Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 25, Document 22
Text Item Type Metadata
Room 120), City Hall
December 1, 1967
Mr, Collier B, Gladin
Director of Planning
Planning Depertment
7th Floor, City Hall
68 Mitchell Ste, &, We.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 _
Dear Collier:
Gnclosed is extract from Atlanta's CIP report indicating statistical data
requirements in categories by nuaber of bedrooms and rental ranges (also by number
of bedrooms f6r owner housing) and numbers of units required in the Public Housing
or Rent Supplement, 221 d (3) below market rate interest, 221 d (3) market rate
interest and 221 d (2) categories. Nembers of your Department have emphasized the
necessity for keeping statistical records on the low-income housing program, by
project, in accordance with the criteria established in the CIP report.
Also enclosed is copy of letter from the Administrative Assistant advising
that Mr. Johnny CG. Johnson of your Department would accumulate and furnish required
statisticel informetion to this Comaittee, pertaining to the low-income housing
Therefore we request that statistical informetion to meet the requirements of
the CIP, as indicated in the attached extract, be obtained and provided this Comittee
on the following:
(a) Bach of the developments shown on the attached Low-income Housing Inventery
report dates November 15, 19673
(b) Completed projects shown in previous siviler report of August 31, he
copy of which has been provided the Planning Department; and
(ce) Future leweinceome housing projects which will be reflected in subsequent
revisions of the attached report.
Geeil Ged Chairaan
Housing Resources Comittee
Mr. Collier EB. Gladin
Page 2
December 1, 1967
Encls: 1, i&xtrect from CIP report.
2. Copy of letter dated October 6, 1967,
3. Copy of Low-income Housing Inventery report dated November 15, 1967.
ec: Mr. R. Sarl Landera
My, Dan BE, Sweat