Box 18, Folder 27, Document 33

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Box 18, Folder 27, Document 33

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During the recent NAHRO Conference in Washington, Honorable silliem =, “idnell
(New Jersey), U.S. House of Representatives, author of the leasing progrem (contained in
Section 23 of the Housing Bill of 1965) strongly urged its use to sucplement, not replace,
the conventional ?ubdlic Housing procrem, lt is quick, (almost instantaneous) and
relatively easy to obtain and administer. The potential of this program is tremendous,
This progran is now in use in 77 cities in 26 states, with 15,647 units epplied for
end with 12,000 units under contract. It appears therefore that the housing Authority
should be urged to expand this year its current allocation of 300 units under the
leasing presrem, to perhaps 1000 units.

Although this vrosram does not within itself provide additional housing units in
the community, 1t coes provide decent, safe and sanitery housing or those in the
lowest inconxe bracsets and, equally as important, it encourages private enterprise
to build, rehabilitate and maintain property in good condition. Also it keeps the

prepervy om tne tax digest, at full tax rate.

lh. ne factor, not yet considered or included in our compilations, is existing
nousing in the low and medium cost Tielc, wnich is being vacated by families moving
out of the City or into higher cost housings. This factor alone could conceivably

provide 25% of the City's overall requirement for low and medium cost housing

Oe fi cut of tovm developer advised that in January he hed three applications #or
2214(3 jects in DeXalb Ccunty rejected by FHA because DeKalb County's

workable Prosrem has expired. On February 23, he informed .e that he was that day
filing applications with FHA for two similar projects in Atlanta (one for 250 units

and one for 360 units).

6, axtract from relocation Report #2, Ci, under Eligibility for Low Rent Public
Housing, states as factor (1):

ine eoplicant must have an address in Atlanta. This caoes not mean he must
have residence for any length of time, but he must be living, uoon application,

pA awe ear, eh ae " at
EGNCWHhere In the erea',

+ literel uterpretation of this policy could result in abuses by croducing an
oa | oe (cf F andy oe ‘ «| 4 ~ fe fz | bs san) abate 2 * + om = -
GEClGSS Scurce Ov eppiicants (previously residing in neighboring counties and

ea A tA Pe rte <P +4 -* } oy tele) 7
MuUnLciv alitics, or even otner areas of the State) coming te the Atlante area and

aiviying for fublic Housing, in anticipation of it being available here.

Sl SO exyerisi aS UG prevent Atlanta from ever setting enough “ublic Housing te

To prevent this from happening, it appears that strict requirements, should
be established for all applicants, prescribing a minimum length of time of legal

residence within the City Limits for eligibility for Public Housing in Atlanta.

7. The importance of conservation and rehabilitation in the future of existing

housing resources, rather than demolition and rebuilding, was the theme song,

repeatedly emphasized by Federal officials, throughout the two NAHRO Conferences

recently held in Atlanta and Washington. This point was particularly stressed in

both places by Mr. Don Hummel, Assistant Secretary for Renewal and Housing Assistance,

HUD, who on two occasions stated that during the first six months of this fiscal year, aes |
his office hes received applications for Urban Renewal projects amounting to more than

three times the budgeted funds available for the entire year. As each application is

recorded and given a processing number at time of receipt of the application in HUD,

the importance and advantage can be readily seen of Atlanta filing as soon as possible

its applications for any future Urban Renewal projects desired.

8. In view of recent technological advances in building materials and in order to

obtain reduction in construction costs through-assembly line procedures in the housing
field oy prefabrication, as is done in so many other industries, I recommend that a

special low cost Residential Zone District be established in Atlanta which would permit
erection of low cost single family Kenies (or combination of these together with duplexes
and/or apartments) similar to, or equivalent of, the "Swinger" by National Homes:

that for single family houses or duplexes, the minimum lot’ size be 50.2 100' (5000 sq. ft.)3
that an exception to the Housing Code be made to permit, in such zoning district, the |
bedroom sizes of the "Swinger" house ob equivelerts and that an exception to the Plumbing
Code be made to permit the prefabricated plumbing or equivalent of the "Swinger" house.

(See current zoning chart attached)

$3. Substantial predominately White occupied areas of tthe Oley shiver have changed to
predominately Negro occupancy dupline the past few years inotuas the Washington & Capitol
Avenue area, Boulevard & Park Avenue area, Center Hill,. Kirkwood and Peyton Road, north

of Utey Creek. This is apparently now taking place in the Peyton Road-Willis Nill Read
area south of Utoy Creek as far as Sewell Road. Continuation of this wholesale transition

Can create serious problems for Atlanta in the future,

10. Last week the Duvall-Wilson property (172 acres) in the Peyton Road-Willis Mill
area was placed under option by Mr. John A. lartrampf, of the Realty Group, and his”
brother, Dr. Carl R. Hartrampf, for low cost housing. This is probably the largest
undeveloped single tract in the City and Hae the potential of about, 1700 units. The
Hartramprs have requested an appointment with the Mayor before starting actual develop- »

ment of this area.

214 On ‘Mach 16the Housing Authority opened 4 substantial’ bids for the development of.
the Rockdale U.R. Project;. bidders were Douglas-Arlen of New York; David’ L. Rosen of

New York; Robert Chruchrow Conermbetine Co. of New York and Marvin Warren Corp. of
Cincinnati. Marvin Warren Corp. proposed 76% ‘coop and 24% rental; Rosen proposed. 256

coop and 250 rentals in the first stage. Others proposed rental: only.


12. Waterial has recently been received pertaining to the formation and operation of
the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation which, among other things, is utilizing

tax delinquent property for development of low cost housing.


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