Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 25, Document 20
Text Item Type Metadata
August 3, 1967
General Functions
1. To promote low-cost housing and facilitate its construction in
Atlanta on an accelerated basis.
2, To bring together the various interests needed to produce housing.
3a To insure that the human factors in housing are given full play.
he To inform the’ public of the housing problem in Atlanta.
: (The Housing Resources Committee office is located in City Hall,
Room 120. It maintains liaison with builders and developers, acts as
a clearing house for information pertaining to low-cost housing,
to include listing of available sites and interested developers,
coordinates committee activities and keeps the Mayor informed as
to progress of the program.)
Functions of Housing Resources Committee Panels
Suggested Functions for the Committee Panels
(Not necessarily limited to the following).
Panels are encouraged to use own initiative.
ae To investigate and make available information on laws governing
Federal, State and City, related to housing.
be. To review existing local laws governing housing and make recommendations
for improvements.
Ce To make specific recommendations regarding code enforcement.
de To act as legal resource to the Committee as a whole.
Construction and Desien
ae To review present codes and constuction practices in order to
recommend improvements in terms of expediting and making housing
more economical,
be To investigate new methods of producing housing with special
. attention to prefabrication.
c. To seek out and encourage contractors and architests interested in
Low-cost housing design.
de To recommend methods of making rehabilitation of existing housing
' feasible and profitable.
Page 2.
Finance and Non-profit Funds
To seek out and make available pertinent information relative to
financing of housing.
To encourage money sources to make funds available for financing
low-cost housing.
To seek and recommend new ways to finance low cost housing.
To compile information regarding nor-profit funds.
To compile information relative to Federal participation in
non-profit funds.
To aid in the establishment of non-profit. funds for low cost
housing and to promote and interest sponsors in the program.
To counsel with those controlling existing and or new funds.
To promote creation of a non-profit Housing Development Corporation
Public Housing
To aid the Housing Authority in the completion of its Public Housing
To seek out and report on new methods of financing and producing
public housing across the country.
To familiarize themselves with the Atlanta public housing program
and to visit all existing projects.
To encourage provision for adequate social services activities in
public housing.
To make recommendations regarding future public housing.
To determine available ‘and resources for low-cost housing and make
recommendations thereon. :
To seek out and catalogue land available for low-cost housing.
To keep in touch with realtors concerning available land.
To recommend neighborhoods for concentrated rehabilitation efforts.
Social Froblems
To provide for temporary housing as needed, for people being displaced
either for rehabilitation or resettlement.
To coordinate housing with agencies involved in the depressed areas,
such as the Cormunity Chest, Community Council and EOA.
To enlist assistance groups such as churches, garden clubs, and civic
clubs in problems related to housing.
To look for gaps in the housing program which are not being met by any
existing or projected programs.
To seek means of providing positive assistance to home owners in
Housing Code enforcement cases, on a city-wide basis, where dire
hardship is involved.
To seek ways of involving residents of depressed areas in self-
help programs.
Page 3.
Business Participation
To seek out and interest large local and national corporations in
demonstration housing projects and or building low-cost housing or
rehabilitating existing housing in the Atlanta area.
To encourage local business firms to actively participate in and
assist the low-cost housing program.
To encourage business participation in education of low-cost housing
residents in assuming occupant responsibilities for maintaining in
good condition the dwellings and premeses in which they reside.
Public Information
To disseminate through the public media,as aPublic Service, talks
written material, and information relating to the low-cost housing
problems in Atlanta.
Thru articles, editorals, panel discussions and spot announcements to
emphasize special features and problems of the program, as determined
by the Executive Group of the HRC, and to suggest solutions.
General Functions
1. To promote low-cost housing and facilitate its construction in
Atlanta on an accelerated basis.
2, To bring together the various interests needed to produce housing.
3a To insure that the human factors in housing are given full play.
he To inform the’ public of the housing problem in Atlanta.
: (The Housing Resources Committee office is located in City Hall,
Room 120. It maintains liaison with builders and developers, acts as
a clearing house for information pertaining to low-cost housing,
to include listing of available sites and interested developers,
coordinates committee activities and keeps the Mayor informed as
to progress of the program.)
Functions of Housing Resources Committee Panels
Suggested Functions for the Committee Panels
(Not necessarily limited to the following).
Panels are encouraged to use own initiative.
ae To investigate and make available information on laws governing
Federal, State and City, related to housing.
be. To review existing local laws governing housing and make recommendations
for improvements.
Ce To make specific recommendations regarding code enforcement.
de To act as legal resource to the Committee as a whole.
Construction and Desien
ae To review present codes and constuction practices in order to
recommend improvements in terms of expediting and making housing
more economical,
be To investigate new methods of producing housing with special
. attention to prefabrication.
c. To seek out and encourage contractors and architests interested in
Low-cost housing design.
de To recommend methods of making rehabilitation of existing housing
' feasible and profitable.
Page 2.
Finance and Non-profit Funds
To seek out and make available pertinent information relative to
financing of housing.
To encourage money sources to make funds available for financing
low-cost housing.
To seek and recommend new ways to finance low cost housing.
To compile information regarding nor-profit funds.
To compile information relative to Federal participation in
non-profit funds.
To aid in the establishment of non-profit. funds for low cost
housing and to promote and interest sponsors in the program.
To counsel with those controlling existing and or new funds.
To promote creation of a non-profit Housing Development Corporation
Public Housing
To aid the Housing Authority in the completion of its Public Housing
To seek out and report on new methods of financing and producing
public housing across the country.
To familiarize themselves with the Atlanta public housing program
and to visit all existing projects.
To encourage provision for adequate social services activities in
public housing.
To make recommendations regarding future public housing.
To determine available ‘and resources for low-cost housing and make
recommendations thereon. :
To seek out and catalogue land available for low-cost housing.
To keep in touch with realtors concerning available land.
To recommend neighborhoods for concentrated rehabilitation efforts.
Social Froblems
To provide for temporary housing as needed, for people being displaced
either for rehabilitation or resettlement.
To coordinate housing with agencies involved in the depressed areas,
such as the Cormunity Chest, Community Council and EOA.
To enlist assistance groups such as churches, garden clubs, and civic
clubs in problems related to housing.
To look for gaps in the housing program which are not being met by any
existing or projected programs.
To seek means of providing positive assistance to home owners in
Housing Code enforcement cases, on a city-wide basis, where dire
hardship is involved.
To seek ways of involving residents of depressed areas in self-
help programs.
Page 3.
Business Participation
To seek out and interest large local and national corporations in
demonstration housing projects and or building low-cost housing or
rehabilitating existing housing in the Atlanta area.
To encourage local business firms to actively participate in and
assist the low-cost housing program.
To encourage business participation in education of low-cost housing
residents in assuming occupant responsibilities for maintaining in
good condition the dwellings and premeses in which they reside.
Public Information
To disseminate through the public media,as aPublic Service, talks
written material, and information relating to the low-cost housing
problems in Atlanta.
Thru articles, editorals, panel discussions and spot announcements to
emphasize special features and problems of the program, as determined
by the Executive Group of the HRC, and to suggest solutions.