Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 27, Document 21
Text Item Type Metadata
April 20, 1967
Estimate Available
Category No. Units 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
Firm 3556 (1312) (1928) ( 316) ws
Probable 3553 = (1681) ( 672) (500) _{700)
Total * _ 7109'Tn Sight (1312) (3609) C968) (500) (706)
Being Considered 4569
Doubtful 3088
Total Proposed 14,766 of which 6,504 units, previous considered likely, are currently in serious difficulty due primarily to
objections from various sources as to locations.
In addition, 1782 units have been rehabilitated and 1424 units are proposed for renabilitation.
*Includes 1140 units of P.li. + 144 units leased for P.H.
Maleclm D. Jones
Supervisor of Inspection Services
Enclosure: Summary of Public
Housing in Atlanta
Estimate Available
Category No. Units 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
Firm 3556 (1312) (1928) ( 316) ws
Probable 3553 = (1681) ( 672) (500) _{700)
Total * _ 7109'Tn Sight (1312) (3609) C968) (500) (706)
Being Considered 4569
Doubtful 3088
Total Proposed 14,766 of which 6,504 units, previous considered likely, are currently in serious difficulty due primarily to
objections from various sources as to locations.
In addition, 1782 units have been rehabilitated and 1424 units are proposed for renabilitation.
*Includes 1140 units of P.li. + 144 units leased for P.H.
Maleclm D. Jones
Supervisor of Inspection Services
Enclosure: Summary of Public
Housing in Atlanta