Box 18, Folder 28, Document 6

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Box 18, Folder 28, Document 6

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T he Voitlce o f Atlanta's Conscience


WHEREAS the peace and good order of Atlanta were shattered recently by the
street riots in the Capitol Avenue and Boulevard areas of the city; and

WHEREAS there existed violence and racial tension that presented a potential
threat to the entire community, and that did in fact involve the heinous murder of a
Negro youth; now

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee of the Greater Atlanta Council of
Churches does hereby look with dismay upon such lawlessness and deplore such needless
killing; and

BE IT RESOLVED, That this Committee commend the Mayor of Atlanta for his prompt,
courageous and effective leadership in controlling the violence and the restoring of
order; the policemen employed in the civil strife for performing their duties
efficiently with due regard to the protection of life and property; and the group of
responsible Negro leaders who answered the call for assistance from the Mayor and
were a major force in turning the tide away from strife and choas.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we recognize the social ills which exist in our
community and that we encourage and support our civic authorities in their expressed
desire to bring about a greater degree of human dignity and opportunity for under-
privileged elements of our population; that we urge proper regard for law and order
at all times; that we give thanks for the climate of good will and brotherheod which
in large measure has characterized Atlanta; and that earnest prayer be made for the
love of God and the spirit of Christ to enter more fully the hearts of all our people
to the end that better understanding exist between the races and justice and righteous

ness prevail in our relationships one with another.

Adopted Leal vrs! ao, Lb

Executive Comittee, Greater Atlanta Council of Churches

Wedd weQith, dee
CML. nas ‘ a

- Signed:

(pour orb eran)


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