Box 18, Folder 27, Document 30

Dublin Core


Box 18, Folder 27, Document 30

Text Item Type Metadata



Legend: DATE Feb. 20, 1967
F - Relatively Firm An Inventery of
C - Being Considered Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed
D - Doubtful —~ — ot aca ee cera at
Item No, Units , No, Bedrooms} Rentals When Permit or
No, Now (exist Designation Location | Program | 1 [2 | 3 | 1 J 2 Available | Other Value] ene APTS
L IS1 Allen. Temple Off Gordon Rd. 221 d (3) 66 | 78 151 Newly developed
(Near Perimeter)
. 222 68 80} Feb. 1967 222 Under construction - FHA finaneed
178 70 178 In Planning (13 acres)
(Total to be developed 651)
2 180 Wheat St. Butler St. U.R. 108 U. - 30 133 In B Ltr. Stage - for FHA Financing
Gardens Project Rent Supl. 78 L4G Rent Supl. tentatively established
F W $960/yr - 1 family - Lewis Cenker
Bal. 221 72 70 Legal. Reduced from 240 units, Hav-
d (3) ing difficulty on final financial
arrangements, particularly tax
structure. Should complete planning
in 3 mo. and start construction by
. .
3 100 Park West {NW Cor, intersec. {221 d (3) 75 | 85 In pre-committment Stage 6.3 A.
[ Gousnion & Bolton Rd}Lim. Div. 15.9 U/A - FHA Financing approval
E expected in Feb. Plan approved by
Bldg. Dept. Lewis Cenker - Legal?
i Construction expected to commence
i in March.
—— a ~ - a =) | —
4 96 College Plaza University Center }221 d (3) 73.50 In Appl. Stage - FHA Financing
‘U. R. Project Firinn committment outstanding, FHA
e has advised project is in difficulty
i and sugzests that cost of land be
reduced or City assist in site prepar-
f ‘ation.
t ;


An Inventory of

Recently Completed, in Pevelornent and Proposed

DA\b Feb. 20, 1967

No, Bedroans Rentals When Permit or
Designation Location Program Ll {2 3] 1 [2 3 | Available | Other Value __ Cement
30 Chamberlain Butler Street In pre-committment stage - FHA
Realty Project | U.R. Project . 75 Financing
Fisher 6 Phillips (Legal)
200 Halcyon Park Off Boulder Park | 221 d (3) 70} 83 | 95.90 In B Ltr. stage - for FHA Financing
(London Town Dr. near Cushman Coop. Sponsor - FCli,Inc. (Same people who
Houses) Circle LOG. 40 developed Eastwych Village) To be
developed in 4 stages of approx.
40, 50, 50 & 60 units respectively/
Prospects changed from Probable to
*h Bedrooms
152 S.Side Simpson Rd. Developer - Polar Rock Devel. Corp.
; NW between Lincoln Rezoning from R4 to Al approved
‘Cem. € Hightower unanimously by Z.C. Dec. 22.Referred
Rd. back to Z.C. by Bd. of Ald. Jan, 3 -
Error in advertising (Bd, Ald. rec.
letter from Citizens of Collier
Heights strongly protesting rezoning)
Planning Board adversed on rehearing,.
Scheduled for Bd. of Ald. ilarch 9.
Prospects changed from Probable to
=o ree aa a wpa sicicat eae aiapenneivee erent =
156 i East of Hollywood {221 d (3) 27 | 129 75 | 85 8,5A. - Sponsor - I. Suporta
Rd. - N. of Mag- j}Experimen- Rental incl, utilities. Rezoned Nov.17
i nolia Cemetery tal Prospects changed from Firm to Probable
i Housing
Having difffculty getting FHA approval (Feb. (9)


An Inventery of


Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed

DATiFeb. 20,1967

Tt; No, Units No, Bedrooms] Rentals _ When Permit or
No, Wey EXise Designation | Location Program | 1 [2 S| "1 [2 [3 | Available | Other Value} oo ene
9 262 Herman A. Off Etheridge Dr., | 404 Spec. 38 [224 65% | 75% Application submitted to FHA Dec.28
Russell - Prop. | N.W. - 18.6 A; Density 15 U/A
P Sponsor - I. Suporta
Rezoning approved - Jan. 3
Having difficulty getting FHA approval (Feb. 9) Prospects changed from Firm to
* Incls. utilities
10 108 Parcel C-4 Butler Street 24 | 48 74 | 85 1,200,000 Rental incl. all utilities,
Parcel C-3B U.R. Project 28 95 FHA Al. Final appl. submitted Nov. 18
F Parcel C-ll 8 In C letter stage.
Sponsor - I. Suporta
11 16 Section 3-R-22 Thomasville U.R. 221 d(2) or Single family Sales Housing Bids due January 12, 1967.
' Project Conventional :
P 12 Section 4-R-22 Thomasville U.R. 221 d(2) or Single family Salles housing Sids due March 24, 1967
: Project Conventional.
20 Section 6-R-22 Yhomasville U.R. 21 d(2) or Single family Salles Housing Bids due February 8, 1967.
i Project Conventional.
$1 Section 4'-R-22 Thomasville U.R. 221 d(2) or Single family Salles Housing Bids due Dec. 13, 1966. No bids
; Project Conventional. ceceived, Belleau,Inc. interested.
i Builders want FHA to issue O-b commit-
nents. Another incentive would be to
i peduce price of lots.
58 Section 6-R-22 Thomasville U.R. 221 d (2) op Sinjle amily Sajfles ljousing 3ids due Dec. 14,1966. No bids
i Project Conventional. peneiveds Builders want FHA to issue
| O-B commitments.(FHA will not agree)
(157) | Lots Total One builder has offfered to take aJ.l lots if pePmitted tq build duplexes. Another incentive would be to reduce
‘FCH is considering! as a 221 dj (3)|co-op (D¢tached sitructures) latices of lots $200 to $500 each.
o ;


An Inventory of

ReRenely Completed. 0 Deveropient: gid propeced

DATE Feb, 20, 1967

Item No, Units | No. Bedrooms} Rentals ; When ; Permit or
No. | New fExist Designation |... booation | Proevram [I [2 [site [at Available Other Value| _ Comment
Soi sens os cians dha hecamsaialll sicteg Sp eaten Sis — satires ania piscsamaabaaslaeass
12 1500 Rockdale U.R. [oon d (3) 701,000 Bids to open Mar. 15, 1967 - 150 A.
(150)]} 1st stage Project F j \price for Res. and 9.14 A. Comm. Must buy all.
P | i ‘nes. land ;Considerable interest shown, (inel.
i 1 ,Diamond and Kaye and C @ S$).
‘ ;Only approx. 150 units committed by
i | ; FHA in lst. stage.
2 | i.
13 208 : | University Center 221d (3) i 974,000.00 {13 A. offered by H.A. Jan. 15. FRA
i | U.R. Project Non-profit ; Offering /has given reservation. Bids to be
Pt j } price for ‘opened April 12. Mills Lane & Philip
i | , land. Alston are interested.
if |
14 152 Parcels C-1, 3 Leawaunliashingtion 221 d (3) i $50,000.00 ‘7.6 A, Mills Lane & Philip Alston
and 4 »R. Project Non-Profit : Offering ‘are interested. FHA has given reserv-
P ; Between Capitol i . price for _ation for 152 units, 3 stories,
| Homes and I-20 | ; ' land. P laced on market Feb. 5. Bids open
| May 1, 1967
I i 1 i j t Zz
; | |
15 350 Public Housing , Thomasville U.R. | | Bid early ~ Av. cost See summary of Public Housing,
Project 1967 $14,500/U. attached, for breakdown,
‘ | | Po PG
16 140 | Public Housing | Perry Homes Ext. Bid Jan. Large units (3-5 bedrooms).
| South of Proctor 1967 See summary of Public Housing,
F Creek. attached, for breakdown.


An Inventory of

DATE Feb. 20,1967

Recently _Completed, in Development and Proposed

a a

ee eee

Item Noo | Units No. Bedrooms} Rentals _ When Permit or
Nos | New Exist _Designation _ _Lesation | Program | 3 p27 3] i | 2 [| 3} Available — Other Value Comment
: i a 2 or 7 ro ea — == : =
17 650 | Public Housing McDaniel St. SW 248 Oct. ‘Av. cost Included in summary of Public Housing
1967 $14,500/U. jattached.
F . 402 Mar. |
| | 1968
} | 1
l l
18 | | | :
Fo | 65 |Leasing Program N. of Memorial Ave, 2 65.00 Now Lease negotiated by H.A, Can take
_for Public Hous-| opposite Atlantic | ‘ possession only as units become
{ | ing Murphy Apts. Supermarket | _vacant 5 5 units now under HA control.
: | |
F | 48 °Tennesean Commons ! .(Standard - negotiated. 28 units now
Apts. _ Same Vicinity | | under HA, Control.)
| 1
F | 31 Sims Maddox's Capitol & Vinara | ‘Being negotiated. Require rehabilit-
Apts. | i ating: 8 existing units being conver
| ‘bed to 4 units with 5 bedrooms and 2
i baths each.
| | | | | i
F 1u4 Total under lease agreement | |
| f
| , | j t ; .
Cc 264 N.W. De. & 100 (164 Being considered; already zoned; if
Jackson Parkway | materializes, 8-12 mo. before occupancy,
zg 450 Off Harwell Rd., "Turnkey | | 34 A, Zoned; under option; H.A. and
| | NW. Fed. like; OK with Policy Comm. HA.
P | | | willing to receive proposals. Sponsor-
| | | Goldberg - Shafer Realty. Units tent-
| | i j atively pledged by H.A.
| | |
} t
| | |
| | | | !
| > ‘
i Loo 4

DATEFeb. 20, 1967

An Inventory of

Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed

nie ere ae eee oe en a

Item | No, Units No, Bedrooms] Rentals When Permit or
No. New (exist Designation Lecation | Program |L| 2 [a] oly? fos" Available | Other Value| __ ____Comment_
= |
20 62 ‘Woodbine at Turnkey or Sponsor - John A. Hartrampt, The
Boulevard Dr., NE | 221 d- (3) | Realty Group - Is interested in 5.8A
Cc tract on Woodbine at Boulevard Dr. NE
. Proposes 6 story highrise, preferably
' for elderly. Discouraged by HA because
of lack of commitment from HAA,
| , (Resolution adopted by Bd.of Aldermen
t | approved Dec. 20 requesting 3000
| aad. units.)
| |
21 360 availa Apts. ‘Near Carver Homes | 608 now Propose to rehabilitate and convert.
1 } ' Promotor - George Kaplan, Haas &
; | | Dodd.
| : |
| | i
22 1000 Blair Village West side Jones- 608 now ; i , Same as LaVilla. Also interested
boro Rd., S.E. ‘ ! in new construction on raw land.
23 800 i Off Fairburn Rd. Turnkey - Proposes Turnkey plus complete commun-
SW, near Holy ' ity development. Also interested in
Family Hospital } 500 bed Nursing Home on same property.
D Promoter - Ralph Rapelyea, President,

' Georgia Nursing Home Development Corp.
(Neyland Real Estate) (Property is
. available, but price is high.) (This
i project needs professional leadership
if it is to succeed).

DATE Feb. 20, 1967

An Inventory of
Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed


Item No, Units No. Bedrooms} Rentals _ When Permit or
Nos New [Exist Designation Location _ | Program |" 2 [3 |r | 2 [03 | Avatlable ' Other Value — Comment
24 250 Former Magnolia | West of Hollywood | Turnkey | Sponsor - Whiting-Turner Const. Co.
Cemetery Site Rd.,N.W. (North Also add (Bystry)
F of Proctor Creek) | units” pro- | Promoter - Bill Woodward of Adams-
20.5 A + ? posed in i ; Cates.
vicinity | Appl. for re-zoning filed Dec. 8;
under 221 approved by Zoning Committee Jan. 19.
d (3) / Board of Ald. approved Feb. 6. Units
| tentatively pledged by HA. Prospects
| "changed from Probable to Firm.
i i
25 100 \Gordon Rd. North 88 12) 75] 85 : Brick veneer, Promoter - Charlie
of I-20. i _ Taylor.
C Property not tied down 11/28.
26 200 West of Bolton Rd. ' Brick veneer. Apt. zoning. Bridge
N.W. South of cost? Promoter - Charlie Taylor.
Cc Sandy Creek Property not tied down 11/28.
~ eins
27 : Scott St. off j 2-1/2 A. + 4 A? County, R-5
Brownlee Rd. SW i Now in city limits, R-6.
c { Promoter - Jim Dempsey
sia “: a sci ew vinings ieee
28; 364 ‘Adj. to Country Town Houses _ 38 A. in County -Annexed Jan. l.
| Club Estates, | | Zoning - County R-6 proposes Com. Unit
Ge | Adamsville, off to ; Plan with cluster type developiuent,
Boulder Park Dr. Promoter-Harry Belfor. Owner-Luther
| | { Fraser. Planning suggests Community
Unit Plan (carries same density as are
i | : zoning). FHA considers this location
| | fo : premature. This project needs pro-
; | fessional developers in order to succeed,
i r
: |


DATE Feb. 20, 1967

An Inventory of F
Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed
Item No, Units No, Bedrooms} Rentals When :; Permit or
No: | New (Exist _| Designation Lesation | Program "2 [2 [3 “T | 2° [3° available © Other Value Comment
29 200 Peachtree on 176 Peachtree NW | Pvt. Ent. /100 Feb. 1, / $1.5 mil. Georgia Baptist - Elderly
Peachtree = a 1967 (Not low cost - not included in
F summary figures.)
i !
30 221 d (3) ' Broadbrooks - Builder.
ce L.D. | Interested in obtaining cleared land.
31 = d (2) | ' Ernest L. Bailey - Prefab concrete-
c | fiberglass panels. Interested in
' obtaining land.
i i
32 620 Golfview Cleveland Ave.Ext.; 221 d (3) 70 95 I ' 69,9A, Residential, multi-family/
: ! 16A. Commercial. Promoter - Robert
P |; (300), First stage : ' Laxson, Shaffer Realty. Approved by
| i City at density of 9.6 U/A under Com,
{ | Unit Plan. FHA given assurance City
| ' proposes to extend Cleveland Ave. to
| i serve project and develop Golf Course.
i i ; ' Promoter wants to increase density to
12 U/A because of loss of 9.6A. to
' School Dept. FHA 85% acceptance.
i : : - a
33 | 204 Between Hollywood / 60 | 144 i 20 A. Res (Low Rent) 7-1/2 A. Comm,
Rd & Gun Club Dr Proposed FHA Financing. Promoter -
c NW | ; Joe Anderson, Roy D.Warren, Re-zoning
| i approved Jan. 3. Site turned down by
I ! HA for turnkey. Prospects changed from
| Probable to Being Considered.
4 :
i , OU :
i {


An Inventory of

Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed

ee eee

DATE Feb, 20, 1967

Item No, Units No, Bedrooms} Rentals When Permit or
No. | NewfExist | Designation becation | Program |"1 | 2 “3 |"1 | 2 | 37] Available | Other Value Comment
34 200 Hampton Terrace | 14 acres,Off 221 d (3) 105 | 120/140 | Zoned R-3. Planning Dept. is dubious
DeKalb Ave, NE. Rent Supl. about re-zoning. Sponsor - Catholic
€ Between DeKalb & . Arch Diocese of Atlanta proposes to
NicLendon at 'apply for re-zoning. Promoter -
Hampton Terrace | Andrew Colgan, Allan-Grayson.
' Legal - Herbert Ringle.
| | i |
35 28 ‘Blvd. N.E. Area 221 d (3) ' Varied! ‘U.S. Gypsum proposes to rehab. as
Rehab. 'a demonstration project; owner was
e ‘reluctant to sell. Price increased
| as result of premature publicity.
36 150 Jonesboro Rd. SE Turnkey Requires re-zoning.
é S. of Hutchins Rd i , Builder - Billie Horn
37 i} 76 1145 Constitution | “Permit Permitted in November
F | Rd., S.E. $400,000 Developer - Polar Rock Dev. Corp.
38 20 1408 Conway Pl NW | ‘Permit Permitted in November
Fs | $82,500 Owner - Albert Zeder 6 Garson Parzen
j ' : :
39 *30 Nov.'66 Single Family | Various through- Permits under * Permitted.
#18 Dec. '66 out City. $15,000 ea.
F *66 Jan. '67 : i! Completed
#1 Dee. 166
“eH2 Jan.'67 ;
} 197 fotal ;

DATE Feb. 20, 1467

An Inventory of

Recently ¢ Completed, | in Development and ‘Proposed

Item No, Units No; Bedrooms} Rentals then . Permit or
No, New (e (Exist Designation _ Location __ Program of “2 3 | Ty? [3 “| Available Other Value ; _ __ Comment
LO 519 Nav ThESAEHONt aity H.C, Ent. | Now Units rehabilitated thru the
594 Dee (other than in ; ; Housing Code Division. These
F 416 Jan. U.R. Projects) . | do not provide additional housing,

! . 7
but do increase the standard

1,529 Total housing supply.

Ql 25 Nav. West End U.R. Rehabilitated by Housing
20 Déc. Project ' Authority. Same comment


F 35 Jan. : ' as above,
camisetas }
30 Total

t 1 ;
42 15 In U.R.Projects j Permits issued during Nov. for re-
| -habilitation thru the Housing Auth.
F Similar information for Dec. and Jan.
| ft i not made available.
i i | : i
‘ i ;
43 50 S.side of Westview 221 d (3) | | ‘J. M. Richardson of Johnson,
i Ave. SW in West {| Lim.Div. | : Richardson & Assoc. wants to purchase
Cc End U.R.Project | | | City owned land (mostly zoned R-5)

{ | f along S.side of Westview Dr. between
This property holds excellent potential for : Dargan Pl. and ilolderness St. (Approx,
development under 221 d (3) 3.4A). U.R. Policy Committee declined

| to act on. Proposes to hold status quo
i sa if = for present. _
ay | 65 W. of Jackson Park 221 d (3) Promoter -Carlton iiarlow, 10,.7A;
way N. of Proctor ' 1/2 in flood plane; requires rezoning}
Cc | Cr, at deadend of : t has obtained option. Is now R=-5,. Gon-
| Glenrock Dr. ; ing Div. unfavorable. Will file before

| | March 27 for rezoning; hearing May 4,


} 4 f f


Company property

; cated ceramic

ing a project on team concept.

DATE Feb, 20, 1967
An Inventory of
Recently Completed, in Developinent and Proposed
Item No, Units Nos Sem ret When ; Permit or
No. | New [Exist Designation _ Lecation | Program 1 | 2 [3 "L Available (Other Value} 00 Comment
45 100 Off DeFores Fy.Rd. Conv. 1 Under construction - conventional
c near Greenleaf Ct. Fin. i | financing. Owner Builder-b,.A.Martin.
| |
46 160 ; Valley View W. of Moreland Avej221 d (3) 19 | i 4 BRm
' Townhouses S. of Constitution} Coop. | 'Zoned A-1l engineering & site planning
D j Rd, SE lage! | “complete; by Engr, who planned East-
i j ' ; lwych Village. Owner-Sponsor - harvey
| | ; ‘Reeves. Approved by Planning Dept. FHA
i This excellent proposal 'was with rawn Feb. 9 from the 221 d (3) ‘unfavorable previously; has again re-
i program because owner-builder could not obtain FUR approval, Owner !cently seriously discouraged proposed
now negotiating with very substaitial company | ‘for conventional Builder, Fred Fett,as considered not
; apartment development of higher priced units and higher density. ineeded.Prospects changed from Probable
Fy oat ‘to Doubtful.
rf |; | tq
U7 36 Seminole Ct. Near N.Highland Turnkey 32° _8EF£iciency
Apts. & North Ave. NE Rehab. ure fy { ‘In fair condition. Excellent for
Cc i _elderly. Owner wants to sell. Listed
| | by Ed. L. Barnum Realty Co.
1 ' | .
| { i |
#8 | North West i ' i \ ' Terry Ormstein of Terry Realty Co.
: has tract available & considered
C | t | suitable for low cost housing. Is
interested in selling.
i { !
ao) Ud Not deterinined | Demonstration | Sponsor-—Builder - Chattahoochee
Probably on house proposed: i Brick Co., M.B. Scarborough & English
P using prefabri- Robinson; also interested in develop-

The development team concept has considerable merit. Iti

a t

has been successfully

demonstrated in some cities and is recommended by some housing officials.


DATE Feb. 20, 1907
An Inventory of

Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed

cee peal x sees ae eee ee ed

Item No, Units No, Bedrooms} Rentals hen | Permit or
No; New (Exist | Designation _ _Lecation Program [Lj 2 3 [ot 2 [3 "| Available | Other Value isnt ce eemmennncncree
50 Prefers City owned Jack Pennel, Pres., Homes by Jack
land. (Distributors for Kingsberry Homes),
G . : prepared plans & specifications for
i low cost housing unit and presented
them to City for consideration 1/18.
! 'B.0.'s objections furnished him 2-7.
i ‘ i
SL | 280 Custer Ave. E. of | Turnkey | Builder - Ralph Willis € John R. Hall
ChosewoodPark ! : QUA, combined tract. Prospects
Ds} ' changed from Being Considered to
| Planning Dept. anticipates strong opposition to development of this tract for low ; Doubtful.
cost housing. | |
| i '
§2 | 30 Scattered Conv. \ , | Enterprise Corporation , 130
| ! | Piedmont Ave., NE is interested in
| ' buying dilapidated low cost structures
| i _and rehabilitating them. Proprietor,
| | George P. Hart, has already rehabed
| | | 30 units.
| ' ' : ;
53 | 100 ; | David P. Edwards, Interstate Sales
1 | Corp. is seeking land on which to
c i develop low cost apartments (wants 100
‘ units) for lease to the HA under its
' lew-rent leasing program.
ott 250 hari benk Rd. & Turnkey 20 A. site zoned for apts. considered
Flynn Rd. SE t favorably by HA. Promoter - Bill Wood-
P i ' ward of Adams Cates. Builder -
liA is holding allocations in reserve for future possible use in the |Bedfore-Pine U.R, area. Whiting-Turner,.
L It appears some lof these could be allocated now to this project.

t ° .

i 4 | '
i \ |


An Inventory of

Recently Completed, in Development and Proposed

DATE Feb. 20, 1967

Item No, Units / No, Bedrooms} Rentals When Permit or
No. New (Exist Designation | _tecation Program |"1 | 2 pa] 12 ot Available | Other or Comment
i }
55 125 [ Off Jackson Parkway! Turnkey | 10 A. site;
i E. of Bowen Homes ‘ } Property is already zoned A-l.
PY We. of Hightower: | HA has tentatively pledged allocations
i fe i
| | |
56 200 i Butler St. behind _ Considering i | _ Big Bethel Church proposes to sponsor
5 Big Bethel Church | 207 | ' 10-14 story high-rise on church owned
Cc | | 221 d (3) ye ' propertyl00' x 276'. Rev. Bussey,Pastcp
221 d (3) Rent /Supl |! f ‘ vicCready Johnston, Legal Trying t
j i { ; “ ¥s ee ying to
: ‘negotiate for add. adjacent parcel 50!
\ | 'x 276', Zoned 41; applied for rezoning
1 | ‘to C=4; before Zoning Comm. in Feb.
‘Appl. not yet filed with FHA,
57 150 E. of Gun Club Rd. Rezoning appl, from R-5 to A-1 filed
Cc S. of Alvin Dr NW ‘by Joe Anderson of Roy D.iarren Co,
| liearing Hay 4; about 12 A.
58 | 480 5. of Oak Dr. SW 221 d (3) | 40-50 A, site now zoned M-1. Owner -
€ between Browns Mill) Coop Atlanta Bldg. Development Co. (Vic
Rd. & Empire Blvd. | Mosler). FCH Inc. interested in deve-
| loping.
= sen! Pease vereetend conn ena Laeeeserne penne eereeme Hates - ese sani imc
| j
59 480 /N. of Brownstown Turnkey i Zoned M-l. Whiting Turner and John
P ' Rd. between Holly- _ Hartramph both bidding for land.
wood & Bolton Rds. | HA and HAA consider site favorable,
| | r
| | psf | |


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