Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 25, Document 51
Text Item Type Metadata
October 17, 1967
Mr, Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Kousing Resources Committee
Finch, Alexander, Barnes, Rothschild, and Paschal, Architects
10th Floor Standard Federal Uuilding
hl Broad Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Sanford S. Atwood, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
President, Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Dr. Benjamin E, Mays, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
President Emeritus, Morehouse College
3316 Pamlico Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Mr. Charles L. Weltner, Attorney
The First National Bank, Suite 29)3
2 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Donald Hollowell, Regional Director
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
1776 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Honorable Luther Alverson, Judge
Fulton County Superior Court
136 Pryor Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Archer D, Smith III, Attorney Chairman
Harmon and Thackston
19h National Bank of Georgia Bldg.
tlanta, Georgia
Mr. Norman L. Underwood, Attorney
Sanders, Hester and Holley
1001 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Page Two
Dr. Edwin Harrison, President Chairman
Georgia Institute of Technology
225 North Avenue, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Herman J. Russell, Contractor
50) Fair Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Moreland Smith, Director Vice-Chairman
Urban Planning Project
Southern Regional Council, Inc.
5 Forsyth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Rev. John As Middleton, President
Morris Brown College
673 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Henry F. Alexander, Builder
239 Fernleaf Court, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Mr. James Moore, President
Atlanta Labor Council
15 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Room 208
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dean Harding B. Young
Atlante University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Lee Burge, President Chairman
Retail Credit Company
P. 0. Box )081
tlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. Butler T. Henderson
Morehouse College
223 Chestnut Strect, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
e Three
Mr. Mills B. Lane, Jr., President
The Citizens and Southern National Bank
P. 0. Box 899
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Joseph Earle Birnie, President
The National Bank of Georgia
Peachtree at Five Points
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Augustus H. Sterne, President
The Trust Company of Georgia
36 Edgewood Avenue, N. E.
tlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Gordon Jones, President
The Fulton National Bank
P, O. Box 387
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. A. B. Padgett, Trust Officer
Trust Comoany of Georgia
P, 0. Box 418
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr, Hamilton Douglas, Jr., Attorney
National Bank of Georgia Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Rev, William Holmes Borders, Pastor
Wheat Street Baptist Church
1h26 Mozley Drive, S. W.
tlanta, Georgia
Dr. Rufus Clement, President
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. John Wilson, President
Horne-Wilson Company
163 Peters Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Albert Love
Executive Vice President
The McCall Corporation
P. O. Box 1000
Doraville, Georgia 30010
Mr. Scott Houston, Jr., Executive Director
Wesley Woods Apartments
P, 0. Box 15)68
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Pase Four
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne, Chairman
Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
639 Trust Company of Georgia Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Albert Manley, President
Spelman College
350 Leonard Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Leonard Reinch, President
Cox Broadcasting Company
1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Clarence D. Coleman, Regional Director Chairman
National Urban League ‘
136 Marietta Street, N. W., Suite 22
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Charles F. Palmer, President
Palmer, Inc., Palmer Building
hl Marietta Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Wallace L. Lee, President
Atlanta Gas Light Company
P, 0. Box 1569
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. Clayton R. Yates, President
Yates-Milton Stores
228 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Jim E. Land
Chief Engineer for Georgia
Southern fell Telephone & Telegraph Company
805 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Dr. Vivian Henderson, President Acting Chairman
Clark College
2:0 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
e Five
Mr, J, A. Alston, President
Empire Real Estate Board
Alston Realty Co.
195 A Auburn Ave. N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
‘Mr. Stewart Wight
Wight, Couch & Ward
15 Peachtree Bldg., Room 822
Avlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr, Duane Beck, Executive Director
Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc.
1000 Glenn Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mrs. Sujette Crank, Social Director
Neighborhood Services, E.0.A., Inc.
101 Marietta Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Tobe Johnson
Professor of Political Science
Morehouse College
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Dean Willian S. Jackson Chairman
School of Social Work
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
ttlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Erwin Stevens, Chairman
Citizens Central Advisory Committee, E.0.A.
799 Parsons Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Lewis Genker, Attorney
205 Manchester, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Pase Six
Mr, Virgil Milton Chairman
3626 Tuxedo Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Mr. Edward L. Simon, Auditor Vice-Chairman
tlanta Life Insurance Company
1);6 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
tlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Harlee Branch, President
The Southern Company
3390 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Mr. C. Arthur Jenkins
Director, Industrial Relations
Lockheed Company
Marietta, Georgia 30060
Mr. Rolland Maxwell, President
Davison's Department Stores
160 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. James L. Townsend
Townsend and Associates
101); Healey Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Dale Clark , Chairman
Director of Public Affairs
1551. Briarcliff Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Mr. Ray Moore
News Director
1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Mr. Jim Wood Vice-Chairman
News Director, WAOK
110 Sdgewood Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Page Seven
Tel. 522-163, Ext. 30
Malcolm D, Jones Director
We We. Gates, Consultant
Mrs. Sharon Crawford, Secretary
Mr, Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Kousing Resources Committee
Finch, Alexander, Barnes, Rothschild, and Paschal, Architects
10th Floor Standard Federal Uuilding
hl Broad Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Sanford S. Atwood, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
President, Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Dr. Benjamin E, Mays, Co-Chairman
Housing Resources Committee
President Emeritus, Morehouse College
3316 Pamlico Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Mr. Charles L. Weltner, Attorney
The First National Bank, Suite 29)3
2 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Donald Hollowell, Regional Director
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
1776 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Honorable Luther Alverson, Judge
Fulton County Superior Court
136 Pryor Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Archer D, Smith III, Attorney Chairman
Harmon and Thackston
19h National Bank of Georgia Bldg.
tlanta, Georgia
Mr. Norman L. Underwood, Attorney
Sanders, Hester and Holley
1001 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Page Two
Dr. Edwin Harrison, President Chairman
Georgia Institute of Technology
225 North Avenue, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Herman J. Russell, Contractor
50) Fair Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Moreland Smith, Director Vice-Chairman
Urban Planning Project
Southern Regional Council, Inc.
5 Forsyth Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Rev. John As Middleton, President
Morris Brown College
673 Hunter Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Henry F. Alexander, Builder
239 Fernleaf Court, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Mr. James Moore, President
Atlanta Labor Council
15 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Room 208
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dean Harding B. Young
Atlante University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Lee Burge, President Chairman
Retail Credit Company
P. 0. Box )081
tlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. Butler T. Henderson
Morehouse College
223 Chestnut Strect, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
e Three
Mr. Mills B. Lane, Jr., President
The Citizens and Southern National Bank
P. 0. Box 899
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Joseph Earle Birnie, President
The National Bank of Georgia
Peachtree at Five Points
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Augustus H. Sterne, President
The Trust Company of Georgia
36 Edgewood Avenue, N. E.
tlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Gordon Jones, President
The Fulton National Bank
P, O. Box 387
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. A. B. Padgett, Trust Officer
Trust Comoany of Georgia
P, 0. Box 418
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr, Hamilton Douglas, Jr., Attorney
National Bank of Georgia Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Rev, William Holmes Borders, Pastor
Wheat Street Baptist Church
1h26 Mozley Drive, S. W.
tlanta, Georgia
Dr. Rufus Clement, President
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. John Wilson, President
Horne-Wilson Company
163 Peters Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Mr. Albert Love
Executive Vice President
The McCall Corporation
P. O. Box 1000
Doraville, Georgia 30010
Mr. Scott Houston, Jr., Executive Director
Wesley Woods Apartments
P, 0. Box 15)68
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Pase Four
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne, Chairman
Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
639 Trust Company of Georgia Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Albert Manley, President
Spelman College
350 Leonard Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Leonard Reinch, President
Cox Broadcasting Company
1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Clarence D. Coleman, Regional Director Chairman
National Urban League ‘
136 Marietta Street, N. W., Suite 22
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Charles F. Palmer, President
Palmer, Inc., Palmer Building
hl Marietta Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Wallace L. Lee, President
Atlanta Gas Light Company
P, 0. Box 1569
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Mr. Clayton R. Yates, President
Yates-Milton Stores
228 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Jim E. Land
Chief Engineer for Georgia
Southern fell Telephone & Telegraph Company
805 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Dr. Vivian Henderson, President Acting Chairman
Clark College
2:0 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
e Five
Mr, J, A. Alston, President
Empire Real Estate Board
Alston Realty Co.
195 A Auburn Ave. N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
‘Mr. Stewart Wight
Wight, Couch & Ward
15 Peachtree Bldg., Room 822
Avlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr, Duane Beck, Executive Director
Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc.
1000 Glenn Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mrs. Sujette Crank, Social Director
Neighborhood Services, E.0.A., Inc.
101 Marietta Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Tobe Johnson
Professor of Political Science
Morehouse College
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Dean Willian S. Jackson Chairman
School of Social Work
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S. W.
ttlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Erwin Stevens, Chairman
Citizens Central Advisory Committee, E.0.A.
799 Parsons Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 3031)
Mr. Lewis Genker, Attorney
205 Manchester, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Pase Six
Mr, Virgil Milton Chairman
3626 Tuxedo Road, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Mr. Edward L. Simon, Auditor Vice-Chairman
tlanta Life Insurance Company
1);6 Auburn Avenue, N. E.
tlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. Harlee Branch, President
The Southern Company
3390 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Mr. C. Arthur Jenkins
Director, Industrial Relations
Lockheed Company
Marietta, Georgia 30060
Mr. Rolland Maxwell, President
Davison's Department Stores
160 Peachtree Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Mr. James L. Townsend
Townsend and Associates
101); Healey Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Dale Clark , Chairman
Director of Public Affairs
1551. Briarcliff Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Mr. Ray Moore
News Director
1601 West Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Mr. Jim Wood Vice-Chairman
News Director, WAOK
110 Sdgewood Avenue, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Page Seven
Tel. 522-163, Ext. 30
Malcolm D, Jones Director
We We. Gates, Consultant
Mrs. Sharon Crawford, Secretary