Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 25, Document 12
Text Item Type Metadata
Recommended Price Reductions
on 221 lots in Thomasville U. 2. Project
No reductions on single lots
Group of 10 lots Reduce $100 per lot
os of 20 lots Reduce $150 per lot
Group of 30 lots Reduce $200 per lot
Group of 50 lots * Reduce $250 per lot
Group of 100 lots Reduce $300 per lot
All lots at one time Reduce $350 per lot:
Recommended Price Reductions
on 221 lots in Thomasville U. 2. Project
No reductions on single lots
Group of 10 lots Reduce $100 per lot
os of 20 lots Reduce $150 per lot
Group of 30 lots Reduce $200 per lot
Group of 50 lots * Reduce $250 per lot
Group of 100 lots Reduce $300 per lot
All lots at one time Reduce $350 per lot: