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Box 18, Folder 25, Document 8
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Six Seminars on Nonprofit Sponsored Housing
Urban America, Incocperation with the Federal
lfousing Administration, is presenting six re:
gionalseminars en nonprofit sponsored housing.
These seminars are designed to acqtiaint rep-
tives of not-for-profit organizations and
professionals werking with them with the: spe-
cifics of presrams available fer sponsoring lower
income housing. These programs include:
lrebelowmarketinterestrate, Sectlon 22 1(d)(3)
ined for fargilies with incomes in
imitations for iow rent public housing:
The market rate of interest, Seciion 22 1(d)(3)
le d by a Federal
grant, designed for families of law income, and
am with rents supplemente
low market rate of interest program,
Section 221(h)(1), which enables nonprofit
groups ta sponsor nousing that is rehabilitated
and sold to low income families.
sin utilizing these
écd to have well-
s, and because of the
f 7 properties for
lower income families, it was felt tat regional
-eminars describing and discussiic these pro-
Erams and the management of housing for lower
come families would be of valua to not-for-
profit groups. information on these programs
4H be presented by those who have successfully
developed and are managing a nenprofit spon-
sored project, as well as representatives of FHA
and Urban America.
co eye ce Le. Tatas Hane RT
Because of the complexitt
mrnoersms oh
programs, !
Urban America, a national, nonprofit organiza-
tion headquartered in Washington, D. C., is ded-
icated to improving the quality of life in the
nation’s cities. It represents a merger of the
Action Council for Better Cities and the American
Planning and Civic Association. The Nonprofit
Housing Center of Urban America provides tech-
nical assistance to not-for-profit sponsors of
lower income housing and helps cormmunities
organize revolving development funds and non-
profit housing development corporations. The
center is financed by the Ford Foundation and
the Episcopal, Methodist, United Presbyterian,
and United Church of Christ churches.
9:15 a.m.
12:00 pra.
Seminar 4 Resion 3 Program
Hotel Dinkler Plaza, Allanta
Thursday, September 7
8:00 Jd.M.
9:00 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks
John M. Longo, Deputy Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Ine.
Edward H, Baxter
Regional Administrator, Department
of Housing and Urban Development
Region 3
Case Study:
Allen Temple Developments, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
151 Units, Sec. 221(d)(3) Project
1.4 Million Mortgage
’ Sponsor: Dr. John A. Middleton
Rev. A. D. Powell
Allen Temple A.M.E. Church of
Atlanta, Inc.
Attorney: McCready Johnston
Johnston and Calhoun
Generai Contractor: Robert Mclvor
DeSoto Construction Company
Architect: Milton Prassas, AIA,
Mortgagee: James M. Meyerholtz
Trust Company of Georgia
FHA Evaluation & Processing:
Ralph Johnston, Chief Underwriter
Atlanta Office, FHA
Commentator: Harold L. Kramer
Assistant Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Inc.
1:30 p.in.
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Rent Supplement Housing Program
Harold Albright
Assistant Regional Administrator for
FHA, HUD Region 3
John F. Thigpen
Director, Atlanta Insuring Office
Development Funds and
Housing Development Corporations
Milton P. Webster, Deputy Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Inc.
Speaker: Haley Sofge
Executive Director
Metropolitan Dade County
Department of Housing and
Urban Developrnent
Miami, Florida
Topic; “The Housing Gap—an
Opportunity for Nonprofit Groups”
Friday, September 8
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Management of Lower Income
Q. V. Williamson
Q.V. Williamson & Co,
Atlanta, Georgia
Housing and Community Services:
The Bicentennial Story
Larry Krell, Director
The Bicentennial Corporation
St. Louis, Missouri
Project Consultation with
Urban Aiperica and FHA staff
Urban America, Ine.
1717/7 Massachusetls Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 265-2224
Urban America, Incocperation with the Federal
lfousing Administration, is presenting six re:
gionalseminars en nonprofit sponsored housing.
These seminars are designed to acqtiaint rep-
tives of not-for-profit organizations and
professionals werking with them with the: spe-
cifics of presrams available fer sponsoring lower
income housing. These programs include:
lrebelowmarketinterestrate, Sectlon 22 1(d)(3)
ined for fargilies with incomes in
imitations for iow rent public housing:
The market rate of interest, Seciion 22 1(d)(3)
le d by a Federal
grant, designed for families of law income, and
am with rents supplemente
low market rate of interest program,
Section 221(h)(1), which enables nonprofit
groups ta sponsor nousing that is rehabilitated
and sold to low income families.
sin utilizing these
écd to have well-
s, and because of the
f 7 properties for
lower income families, it was felt tat regional
-eminars describing and discussiic these pro-
Erams and the management of housing for lower
come families would be of valua to not-for-
profit groups. information on these programs
4H be presented by those who have successfully
developed and are managing a nenprofit spon-
sored project, as well as representatives of FHA
and Urban America.
co eye ce Le. Tatas Hane RT
Because of the complexitt
mrnoersms oh
programs, !
Urban America, a national, nonprofit organiza-
tion headquartered in Washington, D. C., is ded-
icated to improving the quality of life in the
nation’s cities. It represents a merger of the
Action Council for Better Cities and the American
Planning and Civic Association. The Nonprofit
Housing Center of Urban America provides tech-
nical assistance to not-for-profit sponsors of
lower income housing and helps cormmunities
organize revolving development funds and non-
profit housing development corporations. The
center is financed by the Ford Foundation and
the Episcopal, Methodist, United Presbyterian,
and United Church of Christ churches.
9:15 a.m.
12:00 pra.
Seminar 4 Resion 3 Program
Hotel Dinkler Plaza, Allanta
Thursday, September 7
8:00 Jd.M.
9:00 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks
John M. Longo, Deputy Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Ine.
Edward H, Baxter
Regional Administrator, Department
of Housing and Urban Development
Region 3
Case Study:
Allen Temple Developments, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
151 Units, Sec. 221(d)(3) Project
1.4 Million Mortgage
’ Sponsor: Dr. John A. Middleton
Rev. A. D. Powell
Allen Temple A.M.E. Church of
Atlanta, Inc.
Attorney: McCready Johnston
Johnston and Calhoun
Generai Contractor: Robert Mclvor
DeSoto Construction Company
Architect: Milton Prassas, AIA,
Mortgagee: James M. Meyerholtz
Trust Company of Georgia
FHA Evaluation & Processing:
Ralph Johnston, Chief Underwriter
Atlanta Office, FHA
Commentator: Harold L. Kramer
Assistant Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Inc.
1:30 p.in.
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Rent Supplement Housing Program
Harold Albright
Assistant Regional Administrator for
FHA, HUD Region 3
John F. Thigpen
Director, Atlanta Insuring Office
Development Funds and
Housing Development Corporations
Milton P. Webster, Deputy Director
Nonprofit Housing Center
Urban America, Inc.
Speaker: Haley Sofge
Executive Director
Metropolitan Dade County
Department of Housing and
Urban Developrnent
Miami, Florida
Topic; “The Housing Gap—an
Opportunity for Nonprofit Groups”
Friday, September 8
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Management of Lower Income
Q. V. Williamson
Q.V. Williamson & Co,
Atlanta, Georgia
Housing and Community Services:
The Bicentennial Story
Larry Krell, Director
The Bicentennial Corporation
St. Louis, Missouri
Project Consultation with
Urban Aiperica and FHA staff
Urban America, Ine.
1717/7 Massachusetls Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 265-2224