Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 26, Document 33
Text Item Type Metadata
Fned /,
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
July 21, 1967
TO: Housing Resources Committee
Planning and Development Committee
FROM: Planning Department
SUBJECT: Preliminary Report - Amount of Vacant Land by Zoning District
In veply to the request by the secretary of the Housing Resources
Committee for figures showing the total vacant acreage in the City
of Atlanta, the following data is supplied. These figures are based
on computer analysis of the Atlanta CIP Real Property Data Bank,
for use in the land use planning project, and reflect conditions as
of January 19
Zoning Acreage Vacant* Total Acreage* wVacant
AL 25.2 261.9 9.6
Al 802.8) CO%2-2 287.2 623.8 18.7 Ji 7
A2 214.2 1,687.7 E27
CL 2759
cl 555, ; 1,868.6\ 55 :
C2 142.2» F327 891.5 3287, 7 —
C3 19.0 307.2
C4, 15.6 194.7
Mi 1,117.0 3,866.8 973.9
M2 Ie vids 9} 30906 q eee hg 3 39.6
OI 17.9 27 HF 6.7
RL 16. ‘ 2,308.2
R2 9734 4, / 2,308.2
R3 3, ae : 12,972.8 35637.3 27,3
R4 5; 133.2 18,048.1)-
R5 2,694.4 9,248.8
R6 410.7 3,340.9 g
R? 298.2 §,0 1,175.8
RE 3 (27° 0 feet 25.0
R9 65.47 79.3
Total 17,841.6. 69,631.5 / 25%
These figures reflect all parcels of land in the City as recoréed
by the Joint Board of Tax Assessors. However, many vacant parcels
1 tracts of less than 1 acre located in otherwise developed
Tnerefore, a series of maps at 400 scale was prepared showing
vacant land and zoning for use in the City's land use planning pro-
A copy of the data processing listing of parcel code numbers of vacant
parcels, zoning and acreage data was delivered to Steve Schwartz of
Cecil Alexander's office during the latter part of April; and, also
during the latter part of April, Mr. Schwartz was given access to the
400 scale maps in the Planning Department showing these vacant parcels.
These maps were copied and delivered to Mr. Alexander's office prio
to May l.
On June 28 at a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee,
ne of vacant and “under-developed” land was shown in connection
vith the land use plan progress report. After this meeting, Malcoin
Jones requested that a copy of this map showing zoning of vacant areas
be provided to the Housing Resources Committee. This map was prepared
by the Planning Department and delivered to Col. Jones.
On July 6 this map and a preliminary analysis of areas zoned A-1 and
vacant was presented to the Housing Resources Committee. The analysis
showed a total of 482 acres "zoned for apartments". The apparent
discrepancy between this figure and the §02 acres shown in the data
processing analysis can be explained by the fact that the maps used
in both couputations, although similar, were not really comparable.
The map used in the Housing Resources Committee analysis was at a
scale of 2,000 feet to the inch and the maps used in the data process-
ing analysis were at a scale of 400 feet to the inch. Due to the
small maps at a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, accurate measurement
is difficult, and, additionally, only large parcels can be shown.
At 400 scale, more accurate representation and measurement are possible.
Therefore, upon receipt by the Planning Department of the committee
request for additional data, further detailed maps at 400 scale were
prepared showing only significant vacant tracts (4 acres and larger),
so that a more detailed listing of vacant land could be made. A
preliminary analysis has been made by the Planning Department of each
signif ESCANS tract, and the result of this analysis is presented in
Appendix A to this memorandum.
The maps used in the analysis are available in the Planning Department
for detailed examination by interested parties.
The Planning Department agrees that the housing problem in Atlaata
is one of the major problems facing the City at this time, and recommends
July 21, 1967
Y 9
Page 3
hat the joint meeting of the Planning and Development Comnittee
and the Housing Resources Gomnittee which has been requested be held
as soon as possible. At this mecting and at other subsequent meet-
gs, the City's housing policy should be examined. For example,
gnificant policy decision must be made on whether the low rent
using to be constructed should be of the garden apartment--medium
ensity--outlying location type or whether high rise-high density-
ntral area housing should be considered. Another problem is the
licy of relocation in urban renewal and other treatment activ
iould the displaced families and individuals be relocated in ¢
eneral area of the project or should attempts be made to relocate
2m in outlying areas? These are only a few items on which policy
cisions are necessary in order to insure that the low-cost housing
rogram meets the goals set for it at each of the critical time
hases over the next several years.
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