Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 26, Document 31
Text Item Type Metadata
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
Room 120), City Hall
August 11, 1967 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR
R, EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
Memorandum To: Mayor Allen
From: Malcolm Jones
The action of the Zoning Committee yesterday in turning down the re-zoning
of a 51 acre tract off Browntown Rd. (Zoning Petition #Z-67-12)-D) from M-1
and R-5 to A-1 for Turnkey development was very disappointing to those of us
working in promotion of housing for low-income families. More serious however
is the discouragement to owners, sponsors and developers of other tracts under
consideration for inclusion in the low-income housing program for both Turnkey
and 221 d (3) development.
I recommend that you ask the Board of Aldermen to defer action on this
petition, rather than to turn it down, when it comes before them August 21.
The advantage of such action would be to at least delay a turndown, which
would prohibit future consideration of the site for 18 months, and would perhaps
maintain a ray of hope in sponsors and developers for other low-income housing
projects under consideration.
This tract is one of only 5 thus far tentatively approved by HUD for Turnkey,
after 9 months of effort. Of the remaining four, one 15 acre tract requires
re-zoning and besides the owner has not yet agreed; another 20 acre tract is
zoned appropriately but the owner has. not yet agreed to sell for this purpose.
This reduces the approved firm sites to two of 20 acres each (approximately
4,80 units).
The Browntown Rd. site is now zoned predominately M-l1. It had the favorable
recommendation of the Planning Board and the formal unanimous support and
endorsement of the Executive Group of the Housing Resources Committee.
If the City cannot get this site re-zoned for low-income housing, I see
little prospect for favorable action on others. The amount of vacant land
in the City currently zoned A-1 is just not adequate (as can be confirmed by
various sponsors and developers) to meet the needs of the low-income housing
program (see attached report). The 802 acres of vacant land indicated as zoned
A-1 was as of January, 1966. All that we have been able to find now from the
Zoning Map dated April 31, 1967 provided the HRC by the Planning Department,
and which is not already committed to the low-income housing program, rejected,
or planned for other use is approximately 20) acres. (It is understood however
that some very small tracts, expecially with mixed zoning and not suitable for
the program, are not included on the zoning map).
Mayor Allen
Page 2
August 11, 1967
This land is not all available however, as some of it is too expensive;
some owners are not willing to sell for low-income housing; some sites are too
small to be profitable; some, although otherwise suitable, will not meet HUD's
policy because of location in racially identifiable areas; and other reasons.
Therefore-we must depend to a large extent on ability to re-zone qualified
sites to meet the requirements. If that cannot be done (we have already had
several failures), solution of the problem becomes extremely difficult if not
impossible under current practice. We may thus have to resort to other procedures
and techniques. .
Malcolm D, Jon
Supervisor of Inspection Services
ce: Director of Governmental Liaison
Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
Encl: HRC Memorandum dated August 9, 1967
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
Room 120), City Hall
August 11, 1967 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR
R, EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
Memorandum To: Mayor Allen
From: Malcolm Jones
The action of the Zoning Committee yesterday in turning down the re-zoning
of a 51 acre tract off Browntown Rd. (Zoning Petition #Z-67-12)-D) from M-1
and R-5 to A-1 for Turnkey development was very disappointing to those of us
working in promotion of housing for low-income families. More serious however
is the discouragement to owners, sponsors and developers of other tracts under
consideration for inclusion in the low-income housing program for both Turnkey
and 221 d (3) development.
I recommend that you ask the Board of Aldermen to defer action on this
petition, rather than to turn it down, when it comes before them August 21.
The advantage of such action would be to at least delay a turndown, which
would prohibit future consideration of the site for 18 months, and would perhaps
maintain a ray of hope in sponsors and developers for other low-income housing
projects under consideration.
This tract is one of only 5 thus far tentatively approved by HUD for Turnkey,
after 9 months of effort. Of the remaining four, one 15 acre tract requires
re-zoning and besides the owner has not yet agreed; another 20 acre tract is
zoned appropriately but the owner has. not yet agreed to sell for this purpose.
This reduces the approved firm sites to two of 20 acres each (approximately
4,80 units).
The Browntown Rd. site is now zoned predominately M-l1. It had the favorable
recommendation of the Planning Board and the formal unanimous support and
endorsement of the Executive Group of the Housing Resources Committee.
If the City cannot get this site re-zoned for low-income housing, I see
little prospect for favorable action on others. The amount of vacant land
in the City currently zoned A-1 is just not adequate (as can be confirmed by
various sponsors and developers) to meet the needs of the low-income housing
program (see attached report). The 802 acres of vacant land indicated as zoned
A-1 was as of January, 1966. All that we have been able to find now from the
Zoning Map dated April 31, 1967 provided the HRC by the Planning Department,
and which is not already committed to the low-income housing program, rejected,
or planned for other use is approximately 20) acres. (It is understood however
that some very small tracts, expecially with mixed zoning and not suitable for
the program, are not included on the zoning map).
Mayor Allen
Page 2
August 11, 1967
This land is not all available however, as some of it is too expensive;
some owners are not willing to sell for low-income housing; some sites are too
small to be profitable; some, although otherwise suitable, will not meet HUD's
policy because of location in racially identifiable areas; and other reasons.
Therefore-we must depend to a large extent on ability to re-zone qualified
sites to meet the requirements. If that cannot be done (we have already had
several failures), solution of the problem becomes extremely difficult if not
impossible under current practice. We may thus have to resort to other procedures
and techniques. .
Malcolm D, Jon
Supervisor of Inspection Services
ce: Director of Governmental Liaison
Chairman, Housing Resources Committee
Encl: HRC Memorandum dated August 9, 1967