanta. He pointed out that the city has
been struggling with limited funds and some federal aid to upgrade its planning in
general, He emphasized that young men are taking the lead in the city's planning,
mentioning Collier Gladin, Bill Bassett and George Aldridge as examples,

ARE HAILED AS "THRILLING SIGHT" ance of Community Improve-

ment Program, disclosing
the specifics of Atlanta's problems. He cited that the CIP has shown that some 17,000
out of Atlanta's 175,000 housing units are substandard and that some 16, 000 families
must be relocated because of government actions, Said he: ''Our city, and other cities,
are now beginning to face up to the responsibility of taking care of displaced people,
In Atlanta, public housing has made a great start toward solving our housing problem.
It is a thrilling sight to see what the Housing Authority has accomplished in the last
few months. We already have more than 9,000 units of public housing and soon will
have another 1,000. This has been supplemented by urban renewal, which covers
more than 2,500 acres. People from urban renewal projects have been moved into
better housing, even though it is not all standard, Urban renewal has been the catalyst
that has brought such great prosperity to our city."

CITY TO STIR UP HORNETS NESTS, In pushing its all out effort to

NEEDS OUR COMMITTEE'S STURDY SUPPORT solve the housing problem, the
city is going to stir up hornets

nests, and will continue to need the strong support of our committee, Mayor Allen

declared. He pointed out that under present financial conditions private enterprise is

reluctant to invest in low income housing, but that the housing problem cannot be solved

without the support of private resources. Said he: ''The people of Atlanta were stunned

by the magnitude of the task disclosed by our Housing Conference held in the latter

part of 1966."' He pointed out that the Board of Aldermen had approved a request for

a federal reservation of 3,000 additional housing units. Summed up Mayor Allen:

"To solve our housing problem, we must do more than just replace worn-out units.

The purpose of this committee is to further the aims of good planning and _ to obtain

factual information to help rebuild the deteriorated portions of this city and keep other

sections up to standard. Our goals are known, We simply must get on with the job.

The city needs this committee's support and help",

TO CITY IN ITS STEPPED UP SLUM WAR mittee's full support in its all

out effort to solve the housing
problem and to eliminate slums, Chairman Sommerville assured Mayor Allen. Said he:
“Our Committee will help in any way possible, We have spent a long time in studying
the reports of the CIP which have made clear what we have in the city. Now we know
where to go and how to do what needs to be done. Working with CIP is to be one of our
main businesses this year,'' Chairman Sommerville added that our committee can exert
strong influence. Said he: ''This Committee now has weight in this city,"

IN PUBLIC UNITS, SATTERFIELD SHOWS has responded quickly and
effectively to Mayor Allen's
call for action toward solving Atlanta's housing problem, M. B. Satterfield, AHA
executive director, demonstrated in a talk to our January 19 meeting. He first pointed
out that the November 15, 1966 housing conference disclosed that 16, 800 families would
be displaced in five years and that Miayor Allen had set a goal of 9, 800 housing units for
a two year crash program. This breaks down into 2940 private units, 1274 of 221D3 units
and therest or 57 percent, 5586 public housing units, This total is in addition to the
8874 units now in operation, but included the 1140 units now presently under development,
These embrace the 650 units under construction in the McDaniel Street area, 140
adjacent to Perry Homes and 350 in Thomasville. The McDaniel Street program calls
for 248 units to be ready in 12 months, 154 units for the elderly in 17 months, the rest
in 22 months, Our speaker said bids for the 140 units adjacent to Perry Homes would
be advertised for in a matter of days and that they should be finished in some 18 months,
He explained that these units would be designed to meet the demand for large families,
all having 3 or more bedrooms. The 350 Thomasville units are awaiting final plans
from the architects, These also will include some units for the elderly.

NEW "TURN KEY" PLAN TO BE USED In addition to these units now
IN 1,500 UNITS UNDER RESERVATION under development, reserva-
tion has been made for 1,500
additional units - 1,200 for construction, 300 for lease, Mr, Satterfield said. Major
emphasis will be placed on utilization of the new "turn key'' program under which a
developer builds the units and then sells them to the Housing Authority, he explained,
One site for such development on Harwell Road has been approved. Another site on
Hollywood Road is being studied for 250 units. Still another is a ten acre tract near
the present Bowen Homes which could accommodate 125 units. Mr, Satterfield also
expressed hope that 375 units will go into the Bedford-Pine project now in planning
stage. Sites already approved or being surveyed will use up the present reservations,
The city has requested a reservation for 3,000 more units. Said he: 'The present
difficulty in making use of the "turn key" plan is uncertainity about the cost of land.
\We have asked that the federal rules be amended to permit acceleration of appraisals. "'
Mr, Satterfield also told our committee that the Authority is getting started on leasing
units for use as public housing, The first project includes 65 units in East Atlanta
which are being made available as vacancies occur, On the day of our meeting, the
Authority signed for 48 adjacent units and is hopeful that 36 more will soon be available.
Mr, Satterfield further reported that 31 units in Vanira Street, near Capitol Avenue,
had been converted into large units and that another 27 units had been brought up to
standard, He added that he hoped this will set a standard for leasing more units in the
area, Turning to the 221D3 program, he showed that this can be employed anywhere.
in the city, He pointed out that interest has been shown in Rockdale advertisements but
that progress has been slow. As sites for 221D3, he said that the University Center
project could handle 208 units and about 150 units could go in a section of the Rawson-
Washington project.

TO MEET CITY GOAL, JONES REPORTS providing low rental private
housing is being shown by
private investors, but still far too little to meet the 1967 goal. Col. Malcolm H. Jones,
supervisor of inspection services now on loan to the Housing Resources Committee,
told our January 19 meeting, Said Col. Jones: "Some investors are looking, some have
taken options and some are acquiring property, but not nearly enough to meet the city's
requirements. It looks as though we'll get about one-third the number of units we need
this year, Next year we should be close to reaching the goal of 4, 900 units. "'

PROMPT PAVING OF SIDEWALK PROMISED, Following a conference with
ment general manager, prompt
action to surface torn-up sidewalks on Boulevard was promised to Chairman Sommerville,
Director Howland informed a mass meeting of Bedford-Pine citizens at Mt. Zion Second |
Baptist Church January 23, He read a letter from Chairman Sommerville to Herbert
Waldrip, Bedford-Pine associate committee chairman, in which it was explained that
Mr. Weir had given assurance that laying of temporary asphalt paving would begin
January 27, The sidewalks had been removed to install new water mains. Mr. Howland
also reported that Chairman Sommerville and he had inspected the area earlier that day
and had found that gravel had been spread over the soft spots to furnish better footing
until paving could be laid, Main speakers at this latest meeting of Bedford-Pine project
area citizens were Lester H. Persells, redevelopment director, Howard Openshaw,
chief planner, and David McNair, project director, all from the Atlanta Housing
Authority, and Ernest Hicks and the Rev, John D, Grier, Jr., representing the neighbor-
hood committee,

CITY PICKS 3,000 ACRE "DEMONSTRATION TARGET", Atlanta is making every effort
WILL APPLY FOR PLANNING FUNDS MARCH 1 to be among the first to be

chosen as participants in the
new '' Model cities'' federal program, Mayor Allen told a meeting of city officials,
representatives of federal and county social services and other interested agencies
January 24, Our committee was represented by Chairman Sommerville and Director
Howland, As explained by Mayor Allen and City Planning Engineer Collier Gladin, the
city has chosen as a "demonstration target'' an area embracing some 3,000 acres in
southeast Atlanta, Now under way are surveys to provide specifics for the city
application for federal planning funds. Also efforts are being made to involve the
residents of the area in planning. Target date for submitting the city's application to
regional and Washington HUD offices is Marchl. The area proposed to be redeveloped
is bounded on the north by I-20, on the west by Lee Street, on the south by the A & WP
railroad and on the east by the belt line railroad, This area could set standards for
the entire city, Mayor Allen emphasized. A final figure of $100, 000, 000 would not be
beyond reason, Mr, Gladin explained, adding that no firm estimates of any costs were

On the following day, Chairman Sommerville and Director Howland attended a
southeastern regional conference at which H. Ralph Taylor, HUD assistant secretary
for Demonstrations and Inter-governmental Relations, outlined the aims of the new
program and discussed details ina @ & A session. Mr. Taylor made the point that
applications for first fiscal year planning funds would not be cut off before May 1 and
that applications would not be considered simply on a first come, first served basis,
Earl H, Metzger, Jr., former AHA redevelopment director, will be in charge of the
new program for HUD's southeastern region,

FDR'S DAUGHTER LAUDS 'CHUCK' PALMER Speaking at the dedication of
the Palmer House, new high

rise public housing for the elderly, Mrs, Anna Roosevelt Halsted, FDR's daughter, paid

high tribute to our committee member Charles F, Palmer for his effective trail blazing

in slum clearance. Speaking only a few hundred yards from where Techwood Homes,

the nation's first public housing project was dedicated by her father Nov. 29, 1935,

Mrs, Halsted said, "I have always felt that my parents were a part of Techwood and

had a deep interest in Mr, Palmer's concern over slum clearance, "'



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