Dublin Core
Box 18, Folder 27, Document 28
Text Item Type Metadata
Aprii 20, 1907
Problem Areas
Iltem HO. .
iio. Units Location Prozram Principal Difficulty
P-1 250 West of liollywood Road Turnkey Opposed by Racial Relations Section of HUD in letter
North of Proctcr Creek to jiousing Authority. Tentatively denied by LAA
P=2Z 450 Harwell oad South of Turnkey sened A-1l. Strongly opposed by NAACP in letter to Mayor
J =] a’k ff J
Banknead highway Allen. Tentatively denied Ly TiAA
P-3 125 Jackson Parkway, just | FePURSy Zoned Ae-l. Site not acted on by liAA, Lecause of objection
North of Bankhead i to the area by Interszroup Relations Section of [UL
P-5 156 East of Hollywood Road 221 d (3) FHA was declined to approve.
orth of lagnolia Cemetery Experimental
P-6 262 Off Lthueridge Drive East “O04 Special liaving difficulty in getting TliA approval.
of Jackson Parkway or Turnkey
C=1 204 Between Hollywood Read and Turnkey or Re-zoned reccntly for low cost ieusing ,rogram. lousing
Gun Club Road, N.W. 222 € (3) Authority not interested in site; FUA not sympathetic
toward it.
C-3 150 Betwe 2en Dekalb Avenue and 221 d (3) Zoned K-3, Planning Department is dubious about getting
oo Go eo
icLendoa at [lampton Terr. Rent Supl. pe-zoned.
| .
C-5 | LOO West of Jackson Parkway 221 a (3) Zoned 42-5. Pleauning bepartment cool tcward re-zoning.
iierth of Proctor Creek
C-18 1,700 between Peyton Roac and Willis j Turnkey eened R-S. Plannius Department is reluctant to
Hill Road North of Utey Creek 221 ad (3) zoned. (Clicusing Authority is entuusiastic about
221 d (2) .
C-21 600 Fairburn Read Uorth of sure sey or “ouings change reyguirea. Site net aciea on by HAA because
holy Family Hospital 221d (u) of objection by Inter,rou, Relations Section of NUL to
seneral area in the jiortiwest.
C-22 L75 Bankhead liignway at Turnkey Site wot acted on by IAA, because of ob jcction to tue urea
Ozburn Poad by Inversroujy Relatious Section of LUb.
Dp Tam f ~
Proviem Apeas
Item WoO.
No. inits Location Program Principal Difficulty
C=-23 480 North of Brownsville Rd. Turnkey eoned Vi-l. Site not acted om by HAA, Decausc of
between Hollywood and cbijectiou to the area by Intergroup Nelalions Section
Bolton Rds. of HUD.
D-1 224 Off Brownsmill Road south 221 4a (3) “Zoned ji-l. Objection from some residents of neighborhood.
of Oak Drive Co-op. Re-zoning denied April 17, by Board of Aldermen.
b-3 152 South Side Simpson Road 221 d (3) Strongly opposed by citizens residing i: Collier lieight
Last cf Kigivtower Road 2 in protests to Board of Aldermen. Site is not in
{ Collicr Heights rlaz: Arca.
D-5 62 Weodbine at Boulevard ‘turnkey or {| Housing Autnority not interested in this site for
Drive 221i d (3%) Turnkey; FRA cool toward it.
D-8 364 ff Boulder Park Drive 221 d (3) zoned K-3, Pianning vepartment is reluctant to heve
Southwest of Wildwood Lake Townieuses rezoncd because not consistant witn koulaer Park Pian.
D-9 160 West of Moreland Avenue 221 da (3) Rejected by FHA as not suitable site
Soutn of Constitution koad, SL Co-op
D-10 | 286 Custer Avenue Hast of Chosewood Turnkey 1 Planning Department anticipates strong opposition to
Park development of this tract for iow cost housing.
Dell 250 221 d (3) Application on one site submitted to FIA and subse, wendiy
360 withdrawn (apparently because of neighboriood ovjectio on);
otner application withneld ( wrestinabiy for similar were,
Potal 16504 This constitutes approximately 2/3 of tue City's goal
for tie first two years of tie program. Uevelopers who
were originally enthusiastic are becoming very discouraged
and some are Suggesting quitting tie program,
Aprii 20, 1907
Problem Areas
Iltem HO. .
iio. Units Location Prozram Principal Difficulty
P-1 250 West of liollywood Road Turnkey Opposed by Racial Relations Section of HUD in letter
North of Proctcr Creek to jiousing Authority. Tentatively denied by LAA
P=2Z 450 Harwell oad South of Turnkey sened A-1l. Strongly opposed by NAACP in letter to Mayor
J =] a’k ff J
Banknead highway Allen. Tentatively denied Ly TiAA
P-3 125 Jackson Parkway, just | FePURSy Zoned Ae-l. Site not acted on by liAA, Lecause of objection
North of Bankhead i to the area by Interszroup Relations Section of [UL
P-5 156 East of Hollywood Road 221 d (3) FHA was declined to approve.
orth of lagnolia Cemetery Experimental
P-6 262 Off Lthueridge Drive East “O04 Special liaving difficulty in getting TliA approval.
of Jackson Parkway or Turnkey
C=1 204 Between Hollywood Read and Turnkey or Re-zoned reccntly for low cost ieusing ,rogram. lousing
Gun Club Road, N.W. 222 € (3) Authority not interested in site; FUA not sympathetic
toward it.
C-3 150 Betwe 2en Dekalb Avenue and 221 d (3) Zoned K-3, Planning Department is dubious about getting
oo Go eo
icLendoa at [lampton Terr. Rent Supl. pe-zoned.
| .
C-5 | LOO West of Jackson Parkway 221 a (3) Zoned 42-5. Pleauning bepartment cool tcward re-zoning.
iierth of Proctor Creek
C-18 1,700 between Peyton Roac and Willis j Turnkey eened R-S. Plannius Department is reluctant to
Hill Road North of Utey Creek 221 ad (3) zoned. (Clicusing Authority is entuusiastic about
221 d (2) .
C-21 600 Fairburn Read Uorth of sure sey or “ouings change reyguirea. Site net aciea on by HAA because
holy Family Hospital 221d (u) of objection by Inter,rou, Relations Section of NUL to
seneral area in the jiortiwest.
C-22 L75 Bankhead liignway at Turnkey Site wot acted on by IAA, because of ob jcction to tue urea
Ozburn Poad by Inversroujy Relatious Section of LUb.
Dp Tam f ~
Proviem Apeas
Item WoO.
No. inits Location Program Principal Difficulty
C=-23 480 North of Brownsville Rd. Turnkey eoned Vi-l. Site not acted om by HAA, Decausc of
between Hollywood and cbijectiou to the area by Intergroup Nelalions Section
Bolton Rds. of HUD.
D-1 224 Off Brownsmill Road south 221 4a (3) “Zoned ji-l. Objection from some residents of neighborhood.
of Oak Drive Co-op. Re-zoning denied April 17, by Board of Aldermen.
b-3 152 South Side Simpson Road 221 d (3) Strongly opposed by citizens residing i: Collier lieight
Last cf Kigivtower Road 2 in protests to Board of Aldermen. Site is not in
{ Collicr Heights rlaz: Arca.
D-5 62 Weodbine at Boulevard ‘turnkey or {| Housing Autnority not interested in this site for
Drive 221i d (3%) Turnkey; FRA cool toward it.
D-8 364 ff Boulder Park Drive 221 d (3) zoned K-3, Pianning vepartment is reluctant to heve
Southwest of Wildwood Lake Townieuses rezoncd because not consistant witn koulaer Park Pian.
D-9 160 West of Moreland Avenue 221 da (3) Rejected by FHA as not suitable site
Soutn of Constitution koad, SL Co-op
D-10 | 286 Custer Avenue Hast of Chosewood Turnkey 1 Planning Department anticipates strong opposition to
Park development of this tract for iow cost housing.
Dell 250 221 d (3) Application on one site submitted to FIA and subse, wendiy
360 withdrawn (apparently because of neighboriood ovjectio on);
otner application withneld ( wrestinabiy for similar were,
Potal 16504 This constitutes approximately 2/3 of tue City's goal
for tie first two years of tie program. Uevelopers who
were originally enthusiastic are becoming very discouraged
and some are Suggesting quitting tie program,