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6A @ ARKANSAS GAZETTE, Sat., Sept. 10, 1966. nwo! wy
Carmichael Is Ordered
In Riot Case; Bond Spurned
ATLANTA (UPI) — Contro-
versial ‘“‘black power’ leader
Stokely Carmichael was bound
over to'a Grand Jury Friday on
a charge of inciti lot;
then was returned to his jail
eell. Bond for Carmichael, 25,
was set at $10,000.
Associates of Carmichael said
that he would remain behind
bars as a “political prisoner.”
“Mr. Carmichael is a political
wey erereren:
prisoner captured by Atlanta
police and chooses to stay in
jail,” James Forman, acting
chairman of the Student Nonvio-
djlent Co-ordinating Committee
said at a news conference.
Forman, who came here from
Philadelphia to take command
in Carmichael’s absence, and
other SNCC leaders issued a
barrage of bitter statements
against Atlanta Mayor Ivan
Allen, the Police Department
and the United States war effort
in Vietnam.
Forman said Atlanta can
count on intensified demonstra-
tions in the near future but gave
no details.
The SNCC spokesman charged
that Allen is “a pawn in a
national conspiracy to destroy
SNCC and a growing militancy
in the black community.”
“Eyery white racist politician
in this country would like to see
SNCC crushed for its stand
against [President] Johnson's
|policies in Vietnam and the
‘}sending of black mercenaries to
fight an illegal war,’’ SNCC
Program Director Cleveland
Sellers said.
Police arrested Carmichael
about midnight Thursday night.
He is accused of inciting an
outburst Tuesday in which 1,000
Negroes pelted police with
stones and bottles and toppled
|Mayor Alles from a ear when
he tried to reason with them,
Denounced by many of his
own people, Carmichael re-
turned to the riot-scarred dis-
trict Thursday and went from
door to door telling residents he
was not responsible for the riot.
But his troubles continued to
mount during the day. First, he
was denounced on the floor of
Congress as ian ‘‘anarchist,”
then his one-time associate
Julian Bond, the Negro repre-
sentative-elect the Georgia
House refused to seqe, an-
nounced he was pulling out of
SNCC, and finally he was taken
into custody.
Original ‘Snick’ Dead,
Publisher McGill Writes
In Friday morning editions of
the Atlanta Constitution, Pub-
lisher Ralph McGill devoted his
front-page column to what he
termed “The Story of the Two
Snicks."’ *
“Snick today,’’ McGill wrote,
“is Carmichael saying that
when you talk of black power
‘you are talking about building a
movement that will smash
everything Western civilization
has created,’
“sa « This new Snick has
killed off the original Snick—the
one that attracted the idealistic
collegé students of both races to
share jail, fear, terror, and to
work together. \
“This Snick is no longer a
civil rights organization * » «.”
Carmichael appeared un-
daunted by the turn of events.
Asked what Carmichael had to
say when he was led off to jail,
Howard Moore, Carmichael’s
allorney, reported that the
Negro leader urged his follow-
ers (“fo keep fighting,)”
Later SNCC called a news
conference at which it handed
out a blistering statement in
Canrgchasls pape. It accused
ayor ng a racist,
and added: “lv is not a
white king and we are not his
black subjects.”
The statement claimed the
riot was a revolt against the
mayor “and his corrupt Police
Department.” It also accused
run out on the black communi-|f
ty, but declared: ‘‘We are
here—here, baby! We will stay)
and shall keep on fighting
racism, including the racism of
Mayor Allen and his lies”
Since last January 6 when
deposed SNCC Chairman John
Lewis publicly denounced the
United States war . in
Vietnam, Carmichael has risen
to top man within the organiza-
tion. ‘‘Black power” became his
symbol and only the most
militant have stuck by him.
Under his direction, the or-
ganization stepped up a cam-
aign of spéaking out against
| i} t
has hemp a
Dr. Martin Luther King's
Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, the NAACP and the
National Urban League quickly
abandoned any pretext of sym-
pa for SNCC, Only the!
Muslims and the Gone of
Racial Equality ned
On advice of Moore, Carmi-
chael waived oe ” meipa
hearing Friday
Allen of saying that SNCC has;Court, and the case
Carmichael Is Ordered
In Riot Case; Bond Spurned
ATLANTA (UPI) — Contro-
versial ‘“‘black power’ leader
Stokely Carmichael was bound
over to'a Grand Jury Friday on
a charge of inciti lot;
then was returned to his jail
eell. Bond for Carmichael, 25,
was set at $10,000.
Associates of Carmichael said
that he would remain behind
bars as a “political prisoner.”
“Mr. Carmichael is a political
wey erereren:
prisoner captured by Atlanta
police and chooses to stay in
jail,” James Forman, acting
chairman of the Student Nonvio-
djlent Co-ordinating Committee
said at a news conference.
Forman, who came here from
Philadelphia to take command
in Carmichael’s absence, and
other SNCC leaders issued a
barrage of bitter statements
against Atlanta Mayor Ivan
Allen, the Police Department
and the United States war effort
in Vietnam.
Forman said Atlanta can
count on intensified demonstra-
tions in the near future but gave
no details.
The SNCC spokesman charged
that Allen is “a pawn in a
national conspiracy to destroy
SNCC and a growing militancy
in the black community.”
“Eyery white racist politician
in this country would like to see
SNCC crushed for its stand
against [President] Johnson's
|policies in Vietnam and the
‘}sending of black mercenaries to
fight an illegal war,’’ SNCC
Program Director Cleveland
Sellers said.
Police arrested Carmichael
about midnight Thursday night.
He is accused of inciting an
outburst Tuesday in which 1,000
Negroes pelted police with
stones and bottles and toppled
|Mayor Alles from a ear when
he tried to reason with them,
Denounced by many of his
own people, Carmichael re-
turned to the riot-scarred dis-
trict Thursday and went from
door to door telling residents he
was not responsible for the riot.
But his troubles continued to
mount during the day. First, he
was denounced on the floor of
Congress as ian ‘‘anarchist,”
then his one-time associate
Julian Bond, the Negro repre-
sentative-elect the Georgia
House refused to seqe, an-
nounced he was pulling out of
SNCC, and finally he was taken
into custody.
Original ‘Snick’ Dead,
Publisher McGill Writes
In Friday morning editions of
the Atlanta Constitution, Pub-
lisher Ralph McGill devoted his
front-page column to what he
termed “The Story of the Two
Snicks."’ *
“Snick today,’’ McGill wrote,
“is Carmichael saying that
when you talk of black power
‘you are talking about building a
movement that will smash
everything Western civilization
has created,’
“sa « This new Snick has
killed off the original Snick—the
one that attracted the idealistic
collegé students of both races to
share jail, fear, terror, and to
work together. \
“This Snick is no longer a
civil rights organization * » «.”
Carmichael appeared un-
daunted by the turn of events.
Asked what Carmichael had to
say when he was led off to jail,
Howard Moore, Carmichael’s
allorney, reported that the
Negro leader urged his follow-
ers (“fo keep fighting,)”
Later SNCC called a news
conference at which it handed
out a blistering statement in
Canrgchasls pape. It accused
ayor ng a racist,
and added: “lv is not a
white king and we are not his
black subjects.”
The statement claimed the
riot was a revolt against the
mayor “and his corrupt Police
Department.” It also accused
run out on the black communi-|f
ty, but declared: ‘‘We are
here—here, baby! We will stay)
and shall keep on fighting
racism, including the racism of
Mayor Allen and his lies”
Since last January 6 when
deposed SNCC Chairman John
Lewis publicly denounced the
United States war . in
Vietnam, Carmichael has risen
to top man within the organiza-
tion. ‘‘Black power” became his
symbol and only the most
militant have stuck by him.
Under his direction, the or-
ganization stepped up a cam-
aign of spéaking out against
| i} t
has hemp a
Dr. Martin Luther King's
Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, the NAACP and the
National Urban League quickly
abandoned any pretext of sym-
pa for SNCC, Only the!
Muslims and the Gone of
Racial Equality ned
On advice of Moore, Carmi-
chael waived oe ” meipa
hearing Friday
Allen of saying that SNCC has;Court, and the case