Box 18, Folder 25, Document 34

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Box 18, Folder 25, Document 34

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October 234 1967

The Chairman, HRC Committee, and the Land Acquisition Pahel of the Housing
Resources Committee met jointly with the members of the Planning Department
at 11:00 asm., October 23, 1967, in Committee Room #2, City Hall, pursuant
to invitational notice attached. The following members were present:

Mr, Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman, Housing Resources Committee

Mr. F, C, Terrell, representing Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land
Acquisition Panel

Mr, Clayton R, Yates, member, Land Acquisition Panel

Mr. J, A. Alston, member, Land Acquisition Panel

Mr. W. W. Gates, Consultant

Also present were invited guests, including:

Mr. George W. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Chamber of Commerce, Housing
and Redevelopment Committee
Mr, Dan E. Sweat Jr,, Director of Governmental Liaison

Planning Director, Collier Gladin, presided,

Mr, Gladin stated that he and the members of his staff were very happy to
have an opportunity to meet with the Housing Resources Committee and discuss
mutual problems. He stated that every effort would be made in the future to
work with the Housing Resources Committee.

Mr, Gladin briefly explained the progress being made by his Department in
preodueing a new LandeUse map, He presented a map showing progress to date, but
explained that many changes would necessarily have to be made before the map is
completed and approved by other city officials,

Mr, Gladin also stated that consideration should be given to higher
densities fer low-income housing, including use of high rise.

Mr, Pierce Mahoney of the Planning Department explained the proposed
LandsUse map in detail and also exhibited a second map indieating projections
to 1983. He stated that the locations of the proposed rapid transit system
stations have not been determined and this could be one item that would
involve possible changes.
City Planner, J. C. Johnson distributed a list of possible sites for low-
income housing prepared by the Planning Department on October 23, 1967.

He stated that in his opinion a package of 10 to 15 possible low-income
housing sites distributed throughout the City should be submitted at one time
for zoning consideration, rather than individual requests for each property.

He stated that the package approach would hopefully aid in surmounting
neighborhood and Feceral objections such as have been encountered in connection
with individual parcel zoning.

He explained that Mayor Ivan Allen's goal of 16,800 low-cost units in
five years has been slowe!: by objections of residents and the Federal government,
high land costs and difficulty in getting zoning changes.

Johnson s-id most of the sites the planners are considering aren't zoned for
apartment units.

Residents on numerous occasicns have appeared before the Aldermanic Zoning
Committee to beat back requests for zoning changes that would permit low-cost
housing in their neighborhoods.

Mr. Johnson ssid that he hoped the Housing Resources Committee, the
Citizens Advisory Committee on Urban Renowsal, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Housing Committee or some similar group would pursue the package idea, develope
it and submit it to the proper zoning authorities.

He stated that the list distributed was incomplete and that probably a
number of additional areas could be added.

Mr, Johnson submitte? a proposed development plan, using the old Ball
Park site on Pence de Leon Avenve as an illustration of how a site might be
developed for mixed uses including high rise apartments, shopping areas, etc.

Mr. Gates, HRC Committee Consultant, provided members of the Planning
Department with a list of 22 Proposed Sites, dated October 10, 1967, which
owners or those having control, have voluntarily listed with the HRC for sale
for use in the low-income Housing Program. Only ) of these sites are zoned
A-1 however.

Mr. Cecil Alexander, Chairman of the Housing Resources Committee stated
that there appears to be an excess of land in the City presently zoned for
industrial use and suggested that study be given to determine if some of this
land should be released for use as apartment sites.

Mr. Alexander also stressed the urgent need for an overall Land-Use plan
which would make additional apartment sites available.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

tie OO EE cys SF TS ROL

Malcolm D. Jones ¢ ¢
Supervisor of Inspection Services

Encls: Invitational Notice.
(with original Possible Sites for Low-income Housing, dated October 23, 1967.
only) Proposed Sites offered for the Low-income Housing Program

dated October 10, 1967.


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