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| le Fayettevile
Heart of
107th YEAR-NUMBER 74
Northwest Arkansas
The Public Interest Is The First Concern Of This Newspaper
Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto
Clear to partly cloudy and
mild teday and Friday; baro-~
meter 30.30 steady; winds N
at 10-12 mph; sunrise Friday
5:56; sunset 6:36.
High Low
Expected today 78-82 57-60-
Yesterday 82 57
ng and NEA Features
News Briefs
Selma Police
Capture Owens
ROGERS, Ark. (AP)— Rog-
ers police were notified today
that Donald Eugene Owens, 28,
who at one time was believed
to have drowned in Beaver
Reservoir, is being held on an
open charge at Craig Air Ferce
Base near Selma, Ala.
Authorities were informed
that Owens was arrested last
night in a residential area.
Rescue units searched the lake
for a week after Owens was re-
ported missing on a fishing trip
Aug. 20. The search was called
off after a week when au-
thorities were notified by fed-
eral officials that Owens was
not believed to have drowned.
He was listed as being ab-
sent without leave frem the
Selma air base.
$9,000 Suit Filed
A Fayetteville woman has
filed a $9,000 damage suit in
Washington Circuit Court against
a Kansas man and another city
woman in connection with a two-
car collision Dec. 31.
Esther McConnell seeks the
$9,000 from H. D. Miller and
Sandra Gutharey, who the suit
claims was an employe of Mil-
ler. The suit also claims Miller
owned the car the Gutharey
woman was operating.
The mishap occurred at the
intersection of Dickson Street
and Hwy, 71. Mrs. McConnell
claims numerous personal injur-
Clark Quits Post
Chester Stephens, fereman of
Sanitation De-
, 185 been named act.|
ee ‘er
SAIGON, South Viet Namjdetermine whether saboteurs orjabout 40 yards from a U.S.Navy
(AP) — Viet Cong terrorists}a short circuit might have|minesweeper.
killed at least six persons and|caused a million-dollar fife that] Highlighting intertwined mili-
injured more than 20 today in|destroyed one American mili-|tary and political develop-
scattered attacks aimed at|tary warehouse and daMaged|ments: —
wrecking election machinery|another before dawn, the Viet) ——Premier Nguyen Cao Ky,
and frightening as many as pos-|Cong tried again to block the|in a roundabout discourse with
sible of South Viet Nam’s five|main shipping channel ' Sai-|newsmen, put himself back in
million voters from the polls|gon. the list of possible candidates
Sunday. A Communist mine €*ploded|for the presidency in the crea-
While U.S. officials sought to|harmlessly in the river Channel|tion of a new government due
As Blastoff Nears
Gemini 11 Pilots Ready
— Launch crews today fueled
Gemini 11’s Atlas-Agena target
rocket, as the pilots — confident
and ready to shatter space
records — rested for the double-
header blastoff Friday.
“All phases are proceeding
satisfactorily toward _ the
planned dual launching,” the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration said this morn-
Except for brief meetings
with project officials, Gemini 11
command pilot Charles Conrad
Jr., and spacewalker-to-be
Richard F. Gordon Jr., planned
only a casual review of their
flight plan today while relaxing
in crew quarters.
An easterly wave weather
situation — sometimes a portent
of a storm — developed in the
tropical Atlantie Ocean several:
hundred miles southeast of Cape)
Kennedy today, but weathermen
predicted rainstorms praca?
hi it would remain sou
“and we think we’ve 8% thatjusing the Agena’s main engine
chance. I couldn’t ask fer a bet-| to scoot them to a record alti-
ter flight.” tude of 863 miles, flying in for-
Goals of their planned "l-hour|mation with the Agena while
mission include a rapid Tendez-| tied to it by a 100 foot cord, and
vous with the Agena taréet sat-|performing an automatic
ellite on Gemini 11’ 8 first orbit “hands-off” re-entry.
[Be tune area and 2a fom] k
iet Cong Terrorists Step Up:
Efforts To Disrupt Election
next year. He said in effect he
was reconsidering his decision
te return to military duty and
might run because of the refusal
of his first choice, Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Van Thieu, to become a
candidate. Thieu is chief of
state in the present military
—The most savage in a ser-
ies of operations by Communist
agents to sabotage the election
Sunday of a 117-member Consti-
tuent Assembly was staged at a
village southwest of Saigon. A
government spokesman said the
Communist agents killed a gov-
ernment security agent, his wife
and three children.
——About 300 Buddhist monks
and nuns of a militant minority
opposing the government and
the election launched a three-
day fast to promote a boycott of
the polls. Loudspeakers at a
Saigo pagoda proclaimed: ‘A
vote on Sunday will be a vote
against Viet Nam.”
—While air squadrons car-
ried the main load of allied of-
fensive operations, lessened
ground activity was reflected in
a reduction of casualties on beth
sides last week from the week
of Aug. 21-27. The U.S. Com-
mand announced 74 Americans
were killed in combat, 570
wounded and 10 missing or cap-
tured. Over all, allied deaths
|were listed as 187, against 885
enemy dead,
——In Tokyo, Gen. Maxwell
D. Taylor said he believed the
Communists have lost more
‘|than 100,000 men from combat,
|disease and desertion this’ year.
—AP Wirephoto.. >
_ Miss Nawlor (lef ), Swimsuit winner, and Miss Dallas, the talent event victor, pose for
a Miss America Winners Named
of competition in the M»s lection on the piano to take tal-
eric - jent honors:
soaione Miss New Hampshire; Naney
Ainne Netlas 10 wan tha eiuim
dnesday 1 Hight in the opening (ult, performed a elassical se-
claims numerous personal injur-
Clark Quits Post
Chester Stephens, foreman of
the Fayetteville Sanitation De-
An easterly wave weather
situation — sometimes a portent
of a storm — developed in the
tropical Atlantic Ocean several
hundred miles southeast of Cape
Kennedy today, but weathermen
predicted rainstorms associated
epi Sate es with it would remain south of
ing superintemdent tollewing We! the launch area and away from
—~ ates of Daniel J. Clark, petential emergency landing
nay, 4 ee -
Clark 7g anitation superinten-|"
dent feor the past two years, re-
signed) Tuesday, Sept. 6. Clark’s
flight plan out so we have a
“We've endeavored to lay this]
future. plans were not revealed.
Fepx said applications for the
$6,600 per year position are now
‘ing accepted in his office. An
¢nterview for the pesition will
be held this week.
Clark was instrumental in es-
tablishing the new garbage train
and commercial containerized
system in the city, Fox said.
The new system was placed into
operation in June.
Faubus To Speak
Orval Faubus said today that
he will probably accept an in-
vitation to address the Demo-
cratic State Convention in Lit-
tle Rock next Thursday.
The Arkansas Democrat re-
ported today that Faubus would
be invited te speak and that
the invitation had the approval
of Jim Johnson, the Demecratic
nominee for governor and a
vigorous critic of Faubus.
The invitation apparently was
issued in the hope of uniting
Democratic Party factions for
the general election campaign
against Republican Winthrop
State Funeral Set
CAPE TOWN, South Africa
(AP) — The body of assassinat-
ed Prime Minister Hendrik F.
Verwoerd was flown today to
Pretoria for a state funeral as
two of South Africa’s leading
papers called for tighter securi-
ty procedures in Parliament,
“Tt is easy to be wise after an
event, but it looks as if security
arrangements in Parliament
are surprisingly lax,” said Jo-
hannesburg’s Rand Daily Mail
in an editorial.
Referring to Verwoerd’s as-
sassin, the Cape Times asked:
“How was it that a foreigner
and rolling stone could be ap-
pointed as a messenger in the
precincts of Parliament?”
Market Drops Sharply
NEW YORK (AP)—The stock
market dropped sharply at mid-
day in moderate trading.
The Dow Jones average of 80
industrial stocks was dewn 9.08
to 768.31 at noen.
Prices dropped without any
suring their power.
chance of doing everything,”
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Gordon said,
Speeders Face
Police Crackdown
In Fayetteville
Police Chief Hollis Spencer
today warned Fayetteville mo-
torists to observe the speed
limits and step signs on city
streets or suffer the conse-
The police department
Wednesday issued 40 traffic ci-
tations, most of them for speed-
ing and failure to observe stop
signs, in a crackdown on traffic
violations that included the use
of radar.
“We intend for these people
to slow down and stop running
stop lights,” Spencer said. “A
motorist can expect to get
caught in the radar net just
about anywhere in Fayette-
Spencer said there are too
many young children on the
city’s streets for his department
to tolerate fast or careless driv-
ing. He said in some areas
around the schools the traffic
hazard is worse because the
children do not have sidewalks
and crosswalks to use.
An AP News Analyst
Red China’s actions and
words these days suggest ‘that
the men now emerging at the
top of the heap in Peking con-
sider Moscow a threat to their
chances of nailing dewn and in-
Foreign Minister Chin Yi’s
statement in Peking about the
possibility of talks with the
United States on Viet Nam and
the statement by the Chinese
ambassador in Warsaw, full of
belligerence toward the Ameri-
cans, are not so centradictery
as they might seem.
particular selling pressure,
PLACES BLAMp—Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
charges Student Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee (SNCC) ig responsible for racial rioting that
near-certainty that th, Senate
will not vote before th, Novem-
ber elections ON the hotly
disputed oper housing section of
the civil rights bil ;
quiet sighs of relief fim some
senators up for Te-elegion.
As matters stand,
cratic leadership ig };
have to put the Ho
bill on the shelf after
F couple of
weeks of snail-paced }jinuster-
ing by its opponents. Bon if the
measure iS revived jater, it
would be in a post-e tion ses-
In two days of
supporters of the
have not been abl
senators On |
ji all seems to mean that the
Lead Ys
Peking regime does T% want to
get invelved in Wat in the
United States. But ., badly
needs an outside en vito. ae
cuse internal measure It could
hardly do me United
States as an ene ‘new and
apparently wants te a4 the So-
viet Union to its list foes for
good measure. {
Whoever controls China
now — and Deteneh sinister
Lin Piao seems to be g,jling the
shots — the regime gms hell.
bent for collisien oscew.
Meanwhile, around ye Red
world, everybody is gu¢ting into
the act. Peking may }, happily
anticipating am al unist
rocked the Georgia city Tuesday. (AP Wirephoto)
Rights Delay Pleases Senators
transact business. After a 75-
minute call of the roll produced
the required 51 Wednesday, Sen.
Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., man-
aged to get in a motion to take
up the bill.
But the Senate quickly turned
to a $3.5-billion foreign aid au-
thorization, After it sent that
bill along to President Johnson
by a 83-25 vote, the quorum van-
ished. When an hour’s effort
failed to get enough members
back, Hart gave up and moved
for adjournment for the day.
Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield called the outcome “a
disgraceful exhibition of doing
nothing.” He said opponents and
proponents of the bill were
donnybrook ef global prepor-
tions, *
Communist parties in Europe
now comment freely, frequently
and acidly on Red Chinese an-
ties. At the same time, all dis-
la ‘
which has swept China might
spread beyond its borders and
prove, as the Bulgarian party
munist world aims,
The Bulgarian party, faithful
echo of Moscow, warns that Chi-
ha’s purge, which Peking calls
“the great proletarian cultural
revolution,” might spread to
other countries and “create dif-
ficulties in uniting the people’s
were listed as 187, against 885
enemy dead,
—In Tokyo, Gen. Maxwell
D. Taylor said he believed the
Communists have lost more
than 100,000 men from combat,
disease and desertion this year.
Replacements “By the painfully
slow methods of infiltration un-
der air attack must present a
nan of the oint Chiefs of
Staff and former ambassador to
Saigon said in a luncheon ad-
dress. He said, however, more
U.S. troops and more air strikes
will be needed to bring North
Viet Nam to terms.
It was the second attempt in
two weeks to sink a U.S. mine-
sweeper and the fourth incident
in the shipping lane since Aug.
23, when a mine ripped through
the U.S. cargo ship Baton Rouge
Victory and killed seven Ameri-
can crewmen. On Aug. 28, a
Viet Cong mine sank a Vietnam-
ese navy minesweeper.
The U.S. command reported
the Viet Cong tried to mine the
57-foot minesweeper 17 miles
southeast of Saigon. A spokes-
man said there were no casual-
ties to the crew nor any damage
to the ship.
Grenade attacks, assassina-
tions and other violence were on
the rise as the Communists in-
creased their terrorist attempt
to disrupt the national election
Officers Elected
Clark McClinton of Fayette-
ville has been re-elected chair-
man of the Washington County
Democratic Central Committee,
a committee spokesman said to-
day. F
Also returning to office were
Miss Suzanne Lighton, the vice
chairman and A. D. McAllister
Jr., secretary-reasurer. The
vote was unanimous on all of-
worry that a contagion) th
said, ‘most dangerous” to Com-| tj
Masses.” In Communist lJan-
guage, ‘“people’s masses”
Means Communist parties, The
Statement reflects Moscow’s
Worry that more splintering and
Confusion are in prospect under
‘he hammer blows from Peking,
Peking’s latest official actions
Seem incomprehensible unless
ene considers a few probabili-
—~ That there has been a
Strong pro-Moscow element in
the Peking leadership and that
the Kremlin must be represent-
ed ag wholly wicked if the “an-
ti-reyisionist’’ leaders are to nail
down their autherity for good,
sobbed with joy and another
bubbled with happiness.
_The girls, from opposite ends
“oO. ‘cd Thon
— ee
Clears Senate
dent Johnson’s foreign aid pro-
gram is over the hill for this
year—but not out of the woods.
After weeks of debate and
fussing, a compromise $3.5-bil-
lion aid authorization Was on its
Three Directors
Seek Re-eleclion
Three members of Fayette-
ville’s first Board of D!tectors
whose terms expire at the end
of the year have picked "P peti-
tions calling for their T*-elec-
tion. City Clerk George Davis
said only the three hav© peti-
tions out. When signed by 50
persons the petitions aré to be
turned in at the clerk’s ffice,
Dale Dunn, Mrs. Delbert
Swartz and Dr. Garland Melton
Jr. wil] ask re-election for four-
year terms starting Jan. 1
After~ election last FeblUary
board members drew for ms
and the three drew short t@ms.
The other four members 0 the
board are not up for re-ele*tion
this year. ;
Petitions must be filed by°&n-
didates between Sept. 9 hd
— That in the midst ef the
Sept. 28.
struggle and confusion in Bed
China, the emerging leadersp
wants to force Moscow to méXe
the first move and, take #™®
blame for breaking the slender
thread still holding the tw®
oThe latest sequence of eyer!S
seems to make Moscow fi
main target of Peking’s mane
vers. First, Foreign Ministe
Chen talked to Japanese yjcjtol>
about Viet Nam talks, saying bf
didn’t want to see the Ypited|b
States and China “come jo { h
clash.” This seemed to ¢ ar’
hepes in Washington of @
change in Peking’s attitude to
the Point of U.S.-Chinese contact for
America contest,
Miss _ California,
By Eight Votes
way to the White House today.
But the measure, which pre-
viously had been approved by
the House, cleared the Senate
Wednesday by only eight votes
—33 to 25. Sen. J. W. Fulbright,
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee which
Miss America Winners Named
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)|Wednesday night in the opening/fault, performed a classical se-
— One beautiful teen-ager/round of competition in the M*s
lection on the piano to take tal-
ent honors.
ciérlene Miss New Hampshire, Nancy.
Diane Dallas, 19, »f10. WaS| Anne Naylor, 19, won the swim
SEE Ete SORE ll Salona te
Johnson's Foreign Aid Bill
Philippines, flew in as a sur-
prise after a year’s absence. He
brought along her 15-year-old
brother, Steven.
‘Nancy said she spotted her
father, Lt, Col. Harold Naylor,
as she paraded down the 120-
foot runway in Convention Hall.
“I saw him there waving over
the floodlights,” she said back-
stage later. “‘I was thrilled.”
Mrs. Naylor has been with
Nancy at the family’s home at
Nashua, N.H.
Nancy, who lived and traveled
handled the measure, wasn’t
even there to vote either aye or
But before the Senate gave its
approval, one foreign aid critic,
Sen, Allen J. Ellender, D-La.,
was urging that the appropria-
tion measure providing the
funds be slashed down. The ap-
propriation follows the author-
ization bill, which sets ceilings
and restrictions on the program,
and may set off a new round of
The measure as finally ap-
proved was a compromise
worked out by a conference
committee that reconciled doz-
ens of differences between the
Senate and House versions of
the program.
_ Originally, the President had
asked for $3,367,000,000 for the
aid program—both military and
economic. The House had au-
thorized $4,109,119,000. But the
Senate, in an obviously rebel-
lious mood, chopped the request
to $2,852,762,000.
Then the Chinese ambassador
in Warsaw, after one of his in-
numerable meetings with the
U.S. ambassador, accused the
Kremlin of “singing a duet”
With Washington about U.S.-
Chinese reconciliation. Moscow
had been needling China about
those talks in Warsaw, the only
Hopes for a changed Peking
Attitude faded again.
But there was no real conflict
etween Chen Yi’s remarks and
those of his envoy in Warsaw.
Ohen — and Mao Tze-tung him-
Self — had spoken before about
Not wanting a clash with the
ward negotiations on Viet yam,
throughout Asia and 42 states in
this country, hopes for a career
in the diplomatic service. She is
a sophomore at the University
of Colorado.
Miss California played “Toc-
cata,” by Khachaturian.
While calm and sure of her-
self onstage, the statuesque
brown- haired beauty broke
down in tears afterwards, “TI am
ecstatic,” she sobbed.
Charlene became eligible for
the pageant after the original
Miss California surrendered her
title to continue her education at
California State College in Hay-
ward, where she is a sopho-
ARKANSAS — Partly cloudy
with little change in tempera-
tures through Friday with a
few showers in the south por-
tion tonight and Friday. Low
tonight mid 50s. High Friday
Seen As Seeking Final Split With Soviet
The Chinese ambassador
would not act on his ewn. He
had specifie orders. Evidently
the idea was te surround Pe-
king’s position and defend it
from Soviet insinuations that
the Chinese, after all, were not
all that tough in facing up to
the Americans.
Since there has been no real
change in attitude, there
emerges a picture of the Krem-
lin and all “revisionists” as the
main targets of such goings-on.
One can surmise that Peking
really wants a final rupture and
is working hard te prod Mos:
cow's patience to the breaking
Porthtoest Arka i oe
mo aiap and Friday, bare
at 2 ph serie Fake,
5; eet
: me sa
Tha Poblic Interest Is The First Concern Of This Newspaper Se
‘ar YEAR-MOMGEL 74 Jazcihed Preis lieved Wire ond Weepatn FAYETDEILLE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER #, 1956 1 fn NA Fos ont
News Briefs | “Zz
ch biy Viet Cong Terrorists Step Up.
Cowes Efforts To Disrupt Election
ces pce vee tet SIGN, Soh Vet whether sabi about 5 yards from a ULE Navyjcest pear, fe siid in eect be
z sce is dit
ing iri il
tary and puiel deeap
—Prnir Boyer Cx Bh
ang tried agaie fo Wed Ge ie a ened Eco wit!
taahh siping closer] & Sa pet met tack
ra fe Dt of pile condos ep
{A Commis ine ede or ie greeny i the ces,
US. eBicials soa thority fn fhe cer Gane bn of anew pavement dt
Gemini 11 Pilots Ready=zzaes
CAPE RENO, Fi (Ad we ik weve 6 aesieg gprs an engi a! ee len
— jax meh crew: fetay a chee Teme’ ack 0° etn gent dhe ja a record a: Aboot Jab Bukdhit ems] |
Cemeic) E's ddcrlgena target) ter Tega” deo Al ee, pig fa ar aed mons flan miner
rock, a the ple — a eet ee ee ieee ae
en inch rapld Made ed toi by a1 fc con ad
vos withthe Apa (Rt mt! perbrming an sama by
lie on Gein U's 9 wt “hada” rey.
ishap red el eip a coc reiew of hee
Ambre of Thonn Sg ght pa bi wy : FIRST ROUND WINNERS
ibis Bowe quar. ek ea) fa Sig ea onl Mili, fed ae, pe
fae mers vty ited ay agri BP jaadaregt :
. vey dead
— Bins,
rs Pel ca Vers Kae
saa -
; | . sabe call! oso = ate
vai mt te] | I [pp eee eel Nowgnele ceca fem te pith a
~ | Peaemes “Ts PY sisal ih fy ad aber hme crit atte
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a eee Se) er ae sek et eet athe eh te J a oe if
: _ 5 - a ae
Joho Foeign did Bil afar:
Clas ele By Eh Vie see
5) AGN (AP) — pra nie Wt | rani Cmi Ba.
“Lae i there marty et
ipl We aig” dea at
Oe h .
bandied the meme, sc Ervin tn ad ly
res re bev her ape at cam, bpes fa cer
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(be vil prokatly acco a |
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Fe ekes Torey, bist ad # ae
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hat Prog wood 8G falls fy
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ecaerscat om PAGE Sek
Seen As Seeking Final Spit With Sova
Li AP Weg tna nee cs af el Oma” fy Comma nod cose PA) Thee de Crbese ‘Te Chet wohanabr
‘By LLL LRT nee i A the exertag eai9|2 War, ater om of is alt at Bk or,
owt neo ame :
1 i he cue teres BY
a Hel ey meray a
be opm) the Sy Png ey ay dv WE
ew haere a oa
Heart of
107th YEAR-NUMBER 74
Northwest Arkansas
The Public Interest Is The First Concern Of This Newspaper
Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto
Clear to partly cloudy and
mild teday and Friday; baro-~
meter 30.30 steady; winds N
at 10-12 mph; sunrise Friday
5:56; sunset 6:36.
High Low
Expected today 78-82 57-60-
Yesterday 82 57
ng and NEA Features
News Briefs
Selma Police
Capture Owens
ROGERS, Ark. (AP)— Rog-
ers police were notified today
that Donald Eugene Owens, 28,
who at one time was believed
to have drowned in Beaver
Reservoir, is being held on an
open charge at Craig Air Ferce
Base near Selma, Ala.
Authorities were informed
that Owens was arrested last
night in a residential area.
Rescue units searched the lake
for a week after Owens was re-
ported missing on a fishing trip
Aug. 20. The search was called
off after a week when au-
thorities were notified by fed-
eral officials that Owens was
not believed to have drowned.
He was listed as being ab-
sent without leave frem the
Selma air base.
$9,000 Suit Filed
A Fayetteville woman has
filed a $9,000 damage suit in
Washington Circuit Court against
a Kansas man and another city
woman in connection with a two-
car collision Dec. 31.
Esther McConnell seeks the
$9,000 from H. D. Miller and
Sandra Gutharey, who the suit
claims was an employe of Mil-
ler. The suit also claims Miller
owned the car the Gutharey
woman was operating.
The mishap occurred at the
intersection of Dickson Street
and Hwy, 71. Mrs. McConnell
claims numerous personal injur-
Clark Quits Post
Chester Stephens, fereman of
Sanitation De-
, 185 been named act.|
ee ‘er
SAIGON, South Viet Namjdetermine whether saboteurs orjabout 40 yards from a U.S.Navy
(AP) — Viet Cong terrorists}a short circuit might have|minesweeper.
killed at least six persons and|caused a million-dollar fife that] Highlighting intertwined mili-
injured more than 20 today in|destroyed one American mili-|tary and political develop-
scattered attacks aimed at|tary warehouse and daMaged|ments: —
wrecking election machinery|another before dawn, the Viet) ——Premier Nguyen Cao Ky,
and frightening as many as pos-|Cong tried again to block the|in a roundabout discourse with
sible of South Viet Nam’s five|main shipping channel ' Sai-|newsmen, put himself back in
million voters from the polls|gon. the list of possible candidates
Sunday. A Communist mine €*ploded|for the presidency in the crea-
While U.S. officials sought to|harmlessly in the river Channel|tion of a new government due
As Blastoff Nears
Gemini 11 Pilots Ready
— Launch crews today fueled
Gemini 11’s Atlas-Agena target
rocket, as the pilots — confident
and ready to shatter space
records — rested for the double-
header blastoff Friday.
“All phases are proceeding
satisfactorily toward _ the
planned dual launching,” the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration said this morn-
Except for brief meetings
with project officials, Gemini 11
command pilot Charles Conrad
Jr., and spacewalker-to-be
Richard F. Gordon Jr., planned
only a casual review of their
flight plan today while relaxing
in crew quarters.
An easterly wave weather
situation — sometimes a portent
of a storm — developed in the
tropical Atlantie Ocean several:
hundred miles southeast of Cape)
Kennedy today, but weathermen
predicted rainstorms praca?
hi it would remain sou
“and we think we’ve 8% thatjusing the Agena’s main engine
chance. I couldn’t ask fer a bet-| to scoot them to a record alti-
ter flight.” tude of 863 miles, flying in for-
Goals of their planned "l-hour|mation with the Agena while
mission include a rapid Tendez-| tied to it by a 100 foot cord, and
vous with the Agena taréet sat-|performing an automatic
ellite on Gemini 11’ 8 first orbit “hands-off” re-entry.
[Be tune area and 2a fom] k
iet Cong Terrorists Step Up:
Efforts To Disrupt Election
next year. He said in effect he
was reconsidering his decision
te return to military duty and
might run because of the refusal
of his first choice, Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Van Thieu, to become a
candidate. Thieu is chief of
state in the present military
—The most savage in a ser-
ies of operations by Communist
agents to sabotage the election
Sunday of a 117-member Consti-
tuent Assembly was staged at a
village southwest of Saigon. A
government spokesman said the
Communist agents killed a gov-
ernment security agent, his wife
and three children.
——About 300 Buddhist monks
and nuns of a militant minority
opposing the government and
the election launched a three-
day fast to promote a boycott of
the polls. Loudspeakers at a
Saigo pagoda proclaimed: ‘A
vote on Sunday will be a vote
against Viet Nam.”
—While air squadrons car-
ried the main load of allied of-
fensive operations, lessened
ground activity was reflected in
a reduction of casualties on beth
sides last week from the week
of Aug. 21-27. The U.S. Com-
mand announced 74 Americans
were killed in combat, 570
wounded and 10 missing or cap-
tured. Over all, allied deaths
|were listed as 187, against 885
enemy dead,
——In Tokyo, Gen. Maxwell
D. Taylor said he believed the
Communists have lost more
‘|than 100,000 men from combat,
|disease and desertion this’ year.
—AP Wirephoto.. >
_ Miss Nawlor (lef ), Swimsuit winner, and Miss Dallas, the talent event victor, pose for
a Miss America Winners Named
of competition in the M»s lection on the piano to take tal-
eric - jent honors:
soaione Miss New Hampshire; Naney
Ainne Netlas 10 wan tha eiuim
dnesday 1 Hight in the opening (ult, performed a elassical se-
claims numerous personal injur-
Clark Quits Post
Chester Stephens, foreman of
the Fayetteville Sanitation De-
An easterly wave weather
situation — sometimes a portent
of a storm — developed in the
tropical Atlantic Ocean several
hundred miles southeast of Cape
Kennedy today, but weathermen
predicted rainstorms associated
epi Sate es with it would remain south of
ing superintemdent tollewing We! the launch area and away from
—~ ates of Daniel J. Clark, petential emergency landing
nay, 4 ee -
Clark 7g anitation superinten-|"
dent feor the past two years, re-
signed) Tuesday, Sept. 6. Clark’s
flight plan out so we have a
“We've endeavored to lay this]
future. plans were not revealed.
Fepx said applications for the
$6,600 per year position are now
‘ing accepted in his office. An
¢nterview for the pesition will
be held this week.
Clark was instrumental in es-
tablishing the new garbage train
and commercial containerized
system in the city, Fox said.
The new system was placed into
operation in June.
Faubus To Speak
Orval Faubus said today that
he will probably accept an in-
vitation to address the Demo-
cratic State Convention in Lit-
tle Rock next Thursday.
The Arkansas Democrat re-
ported today that Faubus would
be invited te speak and that
the invitation had the approval
of Jim Johnson, the Demecratic
nominee for governor and a
vigorous critic of Faubus.
The invitation apparently was
issued in the hope of uniting
Democratic Party factions for
the general election campaign
against Republican Winthrop
State Funeral Set
CAPE TOWN, South Africa
(AP) — The body of assassinat-
ed Prime Minister Hendrik F.
Verwoerd was flown today to
Pretoria for a state funeral as
two of South Africa’s leading
papers called for tighter securi-
ty procedures in Parliament,
“Tt is easy to be wise after an
event, but it looks as if security
arrangements in Parliament
are surprisingly lax,” said Jo-
hannesburg’s Rand Daily Mail
in an editorial.
Referring to Verwoerd’s as-
sassin, the Cape Times asked:
“How was it that a foreigner
and rolling stone could be ap-
pointed as a messenger in the
precincts of Parliament?”
Market Drops Sharply
NEW YORK (AP)—The stock
market dropped sharply at mid-
day in moderate trading.
The Dow Jones average of 80
industrial stocks was dewn 9.08
to 768.31 at noen.
Prices dropped without any
suring their power.
chance of doing everything,”
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Gordon said,
Speeders Face
Police Crackdown
In Fayetteville
Police Chief Hollis Spencer
today warned Fayetteville mo-
torists to observe the speed
limits and step signs on city
streets or suffer the conse-
The police department
Wednesday issued 40 traffic ci-
tations, most of them for speed-
ing and failure to observe stop
signs, in a crackdown on traffic
violations that included the use
of radar.
“We intend for these people
to slow down and stop running
stop lights,” Spencer said. “A
motorist can expect to get
caught in the radar net just
about anywhere in Fayette-
Spencer said there are too
many young children on the
city’s streets for his department
to tolerate fast or careless driv-
ing. He said in some areas
around the schools the traffic
hazard is worse because the
children do not have sidewalks
and crosswalks to use.
An AP News Analyst
Red China’s actions and
words these days suggest ‘that
the men now emerging at the
top of the heap in Peking con-
sider Moscow a threat to their
chances of nailing dewn and in-
Foreign Minister Chin Yi’s
statement in Peking about the
possibility of talks with the
United States on Viet Nam and
the statement by the Chinese
ambassador in Warsaw, full of
belligerence toward the Ameri-
cans, are not so centradictery
as they might seem.
particular selling pressure,
PLACES BLAMp—Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
charges Student Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee (SNCC) ig responsible for racial rioting that
near-certainty that th, Senate
will not vote before th, Novem-
ber elections ON the hotly
disputed oper housing section of
the civil rights bil ;
quiet sighs of relief fim some
senators up for Te-elegion.
As matters stand,
cratic leadership ig };
have to put the Ho
bill on the shelf after
F couple of
weeks of snail-paced }jinuster-
ing by its opponents. Bon if the
measure iS revived jater, it
would be in a post-e tion ses-
In two days of
supporters of the
have not been abl
senators On |
ji all seems to mean that the
Lead Ys
Peking regime does T% want to
get invelved in Wat in the
United States. But ., badly
needs an outside en vito. ae
cuse internal measure It could
hardly do me United
States as an ene ‘new and
apparently wants te a4 the So-
viet Union to its list foes for
good measure. {
Whoever controls China
now — and Deteneh sinister
Lin Piao seems to be g,jling the
shots — the regime gms hell.
bent for collisien oscew.
Meanwhile, around ye Red
world, everybody is gu¢ting into
the act. Peking may }, happily
anticipating am al unist
rocked the Georgia city Tuesday. (AP Wirephoto)
Rights Delay Pleases Senators
transact business. After a 75-
minute call of the roll produced
the required 51 Wednesday, Sen.
Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., man-
aged to get in a motion to take
up the bill.
But the Senate quickly turned
to a $3.5-billion foreign aid au-
thorization, After it sent that
bill along to President Johnson
by a 83-25 vote, the quorum van-
ished. When an hour’s effort
failed to get enough members
back, Hart gave up and moved
for adjournment for the day.
Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield called the outcome “a
disgraceful exhibition of doing
nothing.” He said opponents and
proponents of the bill were
donnybrook ef global prepor-
tions, *
Communist parties in Europe
now comment freely, frequently
and acidly on Red Chinese an-
ties. At the same time, all dis-
la ‘
which has swept China might
spread beyond its borders and
prove, as the Bulgarian party
munist world aims,
The Bulgarian party, faithful
echo of Moscow, warns that Chi-
ha’s purge, which Peking calls
“the great proletarian cultural
revolution,” might spread to
other countries and “create dif-
ficulties in uniting the people’s
were listed as 187, against 885
enemy dead,
—In Tokyo, Gen. Maxwell
D. Taylor said he believed the
Communists have lost more
than 100,000 men from combat,
disease and desertion this year.
Replacements “By the painfully
slow methods of infiltration un-
der air attack must present a
nan of the oint Chiefs of
Staff and former ambassador to
Saigon said in a luncheon ad-
dress. He said, however, more
U.S. troops and more air strikes
will be needed to bring North
Viet Nam to terms.
It was the second attempt in
two weeks to sink a U.S. mine-
sweeper and the fourth incident
in the shipping lane since Aug.
23, when a mine ripped through
the U.S. cargo ship Baton Rouge
Victory and killed seven Ameri-
can crewmen. On Aug. 28, a
Viet Cong mine sank a Vietnam-
ese navy minesweeper.
The U.S. command reported
the Viet Cong tried to mine the
57-foot minesweeper 17 miles
southeast of Saigon. A spokes-
man said there were no casual-
ties to the crew nor any damage
to the ship.
Grenade attacks, assassina-
tions and other violence were on
the rise as the Communists in-
creased their terrorist attempt
to disrupt the national election
Officers Elected
Clark McClinton of Fayette-
ville has been re-elected chair-
man of the Washington County
Democratic Central Committee,
a committee spokesman said to-
day. F
Also returning to office were
Miss Suzanne Lighton, the vice
chairman and A. D. McAllister
Jr., secretary-reasurer. The
vote was unanimous on all of-
worry that a contagion) th
said, ‘most dangerous” to Com-| tj
Masses.” In Communist lJan-
guage, ‘“people’s masses”
Means Communist parties, The
Statement reflects Moscow’s
Worry that more splintering and
Confusion are in prospect under
‘he hammer blows from Peking,
Peking’s latest official actions
Seem incomprehensible unless
ene considers a few probabili-
—~ That there has been a
Strong pro-Moscow element in
the Peking leadership and that
the Kremlin must be represent-
ed ag wholly wicked if the “an-
ti-reyisionist’’ leaders are to nail
down their autherity for good,
sobbed with joy and another
bubbled with happiness.
_The girls, from opposite ends
“oO. ‘cd Thon
— ee
Clears Senate
dent Johnson’s foreign aid pro-
gram is over the hill for this
year—but not out of the woods.
After weeks of debate and
fussing, a compromise $3.5-bil-
lion aid authorization Was on its
Three Directors
Seek Re-eleclion
Three members of Fayette-
ville’s first Board of D!tectors
whose terms expire at the end
of the year have picked "P peti-
tions calling for their T*-elec-
tion. City Clerk George Davis
said only the three hav© peti-
tions out. When signed by 50
persons the petitions aré to be
turned in at the clerk’s ffice,
Dale Dunn, Mrs. Delbert
Swartz and Dr. Garland Melton
Jr. wil] ask re-election for four-
year terms starting Jan. 1
After~ election last FeblUary
board members drew for ms
and the three drew short t@ms.
The other four members 0 the
board are not up for re-ele*tion
this year. ;
Petitions must be filed by°&n-
didates between Sept. 9 hd
— That in the midst ef the
Sept. 28.
struggle and confusion in Bed
China, the emerging leadersp
wants to force Moscow to méXe
the first move and, take #™®
blame for breaking the slender
thread still holding the tw®
oThe latest sequence of eyer!S
seems to make Moscow fi
main target of Peking’s mane
vers. First, Foreign Ministe
Chen talked to Japanese yjcjtol>
about Viet Nam talks, saying bf
didn’t want to see the Ypited|b
States and China “come jo { h
clash.” This seemed to ¢ ar’
hepes in Washington of @
change in Peking’s attitude to
the Point of U.S.-Chinese contact for
America contest,
Miss _ California,
By Eight Votes
way to the White House today.
But the measure, which pre-
viously had been approved by
the House, cleared the Senate
Wednesday by only eight votes
—33 to 25. Sen. J. W. Fulbright,
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee which
Miss America Winners Named
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)|Wednesday night in the opening/fault, performed a classical se-
— One beautiful teen-ager/round of competition in the M*s
lection on the piano to take tal-
ent honors.
ciérlene Miss New Hampshire, Nancy.
Diane Dallas, 19, »f10. WaS| Anne Naylor, 19, won the swim
SEE Ete SORE ll Salona te
Johnson's Foreign Aid Bill
Philippines, flew in as a sur-
prise after a year’s absence. He
brought along her 15-year-old
brother, Steven.
‘Nancy said she spotted her
father, Lt, Col. Harold Naylor,
as she paraded down the 120-
foot runway in Convention Hall.
“I saw him there waving over
the floodlights,” she said back-
stage later. “‘I was thrilled.”
Mrs. Naylor has been with
Nancy at the family’s home at
Nashua, N.H.
Nancy, who lived and traveled
handled the measure, wasn’t
even there to vote either aye or
But before the Senate gave its
approval, one foreign aid critic,
Sen, Allen J. Ellender, D-La.,
was urging that the appropria-
tion measure providing the
funds be slashed down. The ap-
propriation follows the author-
ization bill, which sets ceilings
and restrictions on the program,
and may set off a new round of
The measure as finally ap-
proved was a compromise
worked out by a conference
committee that reconciled doz-
ens of differences between the
Senate and House versions of
the program.
_ Originally, the President had
asked for $3,367,000,000 for the
aid program—both military and
economic. The House had au-
thorized $4,109,119,000. But the
Senate, in an obviously rebel-
lious mood, chopped the request
to $2,852,762,000.
Then the Chinese ambassador
in Warsaw, after one of his in-
numerable meetings with the
U.S. ambassador, accused the
Kremlin of “singing a duet”
With Washington about U.S.-
Chinese reconciliation. Moscow
had been needling China about
those talks in Warsaw, the only
Hopes for a changed Peking
Attitude faded again.
But there was no real conflict
etween Chen Yi’s remarks and
those of his envoy in Warsaw.
Ohen — and Mao Tze-tung him-
Self — had spoken before about
Not wanting a clash with the
ward negotiations on Viet yam,
throughout Asia and 42 states in
this country, hopes for a career
in the diplomatic service. She is
a sophomore at the University
of Colorado.
Miss California played “Toc-
cata,” by Khachaturian.
While calm and sure of her-
self onstage, the statuesque
brown- haired beauty broke
down in tears afterwards, “TI am
ecstatic,” she sobbed.
Charlene became eligible for
the pageant after the original
Miss California surrendered her
title to continue her education at
California State College in Hay-
ward, where she is a sopho-
ARKANSAS — Partly cloudy
with little change in tempera-
tures through Friday with a
few showers in the south por-
tion tonight and Friday. Low
tonight mid 50s. High Friday
Seen As Seeking Final Split With Soviet
The Chinese ambassador
would not act on his ewn. He
had specifie orders. Evidently
the idea was te surround Pe-
king’s position and defend it
from Soviet insinuations that
the Chinese, after all, were not
all that tough in facing up to
the Americans.
Since there has been no real
change in attitude, there
emerges a picture of the Krem-
lin and all “revisionists” as the
main targets of such goings-on.
One can surmise that Peking
really wants a final rupture and
is working hard te prod Mos:
cow's patience to the breaking
Porthtoest Arka i oe
mo aiap and Friday, bare
at 2 ph serie Fake,
5; eet
: me sa
Tha Poblic Interest Is The First Concern Of This Newspaper Se
‘ar YEAR-MOMGEL 74 Jazcihed Preis lieved Wire ond Weepatn FAYETDEILLE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER #, 1956 1 fn NA Fos ont
News Briefs | “Zz
ch biy Viet Cong Terrorists Step Up.
Cowes Efforts To Disrupt Election
ces pce vee tet SIGN, Soh Vet whether sabi about 5 yards from a ULE Navyjcest pear, fe siid in eect be
z sce is dit
ing iri il
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—Prnir Boyer Cx Bh
ang tried agaie fo Wed Ge ie a ened Eco wit!
taahh siping closer] & Sa pet met tack
ra fe Dt of pile condos ep
{A Commis ine ede or ie greeny i the ces,
US. eBicials soa thority fn fhe cer Gane bn of anew pavement dt
Gemini 11 Pilots Ready=zzaes
CAPE RENO, Fi (Ad we ik weve 6 aesieg gprs an engi a! ee len
— jax meh crew: fetay a chee Teme’ ack 0° etn gent dhe ja a record a: Aboot Jab Bukdhit ems] |
Cemeic) E's ddcrlgena target) ter Tega” deo Al ee, pig fa ar aed mons flan miner
rock, a the ple — a eet ee ee ieee ae
en inch rapld Made ed toi by a1 fc con ad
vos withthe Apa (Rt mt! perbrming an sama by
lie on Gein U's 9 wt “hada” rey.
ishap red el eip a coc reiew of hee
Ambre of Thonn Sg ght pa bi wy : FIRST ROUND WINNERS
ibis Bowe quar. ek ea) fa Sig ea onl Mili, fed ae, pe
fae mers vty ited ay agri BP jaadaregt :
. vey dead
— Bins,
rs Pel ca Vers Kae
saa -
; | . sabe call! oso = ate
vai mt te] | I [pp eee eel Nowgnele ceca fem te pith a
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: _ 5 - a ae
Joho Foeign did Bil afar:
Clas ele By Eh Vie see
5) AGN (AP) — pra nie Wt | rani Cmi Ba.
“Lae i there marty et
ipl We aig” dea at
Oe h .
bandied the meme, sc Ervin tn ad ly
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(be vil prokatly acco a |
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Fe ekes Torey, bist ad # ae
te at 1 ana
hat Prog wood 8G falls fy
eats ea nk tS 8 cobn eae TO
fe Sic Ant the pra sis Utah ewe
of Tn Jno, fe Denner fate, |
ecaerscat om PAGE Sek
Seen As Seeking Final Spit With Sova
Li AP Weg tna nee cs af el Oma” fy Comma nod cose PA) Thee de Crbese ‘Te Chet wohanabr
‘By LLL LRT nee i A the exertag eai9|2 War, ater om of is alt at Bk or,
owt neo ame :
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